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  1. 2 points
    Well that is excellent, judge obviously seen through the "free check", he wants to see a non biased report from someone who is not on bonus, claimant has to pay for "expert" witness, claimant has to make car available, claimant has to forward documents to court, upon seeing the report if its in your favour judge may even decide the case without a further hearing as he she will read it before giving a date for a hearing, claimant may not even bother if they think they are on a looser, so if you do not get a response in reasonable time from claimant re expert witness, apply to court for strike out of case due to claimant not doing as told by judge, judge has brought up the age / mileage too, good, so the bottom line is claimant has relied on poor evidence for there claim, you may not hear anymore, heres hoping thanks for the update.
  2. 2 points
    Good luck today. It seems like you've been reasonable and fair and the customer has unrealistic expectations of a car that's this age and miles. Let us know how you get on
  3. 2 points
    I had today, can you do it for £2000 cash trade sale, (car was up for £2495) i replied sorry pete we have prepped it past trade sale specs shall i keep your number anything pops up we always like to trade something on. To which he replied what does trade mean as regards what do i get ? I replied the full details will be in your traders guide, he replied of course i forgot about that will check later cheers for your help.
  4. 1 point
    Cut a long story short the judge has given extra time and claimant now has to get 3 independent assessors and pass their details to me, I choose 1 and only after that "expert witness" report has been submitted will they continue the process. Still up in the air for now, however on picking up on some of the judges points today he mentioned on more than 1 occasion about age and value of the vehicle etc this gave me some optimism. I was really worried before as I had read a thread on here about the chap who sold the galaxy automatic where the claimant kept driving it to destruction yet he still lost. Thanks to all those who gave their advice and kind words today. Will be updating again when I have more information.
  5. 1 point
    They do ! they pick a car and pick a number ! trouble is they seem to come to me first ! Then i spend five minutes explaining at that figure [£] they will get scrap, then they walk off thinking i am having them over !
  6. 1 point
    I am confident, reading the posts, a well presented defence got over clearly should result in a case dismissed, after all, what we all easily forget, is this is a money claim i beleive, and what exactly are they claiming that has not been done or is consistent with age / mileage ? bit of luck they may not have even turned up, fingers crossed
  7. 1 point
    This is the sort of thing that does make us want to stop. It is often said on here that a return and refund is too soft, but I can imagine that after what you have gone through,you would have done it. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. I truly wish you well today. Do let us know how you get on. And if this comes up again, seek advice, be it Lawgisitics or a general feel from everyone on here
  8. 1 point
    Some of the initial complaints were clearly the usual bollocks dreamt up by the main dealer however, equally clear is that the suspension bushes are fucked & Ray Charles would of failed them. 99.9% don’t/won’t go to court. However this has, now I'm no soft touch but if I’d of been in possession of those photos and I thought this was really heading before the judge I’d of put this to bed. Too late now but firm handling of the case and the customer, sorting anything you thought was your problem & explaining the remaining items in writing to the customer would, very probably, have bottomed this out.
  9. 1 point
    Tell him FB and scumtree are full of £300 bangers, but there's a reason why?
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Good luck chin and head up keep us posted all the best ..
  12. 1 point
    I am looking for a car for a customer (he has laready bought 4 off me in the last 18 months). Found one at BCA (WBAC) and then found the same car being advertised by a private on AT. I guess he gave up trying to sell it and sent it to WBAC. It made more than the private ad through UKCG once fees were factored in.
  13. 1 point
    As they are material witnesses to the case, they would have no choice. If the customer is using them as witnesses then ask the judge if you can have an adjournment as you want them to appear in person so you can cross examine them or have a solicitor examine the evidence. I mean no offence, but on the surface it sounds as if you have not prepared for this case. Taking the information you have given at face value, the case is perfectly winnable, but you would need to challenge the evidence of the main dealer strongly and discredit them...which to be fair should not be that hard.
  14. 1 point
    There is a good point in this thread regarding overpriced cars at Auction. I was watching a Q3 for the Missus last year, I googled the reg and found the retail advert. The car sold on Dealer Auction for £770 more than it was being retailed for at the Dealer.....
  15. 1 point
    just take it back for another mot to show the customer is being ripped off by main dealer
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point