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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Depenends on your bank used to be an ask bank manager need a business account for that Trade vet loads of my friends think its easy money becoming a car dealer think we print money its not they have tried makes me laugh
  2. 1 point
    You will get plenty of good help on here and you will need it..One thing,may I ask what influenced you to want to be a car trader.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    If you tax by DD and keep cancelling the DD when you sell, DVLA will eventually block your bank details and you won't be able to tax again using the same details. Best of luck with the new venture!
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    The dates are key to this, yes you can tax a car on the green slip twice, but you need to make sure the date you sell it out of trade is the same day entered on dvla site as they taxed it, and paying monthly is a nightmare, if you do not put it into trade the same month the previous owner cancelled their direct debit they will get emails saying they owe dvla, and dvla are crafty if you pay for a month and cancel direct debit its not always good for that month can show as untaxed And good luck in your new business its certainly not easy selling cars at the minute with customers not understanding auction prices have rocketed and cannot understand why they are driving round in circles chasing the under £2k market which is flying out and the 5k-12k market much more competition
  7. 1 point
    We had this last year with a Kia Sorento, water in fuel light on, new fuel filter and it cured it for a couple of days then light back on. We then dropped the tank and found it to be bright green that looked like shreks piss. Drained and cleaned the tank and all good. Sainsbury’s even paid the bill for the customer too! Thankfully our workshop heater runs on waste oil / diesel so it worked in that and kept us warm for a while
  8. 1 point
    Same notice here , DONT BUY ASDA FUEL , ITS RUBBISH , same as Sainsbury and Morrison's fuel "rubbish " I've got a highly modified Bike and it wont get out the forecourt on Morrison's petrol , pops and farts bangs and splutters it does . Got a guy comes for service with an L200 , he does moon miles per year , so 2 maybe 3 times a year its in for service , New Fuel filter every time as its blocked , Because the firm he works for has a Morrison's fuel account . found fuel rail issues once and it was the filter . Another Hyundia i10 customer took her car to ASDA from us EML light on as it left the place , she bought it back , we checked it out turned the light off told her to fill it up with Shell or BP round the corner and it was fine afterwards never a problem since . . There will be stories the other way I know , but I wont go near them .
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Dark green MOD Astras st Bedford, ahh the memories
  11. 1 point
    Track car ! ......you must be a glutton for punishment.
  12. 1 point
    NHS yellow Focus Estates,never had those but I would imagine they would make good Hartlepool taxis.
  13. 1 point
    I’m tempted to try it for my track car and see how good it actually is
  14. 1 point
    I’m just done with it all mate time to crack on safely and get the job done.
  15. 1 point
    That's my understanding too - if you've been in close contact with someone with Covid, you should self-isolate. If its a further step (or more) away, no need. The reason being, the person with Covid19 could have passed it on very easily. But without the receiver having any symptoms (ie sneezing etc) they're able to incubate it (and maybe go on to develop Covid later) but not transmit it. So onwards people are much less likely to have caught it off the receiver. Of course, its down to timing too - if its been a number of days; and the receiver is asymptomatic but also a spreader (which is unlikely but possible) they could be capable of spreading it. The "test" isn't a sure way to properly know if someone has Covid (because it can't sense minutely small quantities during the incubation phase) and having symptoms or not, isn't a sure way either (because some people can have Covid but be asymptomatic; or have a different virus eg cold/flu/similar). Its all a bit of an unknown but it always is, in epidemiology.