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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Only they could afford those state of the art turntables, anyone know where there is one for sale, cheap? Want to make a merry go round for the kids!
  2. 1 point
    Haha give them a free magic tree more than generous
  3. 1 point
    Have one but only use it on Focus's, (we all know how they love to let in water) Still think nothing beats the car heater. Maybe I need to rethink my sense of generosity Was never good at multiplication at school!
  4. 1 point
    Thought about buying a dehumidifier? Might work out more cost effective for you.
  5. 1 point
    Every car I buy seems to be more or less running on air, no matter where I buy. Every car we prep gets at least 50 quid of fuel to cover our testing, drying after valet (its that time of year again) test driving and run to MOT centre. Hopefully its near enough half when customer drives away. I think anything less is down right mean looking. When we point out to some its got a half tank of fuel its met with.......... 'what about the other half''?! Cant win!
  6. 1 point
    If you can't understand TV, then you better hope I don't do a podcast. TV sounds like he is talking the Queens English compared to my Scottish accent. Back in the day Police cars wanted for nothing, most forces had a highly skilled maintenance force and their own garages. Getting a slot in a Police garage was a prime job for many mechanics. In many forces the cars got washed every day to.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Think I have the same one Tony HAHA not thought of that idea
  9. 1 point
    Would a logo’d visor not be better than a mask ?
  10. 1 point
    I've been wearing one when with customers since June. Its fine and works as a visual reminder for them to keep away from you. Customer goes, throw it in the bin and put a new one on when another turns up. Theyre peanuts now on Amazon, about £5 for 50.
  11. 1 point
    Now that was his opening comment this morning at 9.30 am What do you have you need valuing then i ask . Its a VXR Mate , mi mates wanting to buy it off me but want to know what he's got to pay me for it , fair like money so thought id ask a trader , mmmmm So your looking at buying a car I'm selling then was my approach . Two traders apparently told him to take a hike and value it himself . Might buy one mate depends on deal n what I get So I said ok , got a little time with coffee in hand , took the details of the VXR and gave him a retail figure minus £200 LOL heard his mate say "ok bud I'll tek off yer at that money then " So my next question was now you've sold your car what you looking for to replace it then . Be bak later mate he said , so I thought oh well my kind deed for the day 30 mins later i receive a credit checker , High High High eligibility on all levels , this was on a 20 k car .So i rang the number back and it was the same guy with the VXR Corsa . Got the money off mi mate he goes like this motor can I put 2k deposit , so i sent him the deal BOOM auto accept and hes just left with it . Worth the effort after all .