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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Well, you would have to cast your mind back 10 yrs to the global financial crisis and the government were looking to justify 'austerity'. So with the help of the Daily Fail they would pick on, and in no particular order, unemployed, sick, disabled, elderly, council workers, nurses, doctors, fireman and policemen. Because apparently, all fireman are 'millionaires', with holiday homes in the South of France and spend their days polishing their Ferrari's?
  2. Good, tell him there are lots of us that think they are hero’s! And deserve a good pension!
  3. Trouble is, if you don’t encourage people to do these jobs, who’d bother? Who would work as a fireman or policeman for the same shitty contract you get at Tesco? Shame they don’t do something about supporting soldiers when they retire?
  4. Yesterday evening I noticed a bulge on the sidewall. Further investigation showed rim with a buckle on the inside and outside. A combination of low profile tyres, aggressive speed bumps and the odd moon crater/pot hole finished it off! Not only have I got to track down a replacement but my perfect set of 4 alloy wheels and matching tyres is now a fib! second time this year FFS!
  5. Hey, it must be tough checking everyones insurance and tax on the in car computer. Much more stressful than chasing bank robbers with shotguns?
  6. Have they sent round the patronising young girl with her leaflets yet?
  7. I think that a lot of modern valet guys feel that steam can weaken upholstery materials/glue which may not bother a trader but would be a concern if the car was a keeper. Wet vacs and chemicals seem to be enough?
  8. I’m getting “site not secure” warning on my iPhone when logged into CDM? I can’t find a means of contact regarding site issues, so i’ll just post here and hope the mods see it?
  9. Modern car interiors are not as ‘robust’ where steaming is concerned as they were 30yrs ago?
  10. So, just out of interest. I'm just arranging delivery for cars from both BCA and Manheim. I messaged them both yesterday afternoon for a price for single car to North East London postcode. BCA came back in 30mins, nothing from Manheim. Today I have just received another message from BCA with a cheaper price? Still nothing from Manheim?
  11. I’ve mentioned before about my daughter selling US beauty products. Some of the make-up and bath/shower products are great sellers, but the shops are only interested in selling to US customers. They clearly do not see Europe as an area worth encouraging or developing? We pay the delivery costs, not them!
  12. You could buy red key blanks and tape the chip to the steering column?
  13. My brother in law runs a cleaning business, with a Renault van in his company name, when he sells the van will he have to guarantee it?
  14. I think he lives round the corner to me?
  15. Just out of interest? Is anyone that constantly gets good AT price indicators noticing a huge increase in business? Havent punters always been able to compare prices with a little thought? AT would probably argue they are just pointing out the obvious?
  16. True. Although I can see the potential in a Prius compared to a 10yr old 5 series?
  17. An non-trade friend of mine on a non-motoring forum purchased a Japanese imported BMW from a performance and prestige car dealer here in the UK. I could not see the 'advantage' of a Japanese car as the spec appears the same, maybe in better condition underneath but 'meh' why bother? And other than the odd classic skyline or Subaru I thought the whole Jap import thing was dead?
  18. Wouldn't I be right in thinking that the buyer should be aiming their metaphorical sights on the company that did the inspection (if they missed the damage)?
  19. I go to lots of auctions for all sorts and wether it’s building materials, tools, cars, antiques, houses your observation applies. But in reality that will never happen, in fact quite the opposite. Auction houses want bidders, and as long as you have the cash they don’t care, not there job! Hardly surprising when you think back to the good old days when auctions relied on traders and private punters were a rarity? Those days are well and truly over.
  20. I’ll extend that to ALL auctions, not just cars!
  21. Free market economy? Capitalism? Although to be fair when someone has popped up on this forum with an idea for an alternative to AT they are usually ‘sacked off’ there’s always Exchange & Mart?
  22. I wonder if the auction houses will adopt AT's pricing indicator as a guide instead of using CAP/Glasses retail?