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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I really don't understand this attitude or mentality?! Just because something works (let's not forget we are paying for a service, so it should work!!), it shouldn't cost an absolute fortune, nor should we be happy with constant price rises!! All this b*llocks about if it works suck it up, if doesn't go elsewhere, I find bizarre!! Yes Autotrader works, which is why most of us stick with it, but a) it really shouldn't have to cost so much, and b they really don't need to be putting their prices up by so much.... Just because something works, doesn't mean we should have to pay through the nose for it!!!!
  2. 1 point
    Yeah..breach of contract must have cost him £600- £700,was he a Scotsman.Never kept a deposit anywhere near that before.In the north east if I did that,there would be a contract out on me...! AD I hope you declared the VAT on the £400,......I would have tried to record it as some sort of donation or something.....and failed !
  3. 1 point
    Well i blame autotrader
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    im sure it was 18 words used to spend minutes finding the right words whilst the useless rep took crap pictures and then as you say on the day the photo was totally wrong but you got a free credit happy days
  6. 1 point
    I feel your pain, Birmingham fan here and surrounded but Wolves fans
  7. 1 point
    Oh feel free, being a Wrexham fan I'm still dining out on what happened all those years ago I'm a huge fan of Wenger but he really is in danger of tainting his legacy at the moment. Announce this will be his last and then maybe one or two players will find some backbone and hopefully give him a european swansong that he richly deserves. The team as I see it needs major surgery (as did Utd when Fergie left) so I just can't see the in him staying beyond the summer. PS. No apologies from me for going off thread, the AT debate got boring a long time ago. Sigh.
  8. 1 point
    At the end of the day there is no point being bitter and arguing with ourselves over what another company are charging. Everyones comments and opinions on here are in actual fact mostly correct. On a cross subject along the same lines in my personal aspect I am an avid Arsenal supporter and until 3 years ago had a season ticket with my father and a few friends which would have extended to an additional 1 due to the coming of my son ( End on June ). We all cancelled our season tickets due to the insane prices and lack of "value for money" which Arsenal were so quick to throw down our throats as an excuse to charge so much. There used to be a waiting list (7 YEARS!) for the season tickets and even though we cancelled 3 years ago, this season already I've had 2 reminders of "Don't miss your season ticket chance for 2018/19 season..." It goes to show if you charge sooo much for soo little things will back fire. Arsenal stopped spending money on good players, over paid for average and now have a manager who dictates if and when he will go. That's just pure ignorance and a lack of business acumen and sadly for us supporters things are going to get worse before they get better. The point is that Arsenal are now not getting the income from merchandise, food sales, drink sales, etc from the crowd as it's getting lower and lower with less people turning up. Yes they still have the seats sold but they lose on the rest of the products to be purchased and in turn their performances will have an effect on the commercial deals that are due to be re-negotiated. Autotrader are not doing that, they are spending, they are trying to stay ahead with new products, like the finance search they just launched and spent millions advertising. Everything has cycles. At the moment and in the last 10 years AT have been on top and they have rightly been on top due to the amount of research and money they put in to be there. It's not luck, it's not chance it's them doing their job correctly and ensuring they have the audience to be able to promote themselves and in turn the dealers that advertise with them. They are a platform, nothing more and nothing less, but we don't have the budgets to do all these huge advertising packages. Yes they are expensive, yes I've cancelled with them as it worked out we were spending just over £1,000 per sale. Until you sit down and work out what the stand in value it costs per sale then you actually really do not know what it costs you to advertise with them. Like I say, everything has cycles and where they are they have to spend fortunes to stay there as it doesn't take long for a cycle to shift. I know many a dealer who love AT as they only advertise with AT. I know a few dealers who only advertise with Facebook. I also know a few, like myself, who advertise with CarGurus, Ebay, AA and Facebook and all do ok. AutoTrader is not the be all and end all, far from it. Just do your numbers and try other things as what works for one doesn't always work for all. AutoTrader are top, but that doesn't mean people stop then and there. They search like most of us do. When I book a holiday do I just go to Virgin? No I go to BA, Holiday Supermarkets and google for more as I want the best deal and to make sure I've checked out all my options. It's the same principle in everything involved in shopping. Hardly anyone just checks on 1 site. (PS - Sorry to throw a side subject of Arsenal in to the mix but thought it would be a good example)
  9. 1 point
    So basically all of those that Worship Autotrader wont be interested in any price drops in the future.... and will actually request that they should actually continue to have price increases forever more.
  10. 1 point
    To which you reply "no, that's fine, I'm quite happy to pop over now while they are pdi'ing the car for you, be there in 10mins". Don't forget the idea is not to go to them but to 'encourage' them to come to you? Taking a car to a punter always puts you on the 'back foot' as far as negotiation is concerned
  11. 1 point
    An upfront deposit on the basis of “accuracy” stops the wasters.
  12. 1 point
    AUTORAPER is what they should be called,back in 2012-2013 my friend and i started the "THE MOTOR TRADERS ADVERTISING UNION" I started this because at that time they were trying to get it to £15 per car per week,we beat them and the prise increase was canceled and only a moderate rise was implemented,this is a cruel and unnecessary rise,in our area (Bristol) garages are shutting down,4 so far this month,if you are with auto trader its about being the cheapest and they advertise on you pages finance shutting down another of our revenue streams, a race to the bottom i call it.I WILL be starting this up again but i am not going to pay for it all AGAIN the last time it cost my friend and I .If you car dealers want to start a sustained attack plenty of bad press for Autotrader join, we need to stick together the last time our membership was up to over a 1000,Car Dealer Magazine took up the story and so did the Times i only stopped last time as i had a personal tragedy,Iam back on my feet and ready to do this again, if any of you want to join please send your Details to email avg@avg123 "ITS TO EASY TO DO NOTHING AND THEN MOAN"My stats for last month for leads were 2800ish google leads 700ish direct to my website about 90ish auto trader gumtree about 80 ish FOR FRACTION OF THE COST OF AUTOTRADER then ebay then aa. DON'T MOAN LETS STICK TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 1 point
    run on cooking oil perhaps ? everyone i know who ran one of these could peel a orange in there pocket
  14. 1 point
    The injection pumps on those are a 'ticking time bomb'
  15. 1 point
    that was easy to solve,,,, snowflake and the flashing one was traction control,,,, his fecking wife can use google but cant read a handbook, I dread when fuel light comes on or it needs washer fluid..
  16. 1 point
    2 kayaks taken in against an Avenger, back in gas street lamp days, am I showing how long I have been around this trade, 47 years if anyone is interested.
  17. 1 point
    Strange P/X’s.cant think of any except......"HMRC had requested an interview with me and my accountant.I had no idea why,so we meet this inspector in his office.So after the intros,this guy says have you done any deals involving boats and watches.I just laughed,but he was serious,he said you have to tell me.I think I said no and how do you take a boat in p/x,how would we write it on the invoice,how do you HPI a boat etc.He said you must answer correctly,so I said OK yes I did have a sailing boat but I was only 4 year old at the time.His face was blank,I realised then this was an awfull bloke.He then said what about watches,again I said no,how would you record those etc.I showed him the crap watch I was wearing and said how many gallons do you think I bought to get that......happy days.
  18. 1 point
    Agreed, I personally always look at reviews and do my research prior to making a purchase. My buyers often comment on my reviews, it gives them confidence and as a digital retailer to purchase from me........
  19. 1 point
    don't forget balloons also
  20. 1 point
    Aixam crossline, its utter filth of the highest order... or is that the lowest order not sure.