It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. days ok so far and no rain watch someone come and spoil everything
  2. nice looking thing its silver/grey kiss of death for cars for me this last 6 months shame like
  3. orange loight on dash would put me off they obviously have something to hide innit
  4. time consuming frustrating annoyance all come to my mind too ive said it before but will repeat for the billies looking in dont try and screw me and i will work to the moon for you try and have me and you have an enemy for life
  5. except that they dont once they get a bit of age on them remember a slippy clutch could cause weirdy problems too
  6. your too soft you should have filled your invoice in properly tow in scan disassemble 1/2 hour on phone to ford having explained how to repair battery charging at 43 pence per unit nice bill of £460 or leave the car there and we call it quits you will never make a field marshal
  7. if you are after wood quality cars then why not start a splinter movement
  8. sorry you have a week and it costs about £100 but obviously the judge isnt happy because you are undermining his wisdom and decision so they paid you then have to wait something like another 4 weeks before the appeal is rejected and the official second class letter comes saying case dismissed see even when the bastards lose they still want to go further , i would have accepted the decision as final
  9. only problem with taking time off i dont like going back to the dream job
  10. the old one used to be old fords never die they just get rustier
  11. yes but it involves a cliff are you feeling brave?
  12. Obviously yes I assume they also know the real owner of the car Probably a junkie with access to mummies house He was asking for car delivering so was probably going to sell it at cash converters or whatever these people use I once had a guy pull a cheque book out that was shopocheck or something similar he honestly believed I was going to let him take the car back to liverpool there and then Muppets
  13. I watched all the video and learnt that the plug connection to the board is disgraceful but easy to sort with a steady hand and a half decent smouldering iron and more importantly some proper solder with real lead in it. Then I learnt how to clock a car
  14. absolutely for me it wasn't about the money its the principle
  15. dont give them your email address they bombard you with spam i have used them in the past mind good stuff but not cheap
  16. when youve kicked a tyre up and down for an hour you will be looking for the easy start eventually
  17. no mate i treat tyres very carefully,will never do another split rim and the only tyres i change now are on my transit or sales cars got a panda in the other week and the ditchfinders i ordered came flat as crossplies so i just put some innertubes in them overnight and they seated on the rims first puff of the compressor
  18. so long as the black you use is blacker than the black on the car 95% of customers wont see it
  19. 2000% disagree joe bloggs can see that there is no clear answer and lawgistics have apparently made it clear ****reject***** the public need to see this because otherwise they think its just a mere formality filling in the small claims forms in online and paying with a card
  20. if you still have it how much for the spare wheel? these are usually missing when i buy them
  21. i was the first to post on this thread and my reply was based on the fact the car was over 3 months in customers hand and thus my rejection was based on this but even so i would probably be willing to give some support to a claim until i read the owner is driving with the light on advising not to,i would be getting photographic evidence of that plus writing down what the customer said i now understand it to be within 3 months so i would be looking for a cash injection from the customer as a beterment payment or see them in court,you are not refusing to help but you are also not putting them in a better position than when they purchased it,of course an alternative is to just fit a breakers gearbox remember they should NOT be running this car now in fault mode,make sure this is in your court statements if it goes there im sure lawgistics will give you similar advice i am not a lawyer
  22. i will respond if the vehicle at pos was not showing a fault at pos and this was in your inspection sheet you took the prospective customer on a good test drive and was happy with how the car performed you got him to sign no faults in the pre sales handover and now 3 months later the gearbox plays up thats clearly wear and tear try and get an independent inspection carried out once you have receipt of the lba,be aware this might get rejected by the court on cost issues do you need to fight it yes