SC Derby

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Everything posted by SC Derby

  1. I hate 308's, not that it helps you at all. Fairly good sellers but terrible cars.
  2. We're steady ish. 8 on the board and a few potentials. Seem to be able to buy decent stuff at reasonable money though, which is welcome.
  3. Definitely never having another Mini. I think we've sold one or two that have not come back. Had my biggest ever lost on a privately sourced Cooper S 2 months ago and thats the final straw. It drove okay too. Ended up needed chain and turbo as well as oil filter housing leaking. 308's Any diesel vauxhall unless I can thoroughly test it first.
  4. 3 today. Probably just got us into the green for the month so very welcome,
  5. We've had 11 diesels in stock and sold 2 of those this week. TBH I'd love a swing towards petrol as they have always been my preference as things just don't seem to go as wrong.
  6. Yeah I've done one today and 2 yesterday so certainly bit better here.
  7. Agreed with most, I'd rather get out of the industry than offer 7 day money back guarantee? Would be a total nightmare.
  8. 2 welcome deals yesterday.
  9. Yep. Similar here. Just can't get going. Every month so far for me has been steady. No records being broken but certainly okay/decent. This one, nothing is happening.
  10. 1 yesterday so on 3 for the month, but definitely quiet.
  11. Same here. Not much footfall though.
  12. They might not want to do that but that could what they have to do? I'd stop asking the rep and either read the Ts&Cs or take some impartial advise, possibly lawgistics? Or if you don't want the hassle, reverse the deal and go again.
  13. I think she can return the car to the finance company, don't think they can do the same to you though (even though they may SAY they can...) Which finance company is it?
  14. If he is being awkward as him to prove the car has a fault in writing. Ask him*
  15. If he can categorically prove you sold him a car with significant fault he can reject it but how easy is that to do in reality? 'It won't start mate' isn't proof is it?
  16. Put another on the board yesterday afternoon at 6pm (appointment so bit risky) and one more this morning. Turning into a decent month now.
  17. He has to prove fault was there at point of sale in order to exercise short term right to reject.
  18. I never have any problem getting rid of these type of cars, sometimes take 2 viewings but never any more.
  19. Keep a stock book as you buy (think this is a legal requirement actually), then enter the selling price for vehicles as you sell them and have it work out VAT owing. I keep a separate spreadsheet of all expenses and give these to my accountant annually. I'd estimate I spent around 45 mins a week entering data into respective sheets, so extremely manageable.
  20. We got 3 on the board today and one yesterday. turned into an okay month after bad start
  21. I did 3 Friday, none over the weekend then 2 yesterday. Odd at times.
  22. I've had a couple of niggly bits in the last month or so. One with Close, one with First Response and both have been totally on my side and understood matters. Close was an interior handle had fallen off after 5 1/2 months and they wanted me to pay! Close basically told them to stop being ridiculous. FR was intermittent engine light, he booked it in with me twice to diagnose, both times never turned up, drove the car for another 3 months then rang the finance company direct to complain further. They agreed to have it looked at for him at this point and no fault found at all.
  23. From my experience will need ECU sending away. staying away from those engine too now