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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    They have probably set up their own WhatsApp group where they can ‘ one up ‘each other like the usual auction ring group of bullshitters of old.I can imagine what it’s like if you post ‘how ya doing’ and in reply ‘ a bit quiet but did 9 on Monday ‘.How about margins ‘ still only netting 2 grand a unit ‘ .Then another ‘ wouldn’t get out of bed for less than 3 grand ‘. You have got to laugh.
  2. 1 point
    Oh how I miss this talk at the auction houses, it was always full of this sort of crap but to be honest I really do miss the entertainment
  3. 1 point
    I always test drive every thing we sell Casper So i'm in anything from the latest Golf R to an Aygo PX all trade cars . I do have a Very Sorted Personal 600+ BHP XFR in the Garage though for Sunday lunches if we ever get back to Sunday lunch and if they are open when we do get back . , Today I'm in a 90k 58 plate Octavia VRS px because it was brimmed with fuel . Neighbours love my old bangers, last week it was a C1 07 plate shitter , week before 05 plate Panda , cant trade a car on when the petrol's worth more than the car can you . Lease is not for me . I like the mods far to much , If it ain't got 8 cylinders and growls I'd get bored in mins , have to open the garage door and laugh or its gone I'm old enough to know better really . But silent electric will be here soon sad days Wife's got a Skoda 245 VRS estate , she shares it with the Dog I do nick that .
  4. 1 point
    with the help of the ‘magic key card’ and my debit card, one should be here from Germany in 3 weeks? Yah!
  5. 1 point
    Bit risky buying this sort of kit online in my thinking , we always go with a parts supplier that has access to such as Launch / Snap on or MAC Tools for various Diagnostics . Not only do you get Genuine stuff but they also have free updates , Courses at your premises free , Loans if needed , All great value add ons . Just really hope its genuine what you have though , all the best
  6. 1 point
    Some people seem to take delight in stealing these at the auctions At least that little pleasure has been removed lately I've never bought a dealer replacement as sapper says I order a new set off eBay or just buy 4 standard lugs rpto replace the removed lockers Thing is lots of these modern lockers are garbage and been done up 18 months ago with a windy gun on full belt so the tool you've just bought fails anyway Just my input being very old and not part of the ignorant boorish younger generation look at me im Mr big
  7. 1 point
    There is a strong possibility that if you try and update it if it is a clone it will get corrupted Can't answer your question but the last launch I bought it updated perfectly and at the time the British overpriced in my opinion importer was kicking off that it wouldn't Aliexpress is full of launch now
  8. 1 point
    Absolutely I always gave them a wide bearth and reading this thread still do
  9. 1 point
    Does appear cheap at £799 , must say . Try an update online , if its a non genuine it will chuck you out instantly , Stolen and it will chuck you out too .
  10. 1 point
    Ain't that the truth Funny how these ones usually go missing after a while once the loans 'n cash flow has dried up.
  11. 1 point
    Death row was funny, it's odd how they can build so quickly too.... I have four here and, this week I'll definitely pull them together......probably
  12. 1 point
    I had a Zenith double glazing rep around few years back....best entertainment in years. All the old clichés 20 minute video first off... Once off price this week as good customers... Can I borrow your phone to ring my boss....can't we help these lovely people with a better price.... I'll tell your what, bugger the boss I'll cut you a discount.... Expecting a big price increase due to Brexit and did you know three of the four plastic wholesale suppliers were out of action with roofs blown off....all bar one in Italy apparently.... Simply refused to take a bank transfer, wanted to strap us up, somehow saying that when someone wants to pays cash it means their credit was shite, hiding behind cash and that strap would improve our rating. I think our builder did the job at 40% less than his best/ once only/ I'll loose my job over this/can I level with you price. The biggest problem was getting the twat out of the house, in the end I threw his sodding display window and exec briefcase out onto the front garden, he just couldn't take three polite "please leaves" for an answer, then I boiled over, wife warned him too. Left saying he was calling the plod
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Unless vomit drastically changes in another two decades they won’t be renting my wheels to go on the rank on a nighttime