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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Waiting that long it will be long gone lol Not much power in that type of knowledge .
  2. 1 point
    Is there not an alternative like a sale and lease back deal.Would the lady not prefer to remain living where she is rent free.So if there is going to be £100k negative at the end of the term and the property is worth a lot more,can she not sell to an investor.The investor pays £100k and she signs over the property in return for a long term tenancy agreement based on Housing Benefit current levels which presently brings in about £450 per month.So the investor gets 5% return which I doubt they can get elsewhere without taking some risk.As the property is worth more ,does that not add up for the investor and for the tenant who will be rent and council tax free.Does that make sense or not. BTW Dave good photy but that Cossie does not look straight ( if there was such a thing ) or is it an XR4.The wheels don’t look right to me.
  3. 1 point
    Clio trophy and e46 m3 that I had recently both attracted the worst type of perverts. If I had a tenner for every time someone asked if the boot floor had been reinforced I have 2 x Honda s2000’s due in stock soon I imagine this will be the same!
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    Jeez - do you have to have them valeted again after ...... But back to topic, rather annoyingly, you now have to start to add E30 BMW M3 & similar, in fact almost any potential 80/90's 'modern classics' to the list; although I don't imagine that fits many of your stock profiles.
  6. 1 point
    I took in a ‘delightful’ Category S trade in the other day. A quick sweep out of the filthy interior, threw a bucket of dirty water over its battered exterior, pointed the camera at it & wrote an advert starting “IDIOTS TAKE NOTE!! NO EMAILS!! PHONE ONLY!!” Only 2 people managed to phone but the number of emails beggared belief & the pitifully low quality of questions even more so.
  7. 1 point
    Its the free stocking loans thats sent prices shooting for the stars in my opinion Most of these stocking plans HAVE to be used to 80/90% of the designated amounts the lender gave to the trader , so as soon as one car is sold it has to be replaced or the trader loses the facility . Hence they will just about pay any price to turn stock so as not to lose the stocking facility or have it reduced . This has the effect of training sellers to work for nothing , The stocking companies just want the money to keep turning as thats where their profits come from . Stupid silly times in reality run by people who know nothing about the car trade , BCA are one of the lenders now too , designed to sell their own cars , they will fund anyone really because they actually want the stock to return back after taking massive profits for the 3 months on the loans/buyers fees etc . Then of course repeat the success with another sale to another smuk who pays for the privilege . Without these free money trees being handed to fools who cant see past their own eye lashes the trade would be very different and controlled by people who had their own money and wanted to earn a profit . Maybe when and if interest rates go up it might be beneficial to those who have their own financial money interests and want to earn a profit again . We will see .
  8. 1 point
    Good man I need someone to give me a run for my money on my monthly sales figures
  9. 1 point
    Hello Everybody I've been reading this forum for some time. I am a newbie. I've been trading 4 months and have sold about 60 vehicles. Sure, the first ones were done through FaceBook, and weren't prepped how they have been, plus I've bought some utter crap, but I'm in the green and I'm happy. The past month I feel like I'm really finding my feet; I've been sourcing privately and through advertising - so many situations I've read about on this forum have rang true with me, it's amazing. As a green horn, I think other newbies might find my observations helpful, so will add my views from time to time. I'm currently based at home with my stock of 5-20 cars in secure storage and viewing by appointment. I advertise with AT, Motors and eBay, although I'm likely to ditch Motors and eBay sooner than later. Cheers
  10. 1 point
    I’m gonna keep this as short as I can, let the newbies know the sort of fun and games these big auction houses get up to... I won a car from BCA about 6 weeks ago paid clean £3800 with a clear assured report. Went to collect it and the dash was lit up light a Christmas tree. After a week or so of BCA messing me about they agreed to a refund but had ‘lost’ the spare key and paperwork. They would not refund me until the docs were found. Eventually after 5 wasted phone calls I had to threaten them with court (via recorded letter) and eventually got my money back, albeit less the assured fee that they got wrong in the first place. Anyway, that was just the beginning. Since being refunded I have kept an eye on the car and the new assured report is showing all lights are on and also the listing correctly states no spare key/paperwork etc, fair enough. However it’s since gone through the hall FIVE TIMES. Each time the bid starts at about 2k and the auctioneer is pretending people in the hall are bidding however they are not. He is even saying things like ‘SOLD to the guy in the shorts!’ I’m looking around and no one is even looking at the car, let alone wearing shorts! Every time it’s ‘sold’ it appears in the list again the next day. I know this isn’t exactly breaking news for most of us, I just feel the newbies need to know they might be bidding against BCA not another trader.
  11. 1 point
    I used to put a LOT of cars through the auction, all sensible reserves, many no reserve [ under a certain price house rules are no reserve] always balanced out at the end of the week or the auction would see me right, one particular example, never forget it, third week through the hall, i had already reduced the reserve to create auctioneer interest [ it shows on entry form], it once again failed to meet my reserve, after getting promising bids and auctioneer looked at me when it was driving out, i announced to the auctioneer, "sell the dam thing " and he said, over the microphone !" i would sell the bloody thing if i had a bid " i felt one foot tall
  12. 1 point
    Its just part of the game. I've been going to auctions for 30 years. If you can't play the game, don't get involved. If it was a level playing field for everyone there would be no advantage for the more experienced and switched on.
  13. 1 point
    Sparky, there are successful newbies buying online who haven't even visited an auction room, cars are a commodity. Buying remotely is the future....
  14. 1 point
    Because there's a good chance you'll get it cheaper in the next sale
  15. 1 point
    Why not? You'd of got the car you wanted at the price you wanted with the chance to mark the auctioneer's card. That's a win win in my book.
  16. 1 point
    Sign up for a HPI trade account, you can then do price checks with either CAP/Glasses or both at a small charge each search. You do not have to do a full hpi check in order to do a price check. you can do a basic vehicle hpi search which costs around 40p and then i think its around 40p again for CAP valuation.