Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Hi Dean it’s a 14 year old Focus, whatever you spend in addition to making it mechanically sound is IMO a waste of money. You won’t recoup the additional expense, just sell it with the fault, tell the buyer prior to travel and put it on the invoice
  2. How are they going to check the dpf ? Visual.....
  3. Max, I see it very differently. He’s put up the barrier buy not following simple basic polite instructions. If he is that moronic he can’t pick up the phone then that’s his issue. I replied 4 times asking him politely to give me a call. Explaining every car is different and if you want me to purchase yours, then I need to discuss it with you. That’s all. If you think its perfectly acceptable for him to email me a load abuse and to call me c_nt repeatedly, you are on a completely different page to me. To confirm, I develop lots of business initially by email, as we all do
  4. Quite simply no. I want to hear him answer my questions, I need to know if I WANT to do business with him. End of. And to confirm I was right, because this little shit called me a Cxnt because I wanted to speak to him !! If you think that’s acceptable you are in a completely different world to me.
  5. How do these people survive, it beggars belief........
  6. Ebay PX enquiry. I asked this guy four times to call to discuss his PX. Mr C if you want me to make an offer to buy your cars then I need to know what I am buying, please call me... Anyways on after my fourth very polite reply repeating "please call me" he emails me saying I am a "rude c_nt"......... My reply..... I know I should of just ignored the twat... When purchasing an item online, what would even the most uneducated moronic cretinous idiot do, even if all they could drool and wet themselves, I am sure they would know the first basic rule......... You MUST read the description fully. If the sellers advert politely requests.... Please call if you wish to discuss PX......What do you think that means ? A. Call to discuss your PX with the person you want to sell PX with ?B. Tell your carer that your nappy needs changing ?C. Stick your finger in your ass, poke it around, then confirm you are yes full of shit ?
  7. A VAT number is proof of trading to a level which DA wish to do business with. It takes away the risk and doubt.
  8. I buy all my stock off the block, lemons are part of the game.... It takes a long time to learn to buy wisely so you don't get hit continually, generally I lose on about 10% which includes hits through the back door.... Trade 2 Trade. No VAT means private pretending to be Trade.
  9. Just delete the scumbags. Genuinely interested parties call.
  10. I use ebay and AT, they both work for me with the older higher mileage stuff. I pay about 1.8k inc VAT a Month for 15 on AT and whatever on ebay. 1.5 average sales and its paid for. If scumtree channels more buyers towards me then great, the scabbers will still have to prove their (intent) to buy with an upfront deposit...
  11. I simply don't buy when the prices go silly. Just turn your back and walk right back out, no point in buying for buying sake..... It also lets the auctioneer know I won't pay over the odds....
  12. You have to state clearly in your eBay advert you are a Trade seller and amend your account to a business account. Buying a car and registering it in your name will not absolve your retail responsibility, you are part time trader and have asked for advice. I respect that, but you have to do it properly otherwise you reflect badly on all traders who do it right..
  13. I don’t think he’s been given a hard time, he’s asked for advice and from the look of his advert IMO he looks dodgy, especially when billy asked how long he’s had it for.... He’s getting fair feedback. There’s nothing wrong with what he is doing, but when you are buying to sell you are a business and that should be made clear to the customer on eBay. It’ll give him legitimacy and help him sell the car
  14. +1 the advert looks like you are Trade hiding as a private seller. You need to be registered as a business seller. Find a better backdrop to take pictures.
  15. Agreed, why would you back a business man who isn't prepared to back himself when he has the means to do so....No way in my book. There's an attraction with a layman with no money and a fab idea... The banks take little risk and when they lend its usually protected. When they lend on rotten foundations then a crash is inevitable....
  16. Anyone who uses their home as collateral is gambling their family life...... The banks see easy money...Savages when they need to be....
  17. Hi Twerp, I outsource all the mechanical work and 90% of the valeting. I see my role as solely the sales end, making sure the photos and video are top notch.... it’s a constant evolvement, I’m always trying to refine.....
  18. Wow Rory result !! I'm plodding along with 9 sold so far, but very busy trying to get my unit usable Ive only got 9 listed with 11 to put on......There's not enough time in the day...
  19. My business account is with Santander, I have always found them really accommodating. But then again I don't have any dept.... I learnt a very hard lesson back in 2008, don't owe money to anyone, as soon as you are in debt you are a bitch to the loan. The Banks / lenders are not your friend.......
  20. Mr C I sold my T4 this week for top money £7900 Very pleased me is......