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Everything posted by metcars

  1. A little birdie told me that in the US, car dealers are classed as an essential business and not locked down? True/false?
  2. Don’t forget when they let us back out to play “everyone” and his uncle will be clambering for cheap easy sellers. Especially the big guys with big bills to pay. Lets be honest, we are talking months. There’s no miracle cure, no exit strategy. They’ve built enormous field hospitals anticipating thousands of patients. We are a long, long way from returning to normal. Whatever ‘normal’ will be?
  3. I think that’s a good idea. It doesn’t look like we are coming out of lockdown In the near future?
  4. metcars


    I’ve not had the opportunity to drive passed a BCA site recently. I was assuming they were closed for all business? So, the IT guy must have left the ‘email shot machine’ running by accident?
  5. metcars


    So why am I still getting emails from BCA this evening advising me of new stock available to ‘buy now’. And telling me to contact the relevant auction centre to arrange collection?
  6. “Arthur Daley’s a little dodgy maybe, but underneath............. he’s alright!”
  7. My old dad (84) is a bit like that? Will argue to the death over nonsense! But will believe anyone on the TV with a posh voice and a dark suit?
  8. A lot depends on where he gets his news from?
  9. A lot of the elderly think having their annual flu jab gives them immunity? Seriously?
  10. I notice Umesh is usually the one to announce any IMDA news, is he the CDM rep? I’m not being salty, a genuine question?
  11. If IMDA think that this will help them be taken seriously as the voice of the motor trade and a credible lobby they are mistaken. Withdraw the petition and make some face masks instead?
  12. I think there has been some criticism over there initial response being slow, and there general lack of preparation. It’s not like they didn’t know it was coming? Having daily updates is a way of countering some of the nonsense that’s on Social media. Boris and his gang are not my flavour, but I do feel sorry for him. A pandemic is one of a small list of disasters no prime minister wants dropped in his lap. Probably only a world war could better it? But it’s times like these that you need great statesmen, great men and great leaders? I’m not seeing any, which is a worry? hopefully everyone will see how the NHS is a truly great thing and needs protecting, not selling off! And that people in our society in low paid work, like refuse collectors and postman are undervalued!
  13. I’ve never used it, or any drugs other than fags booze which I had to give up years ago because of hypertension. My reward for all this clean living was heart failure earlier this year. So I’m one of the high risk group hiding away! At 58 I thought I’d end my days surrounded by prostitutes in a Bangkok hotel room, not coughing up blood on an army canvas bed in a warehouse?
  14. Do you want me to fetch you back some weed?
  15. We need a definitive answer from the expert on all things motor trade, Mike Brewer? Who has spent half his life driving cars from all over Europe back to the UK without having to concern himself with compliance?
  16. Well BJ has been throwing money about like a rapper? Everyone’s getting handouts, Paye and businesses. So I’m guessing they are dipping in the pot now? im not criticising or judging, just having a conversation?
  17. That’s true but the government had already borrowed heavily. Remember that unusually generous budget we had?
  18. June! Maybe HMRC are hoping there’ll be less of us by then to get the money? ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! “The sting in the tail? The chancellor said he can no longer justify, after things get back to normal, that self-employed people pay less tax than the employed. But that is for another day.”
  19. All things considered Boris and his chums have been unusually benificent? How long before we feel some pain I wonder?
  20. And have you see what’s happening over in the US?
  21. There’s no such thing as free money?All these ‘handouts’ will have to be paid back one way or another? “Be careful what you wish for?”
  22. So, what’s the situation with MOT’s? Is the system still live?
  23. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but a friend of a friend has already been given paperwork to carry to show he's a key worker. Maybe it's just a 'London thing' but lockdown imminent?