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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/18 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Anyone had any experience of ClickMechanic.com? In all of my years of trading I’ve heard punters mention “professional mechanical inspections” but they have never paid for one. Voila! A text comes through & I’ve got one tomorrow. An hour or so ago an eBay punter phoned about one of my cars & asked if I’d object. I said “No, spend what you like, just get them to arrange it with me”. He stated that he wants a good car for his daughter. He then asked “Do I need to know anything else?”. I said “No, it’s all in the advert. Just read it top to bottom. Have you read it?” To which he mumbled some nonsense. The best thing about this? THE F***ING CAR IS BEING SOLD FOR REPAIRS!!!! I’m happy for some nutter to give a local mechanic an hours work but the moral of this story is READ THE BLOODY ADVERT.
  2. 1 point
    This should be made a sticky. Exactly my understanding of the situation.
  3. 1 point
    Totally disagree, we should be standing our ground. By bending, you are promoting the ignorance.
  4. 1 point
    I think we may be arguing the same side of the coin here. If the consumer wants to exercise their right to a refund within 30 days they must prove the fault was there at the time of sale. If the dealer has been lazy with his paperwork that should be easy. If however the dealer has done a proper pdi, MOT, had an independent garage carry out an inspection AND got the consumer to sign the pdi and receipt saying the goods are without fault and they have been given a test drive and a chance to inspect the car themselves then the consumer will have a hard time proving the fault was there. They HAVE to prove it and they dealer can disprove it.
  5. 1 point
    For the 30 day right of rejection it’s up to the consumer to prove the fault was present at time of purchase
  6. 1 point
    thats all i sell, even aim my advertising towards first time buyers, its a great market if you get it right.
  7. 1 point
    Oh the 'I want a refund because...' excuse... Firstly, PDi's are pretty useless and can not be counted upon as a piece of evidence of no fault. They can be used but not always relied upon in a legal standing due to the customers lack of knowledge in the industry. The most obvious is an MoT and any modern(ish 2000->) cars have electrical systems that can and will emit a light on the dash to make a fault / error known. This will then fail on an MoT. If it passes with flying colours that is your backup of no fault found. You can then include your PDi checklist as well as the service you performed (or had done) on the vehicle at the point of sale to strengthen your case of no fault at the point of sale. You also get rights too and don't forget that. A customer can not buy a car then demand a refund on false grounds or simply because they don't like it after 20 days. It has to be a legitimate reason but you also get the chance to repair the fault, not once as there is no SET PERIOD but it has to be repaired in `reasonable time`. Reasonable time is down to perspective and in court it is down to one individual, the judge. If your claiming you couldn't change a bearing on a golf for 2 weeks, that's obviously not reasonable, whereas if you said it took you 2 weeks to diagnose the EML light, order an injector and replace the glow plugs within a 2 week period all the time offering the customer a courtesy car then (again individual perspective) in my opinion this swings in your favour as it shows you're doing everything physically possible to put things right and treating the customer fairly. This is where it's down to the individual dealers and how they want to come across, treat their customers and go forward. Don't forget you will never EVER keep everyone happy. You can warranty a £500 banger for a year, spend £1,000 on it over that period on repairs for them, then after 14 months their pads go they will still moan if they are THAT TYPE of customer. Unfortunately for us most people are far to quick to scrutinize in this industry.
  8. 1 point
    I Stand corrected, clearly a lunatic.
  9. 1 point
    We'll all need to become "agents" then you relieve yourself of any responsibility?
  10. 1 point
    What's wrong with people, honestly. I was a manager for a big supermarket with a petrol station many years ago, and I can't remember anyone moaning. I do remember reading something about one store that had a batch of contaminated fuel delivered, which (I think) had water in it or something. Millions of cars run on and use supermarket fuel with no issues. Can't believe some of these questions the punters come up with - even after so many years in the game. Wasn't there a post on here a while back where someone was asked by a potential customer if they could 'categorically say that a dog had never been in the car'? Shouldn't laugh..
  11. 1 point
    Its a joke really you can sell a house for 150k you have to answer questionnaire, If its heating what kind when last serviced doesn't mean its going to work, hob yes never mention 2 rings don't work, built in f/f yes no mention that freezer doesn't work. No come back at all. Buy a car for £1000 find a problem and get full refund, seems like the card trade regs are excessive compared to other industries, bearing in mind the values
  12. 1 point
    She's not happy with the loan car, think that sums her up..... (I bet she's divorced!!!)
  13. 1 point
    The bottom line is,you have to discourage punters from using supermarket fuel.I seem to recall the last time problems occurred,who did the punters come to first.......us of course !
  14. 1 point
    Fantastic letter to the VW dealer. My understanding of CRA is if you do refund, its the car price that you refund, not the p/ex and cash balance. So go ahead and make a little bit on her GTI. She may also be a little more reluctant to pursue for a refund if she doesnt have her old car to fall back on. I dont think this is buyers remorse, I think she will be happy if the creaking is fixed, shes just a bit nervous that shes bought a car that cannot be fixed.
  15. 1 point
    It's all so laughable though that I really can't be bothered to expend any energy over someone like this. Had it been in stock six months different story but we undersold it in the first place, for once i'm very happy to have it back. £500 extra on the screen and go again.
  16. 1 point
    WRONG. You have to prove the fault wasn’t there at the point of sale - very different. Whether or not you refund is up to you but in theory all they have to allege is a specified fault & reject. The best thing I’ve found is to f*** them off - it works 99% of the time.
  17. 1 point
    But a customer is exactly that, a customer. He's not an engineer. Pdi is good for tyre depth, locking wheel nut location, etc, but you can't expect it to save your ass if a serious fault happens with the first 30 days. I just can't see a pdi saving you when sat in front of a judge.
  18. 1 point
    A few weeks ago I posted that as an exercise,I paid mental money at BCA for 57 Fiesta 1.2 ,3 dr,14k,Fsh,1 lady etc etc...... I think guys on here were valuing it at £1200 ( probably right ),Anyway it cost £2175 inc the tip ,it was PDI’d ,valeted ,bit of paintwork then put on the pitch.It was sold in less than a week for £3250,so not much net profit,but it just proves how book prices are way out .This just emphasises you should not be frightened to pay way over for the right stuff.Our guys mostly do ex fleet and paying £1000 over Cap Clean has been quite normal for a while.
  19. 1 point
    It’s lower than “great price”
  20. 1 point
    I'd avoid multi vendor sales and perhaps controversially, BCA Car Group sales.
  21. 1 point
    I dont think I have ever seen a straight 15 year old Cooper S.