It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. does it not depend on the age of clio? when i used to sell the mk2? 99 to 05 they were mainly bought to go to council estates as they were getting old the later model always went to teacher types with pretensions of being middle class i always did good with them but always low mileage
  2. how much will fumigating cost?
  3. rare that ford buyers at the bottom ask about belts its usually teachers that buy renaults for their sprogs or it was when the the mk2 clio was the middle class darling im ford free these days,refuse to pay spanky dealer prices for parts
  4. most legal advice is just that advice we do it cheaper
  5. every car is different why you would worry about fords in particular beats me
  6. wheres the car now? have you bunged it in the corner?
  7. ive done that but then you need a trade waste license to get rid of the bones, last one i gave to an itinerent and asked him to drop the transfer note in with £20 and he did winning
  8. i used them,so thankful the email address i gave them wasn't important struggling to find details of where they are based is it blackburn?
  9. He bought the without seeing it, on the phone and had it delivered. are you mad its 28 years old man it needs seeing and then paperwork handing over wherever you are based and he drives off into the sun/ rain this is a classic shirt lifting episode by your punter
  10. its crashed its crashed...................
  11. i usually find one owner owned by a celeb turns out to be a dog (not unless you count something that jimmy saville once owned) also one owned long time on private plates turns out to be a double dog you dont get the big house by worrying about little things like services
  12. also 2 different geasrboxes fitted early and late with different ratios i was told £400 for the part ,fitting looks easy,im not sure how you set it up because these cars are not can bussed
  13. flashing eml usually means turn off do not restart see dealer not sure for your car but obviously be warned
  14. if you have a 4 car drive does that mean it looks like an episode of butterflies everytime a punter turns up what i used to do was meet them at a local petrol station do the business/test drive tyre kick thing there then bring them back to the house to do the paperwork if you cant do something similar then im afraid like us lot you need top be looking for premises soz.
  15. 10 bob a week and its sussed................... now where will i be in 14 years as the buyer of Frances finest
  16. if it aint worth nothing and it owes you nothing either crush it or let someone have a tickle out of it you tight gits #weinsteinweloveyourealy##@cantremember
  17. mm missed that,very thin water in my opinion to NOACROSS i was being ironic, sorry