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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/20 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    You need to keep that going aslong as possible. Instruct him to collect it from your storage compound and give the address of a lr main dealer
  2. 2 points
    This situation is going to cost lots of money either way we all play it , if you pack up , your business has gone . Stay on and take the grants on offer and hope we get through it then the costs are going to rise afterwards are hey not . The government is going to get its money back , the landlords are going raise Rents and that's a certain . Car dealers are going to have to make more money per sale to recoup lost monies . Only good thing is we might no have so many cash car traders who have never paid tax at all . Whatever happens guys and girls its going to be a different world after this crisis . At present just stay safe , hope you survive the cash flow worry too . Cheers to all .
  3. 1 point
    Five days ago, i sold my last car, monday, i was days off self isolating anyway, i saw, on monday, that the pm was going to be on at 8.30, so for him to be on at that time i knew this was going to be a big one, on closing monday night, i half heartedly put my business into lockdown, leaving some handbrakes off, putting the cheapest car in front of the more expensive for safety,but not doing anything drastic, hoping for the best, thinking, like you all probably have, there may be some cheap cars out there to put to one side for a month [ now you can't even buy them ]. At just gone 8.30, my arse fell out [ sorry, that means gobsmacked ! ] realising straight away that non essential, means me ! All this week has been spent following the news, catching up on gov websites [ changing hourly so constantly refreshing] and coming on here to see other peoples plans. Fast forward to tonight, friday, and reflecting on the week, the government has worked so dam hard to keep some hope up, and money in peoples pockets, whilst still reminding us to isolate, all credit to them, they must be shattered, and of course the nhs. Tonight, a thing i did half heartedly on monday, i have wrote down a plan for a full lockdown on my business, there will be a visit tomorrow to put this plan into action, it covers security, vermin, full lock up of all tools where i can, handbrakes off, batteries off [ except the later stuff, dont want ecu's loosing the plot] and taking essential paperwork home,even draining compressor, it's like xmas, but at least with xmas, you knew when you were back in ! Have to look into maybe post redirection too, a relation was going to come and help me but latest is do not socialise, well, five days hey ? very very strange days, stay safe people
  4. 1 point
    Hi, I'm interested in paying half price due to current circumstances and over supply in market: Land Rover Range Rover for £10,990 = £5,490 & 12 month MOT Please could you email me. Got this the other day , my reply was as follows Thank you for the enquiry at this quite time I appreciate your interest in this Vehicle . I see from your enquiry you require a new MOT in the deal , The car will require 4 new tyres so as a gesture of our appreciation of your interest i am asking which Brand of tyre you would prefer fitting , also would you like us to Fully service the car too , it will need a new key so I am assuming you will require that too . If thats a said deal please contact me back with the £5,490 deposit and i will instruct work to start asap . Hes come back with Bridgestone Tyres lol . Regards David
  5. 1 point
    Correction Black Sierra XR4x4, why did I say Cosworth ,now they were crap ( but good sellers )
  6. 1 point
    This is going to be happening no matter what you are selling be it cars or houses, you could try turning it round and saying that you question the persons morals and does he realise that if you do accept the offer, then the business closes, 6? people are put on the dole, and if you did the same to the company he works for then he will be in the same dole queue ? forget that, just tell him to ................................ off, but, store his email address, even better if he enquires via ebay, store his username for future payback for when he is selling something
  7. 1 point
    Thank you for agreeing Casper.I now remember selling a Cosworth to some full spec lawyer.He said OK I will have it and we shook hands.I said I didn’t need a deposit and he insisted that I take a one pound coin and give him a receipt.He went on and on about sale contracts and peppercorns or something which protected him incase I sold it to someone else.
  8. 1 point
    Ha Ha ......I am not making this up,I do know a lawyer guy who is a nightmare .
  9. 1 point
    Jesus trade vet, you are the most depressing person ever
  10. 1 point
    Stay safe and take care all the best to you
  11. 1 point
    Not laughed quite so much at a video for ages but If you want something to cheer you up have a watch:
  12. 1 point
    I’ve never used it, or any drugs other than fags booze which I had to give up years ago because of hypertension. My reward for all this clean living was heart failure earlier this year. So I’m one of the high risk group hiding away! At 58 I thought I’d end my days surrounded by prostitutes in a Bangkok hotel room, not coughing up blood on an army canvas bed in a warehouse?
  13. 1 point
    No thank you. The last time I tried that stuff I was playing Johnny Big Balls, ordered the superskunk & had 4 or 5 puffs of it. The result was I couldn’t speak, started hallucinating & couldn’t move from the stool for about half an hour! I had been in Amsterdam for less than 90 minutes & two fellow gentlemen of the motor trade had to assist me back to my hotel room! What a state to find oneself in F*** that stuff, I’ll stick to drink, thank you very much.
  14. 1 point
    breaking = online car dealer Cazoo announced it has ceased car deliveries temporarily after initially continuing to take cars out to buyers. Cazoo said it had set itself three guiding principles early in the COVID-19 crisis: keep employees safe and health; serve customers to the highest standards possible; and do whatever it can to stop or slow spread of the virus. “We have now reached the point where we can no longer operate as normal for the time being and meet those three guiding principles. We will continue to take orders and resume deliveries when it is safe to do so for all concerned after the lockdown is lifted,” said London-based Cazoo’s statement.
  15. 1 point
    Technically, car rental services are allowed to stay open. Pretty sure a wedding would need a minimum of 3 people though...
  16. 1 point
    Today is your lucky day my friend! I’ve always admired 15yr old CRVs, 10yr old Galaxies & battered Corsa p/xs. As luck might have it I have an example of each in stock ready for your purchase.
  17. 1 point
    I think burger king got a bit more persuasive powerful than I. I haven't seen anything about you not being obliged to pay your rent. Just they have froze the evictions for 3 months. Unfortunately my landlord loves money too much and although he has a mortgage free industrial estate with less overheads than i, which much net him a couple of million per annum. No green eyed monster in me as you can see!
  18. 1 point
    Absolutely. It won’t just be the pot that’s raided, this is not free money. The govt are doing the right thing trying to prop up UK plc BUT there is no such thing as free money.
  19. 1 point
    Unfortunately the newly found money tree will struggle to bear fruit so quickly. I think Trade Vet’s post in another topic about having to struggle on until June at the earliest will be about spot on. I sincerely hope that the one good that eventually comes out of this is people realise how fragile their finances are, think of a little forward planning & try to live within their means. Fat chance obviously, but it would be nice.
  20. 1 point
    We are all going to pay through the nose afterwards for this anyway.
  21. 1 point
    They should go free like all of them or suspend until we are back to normal again. I call EMG today they were happy to move March bill to End of April Free. AA cars also moved March bill to end of April and April and May has been suspended. I will be talking to both of them again towards end of April if I need to. Will call CG tomorrow to do the same. Don't mind if they suspend advertising as we can't open and sell anything.
  22. 1 point
    All things considered Boris and his chums have been unusually benificent? How long before we feel some pain I wonder?
  23. 1 point
    When I was at school (best part of 50 years ago) we had a maths class about 'geometric progression'. The teacher told us a story about a wise man who went to work for a king. He asked to be paid each day in grains of rice on the squares of a chess board. On day 1 just 1 grain of rice. On day 2 put 2 grains of rice on the next square. On day 3 put 4 grains of rice. Every day doubling the number of grains of rice - 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and so on. The king agreed. After 64 days (the number of squares on a chess board) the wise man was owed more than all the rice in the world and was able to take the king's kingdom from him. That's geometric progression. Corona virus spreads at the rate of about 2.5 new infections per infected person. That means one infected person could potentially lead to about 60000 infections after 10 days. Without lockdown this would lead to 70-80% of the population being infected - until herd immunity kicks in and the infection rate slows right down. 70% of 70 million people is around 50 million. If 10% need hospital then that's 5 million. If 2% die then that is 1.4 million deaths. All happening over a couple of months. Unless you took radical action to slow things down you wouldn't be able to burn the bodies fast enough. This is way different to normal flu and doesn't remotely compare with smoking. There is no way on Earth that Trump will open up by Easter. We are in for a long haul, 3 months lockdown and then restrictions for many more months until, hopefully, a vaccine is developed. I said on a previous thread that 'failing to plan is planning to fail'. Back in January I read that some of the hardest hit businesses in China were car dealers because they were unable to trade and pay stocking loans. We started preparing about 4 weeks ago. Not buying anything and offloading cars where possible, maximising cash in the bank. We normally stock about 40 cars but now have just 11 cars at a covered secure storage site. Computers and anything of value removed from our premises. We spent quite a few days working on preparations for this and I think we can get through ok.