Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. +1 ...... I should say, always ASSUME buyers are lairs. Its the one's you wouldn't expect that catch you out..... They will lie straight to your face... and they call us rogues..
  2. I took a F150 in PX last year, horrible LHD tank thingy pickup....Anyways, the phone was on fire, it sold immediately with a big profit, but I still wonder now if I undersold it or if there was something rare about it's specific model type....
  3. I’ve had exactly the same thing a few times (punter picking fault with the faults I’d picked out in the video) !! there is absolutely no way I would drop them back to the station. I just turn my back and leave them.
  4. Exeter has had none. The wind direction is changing tomorrow with storm "Emma" arriving which is going to hit the cold air and take a great big dump on us...... We shall see.....
  5. I have no tolerance for cretins....... DELETE....... Muahahahahaha
  6. We are all waiting for the snow down here in Devon, we have a great big throbbing amber warning for snow tomorrow and Friday..... Luckily, I'm slowing down for a well earned 3 weeks in Phuket...... Can't wait
  7. Agreed, I personally always look at reviews and do my research prior to making a purchase. My buyers often comment on my reviews, it gives them confidence and as a digital retailer to purchase from me........
  8. Its very black and white to me, I expect customers to put their trust in me... If they haven't bought into me and my process, they can simply (very politely) look elsewhere.
  9. You tax it on DD as a monthly rent. Stop it when sold...
  10. You a ltd company ? But are a private dealer? In the words of Yoda, confused am I ....
  11. I don't allow inspections by a third party on the principle that I do my own comprehensive inspections, if they aren't prepared to put their trust in me then I suggest they look elsewhere..... To be honest, I think its really rude and UI I tell them that.
  12. Mr C, when purchasing a parachute would you be wanting the cheapest.................................. If all you want is cheap, buy a lesser vehicle from a lesser seller.
  13. So..... if it’s a design error, surely it’s inherently a characteristic of the car. It’s been designed into the car and should be expected. JMHO This is interesting.... LawJaw, can you give some examples?
  14. BHM, I can understand why the Judge would be looking at the advert, you cannot have a contradictory advertising. My adverts state clearly, all cars are sold on the basis of my video, the customer pays on confirmation of its accuracy. I describe fully all faults present at the time of purchase. The video is upfront, honest and transparent - it forms part of the contract. In addition, the faults are written in the purchase receipt and PDI. Clarity cannot be questioned. Trading Standards, after a recent visit praised me on my approach, they even asked me permission if they could use my philosophy for best practice..... Clearly not present at the point of sale, so a rejection is out of the question. You have one opportunity to repair, but if you offer a warranty repair it doesn’t count as a statutory repair.
  15. 100% best advice. Get your paperwork correct and cover your ass.
  16. They can’t reject on that basis, you made them fully aware and they signed and agreed to buy the car with those specific faults. End of.... This is why I’m with Lawgistics, for a few hundred quid a year it takes all the pressure off you when you get a real problem customer (huge weight off your shoulders) It’s like having a big brother protecting your interest. Thanks LawJaw for the complete clarity...
  17. Totally disagree, we should be standing our ground. By bending, you are promoting the ignorance.
  18. BHM, the above is precisely why I manage my business to stop timewasters. I have no tolerance at all I hate them with a vengeance. To the point of complete bluntness I say, can you actually read and what do you think "please watch the full video presentation" actually means ? Mr Customer.... Does it mean..... A. watch the video And made and educated buying decision..... or B, does it mean call immediately without knowing anything about what you are calling about.... Pond life....
  19. The PDI, new Mot, service etc shows you are a responsible seller and that you prepared the car professionally for retail. It doesnt completely absolve you from taking ownership for a “not fit for purpose claim” it just makes it more difficult for the chancers to try screw you..... This job is all about doing your job right, protecting yourself and knowing when to stand your ground or bend. It’s all about protecting your business and looking after your genuine customers.
  20. I took a 59 mondeo 1.8 estate as PX, owned by one vet from new, lots of battle scars, EML light on blah, new Mot etc. Drives lovely, plethora of history. 190k.£1200 no offers.... Ive now added “please watch the full video presentation “ in all of my first pictures so even the cant be bothered to read the description crowd might actually watch the video. Out of six calls on this Mondeo not one of them watched the video.... I cannot believe how certain cars attract the worse kind of cretinous morons. Anyway, it’s sold today for “Parts” within a week to the first person who wasn’t lobotomised...
  21. 100% you are protected yourself. There’s nothing like stating to the customer “you confirmed in writing the car was perfect” at the point of purchase.
  22. its really hard when you get an accusation made when they have taken it elsewhere.... Its like a blackmail threat... we could all be jumping the gun with advice, but until you know yourself exactly what the issue is ( if any ) you can't do anything....