It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. First thing you do is check the air filter by the way
  2. The best tool you have in this job these days is experience. Look around you at the traders that you remember from this time last year,how many thought they could do this job but couldn't,I've seen hundreds over the years blow but when you talk to them individually a man to a boy not one will admit they were a failure,its one of the stiff upper lips bit things the British do that rattles my cage,admit you failed but you had a hoot as you burnt your savings,on the other edge of the scale there's 4traders near me working together but change their trading name every three months,I guess its to get round having stiffed their advertisers but now they have all used their names up where will they go next? sleeping partners?dodgy credit cards? I don't know,thing is why don't they just buy quality stock and stand by it rather than selling worn out shit at retail prices
  3. As Mae west would say its not the length you need to worry about but what you can do with it ,in this case a bow wave can be accomplished in no time at all,would I take any car after a mk5 cortuna through a Ford ,,,? definitely noooooooooooooo
  4. I'm sure I've posted this before but will post it again. ,I bought a car from one of the large auction houses had the car a week had bettered it and was about to retail it when the rozzers turned up and wanted to arrest me for having a stolen car,turns out one of their preferred dealers hadn't put it through their books but the accountants turned it up and registered it on the at risk hpi alert it was the auction that gave the rozzers my details and they didn't even have the decency to advise me I was getting raided. I got it sorted but it left a nasty taste that I never forgot,they arranged to take the car back but you can believe me or not but I swapped every piece off that car I could from tyres to battery to bumpers to the radio ,it was back on sale and as it looked now a complete shed I could have got it for nicking money but I wouldn't bid,another story is when mobiles used to be those Motorola's we all had with the rubber aerials and I rang hpi to check a private van I was buying and it came up stolen,had a few nasty words to say to the seller then it turned out I had got a digit wrong on the hpi check,so easy to do just like it is when using a small device like I am now...merry Xmas all
  5. Sorry but why would any dealer want to sell a car with a known fault to a retail customer,it gets worse when said customer comes from outer mongoliar and intends driving it home to with only glass beads to support him if anything goes pop. I'm sure car auctions were invented for such hand grenades with the pin out,, Just say............
  6. Currently car less sold my smoker yesterday
  7. During the war when we were stuck in the desert the only tools we had were a Manchester screwdriver and a vacuum gauge these two tools saved us and we got a Victoria cross sandwiches medal,so the moral of the story is vacuum gauge before noid ,think about it what tool is more versatile,answer none but the Manchester screwdriver draws a close second if the gauge fails to deliver...........just sayin
  8. you cant get a simpler engine these days than these 3 pots but they need 3 things water oil petrol feed them bad stuff and like anything they will spit their dummy no cannybus on these too so good ole fashioned stand back plan of action sorts the real men out just watch the corner of the bonnet doesnt slice your head as you go in
  9. if they cant raise the initial asking price and you lower your price to their expectations you are seen as soft and an easy touch and they come back for pickings off the ribcage think hyenas ,absolutely no use in the food chain
  10. so your mechanic is depending on an electrical device only to ascertain a compression problem rather than a mechanical compression test unbelievable does he even know what a vacuum gauge is?
  11. old saying but worth remembering dick with a dick and they know where you are you don't know where they are politely decline all lowball offers and move on a proper customer is just round the corned you can't reason with a nutter........................
  12. is it a clinic? didn't click the link me dad told me not to
  13. repair it properly would be my advice it would be perceived as a major safety issue so you would be on sticky ground if they my opinion
  14. british leyland garbage with a new badge ive really tried to like them but they are proper garbage amazing what marketing can do to get the girlies to purchase these THINGS
  15. after we leave the eu with no terms agreed we can all run round in mad max machines if we want just like in the 70's with massive bullbars on escorts the good ole days
  16. 2018 not as good as 2017 wonder what the future holds for us that are despised by everyone but love us when their needs must chin up keep going,no prisoners
  17. who wants to sniff the snot of the proletariat? much easier clicking ones mouse while holding the worry beads
  18. It's me


    youve got it back its all good you do realise if you give them it back they will deliberately break something a i said earlier you cant fix a broken arse readvertise it put it down to experience just make sure your refund shows when they had the car in case any nips turn up ie fill in a very long winded refund invoice you know its for the best,no one likes refunds
  19. top speed of this van for lawful purposes is 70 mph on a motorway only its speed limited because its a tractor engine that has a propensity to explode why would you want it to go faster than its done its whole life and probably has bore lips anyway
  20. It's me


    as said if its a saleable commodity just get it back refund and move on you cant make an arse better ive given up tryin