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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I hate main dealers with a passion they look down their noses at used car dealers like we are all gypos. I seldom buy anything on there tbh I'd rather pay abit more from BCA.
  2. 1 point
    I prefer to screw them on tbh as ive seen number plates on the forecourt in the past especially in the winter where the double sided tape has given up.
  3. 1 point
    you are asking for vosa and dvla to work together, they just will not, and never have done unfortunatley.
  4. 1 point
    Hello Good luck wish you all the best .
  5. 1 point
    Good luck mates
  6. 1 point
    the reality is all of these online company's like DA are valued on the basis of number of e-clicks / users, its likely DA will be hoping at some point to cash out the same as autotrade-mail did with selling to autotrader, DA will have zero appetite for getting rid of dishonest sellers as it affects the numbers, regulating it so the seller has more credibility only earns that seller more money, it would not earn DA any extra money, like all online based company's the value is in the amount of users - not the quality of the users, hence its unlikely things will change. if they start telling the vendors how they "must" use the system - the dishonest ones leave and the honest ones take offence because in their eyes they were doing things right anyway, the result is the platform becomes worth less money, instead its easy for DA to quote "guidelines" for sellers which we know is not worth toffee. i only ever used the site once the result being an arrogant sales manager thinking i was mug of the week ,so i decided to police the situation myself - bought an a4 avant from an audi franchise, phone call later all good and we will see you tomorrow for collection, i drive 130 miles with my trailer, car looked great, i say is it ok too run it up the road, yes fine they say see you in a while, result is the gearbox is winding-badly, i return the car and leave, could not at this point even be bothered to speak to them, i set off for home and ring them, the cocky manager says its a trade car and the local trade buyers would have take the problem on the chin, i say they havn't though have they hence youv'e dragged me 130 miles to try and took me up on DA, i tell him iv'e left the keys on reception and hang up, half hour later he rings me saying cant find the keys, i tell him again left on reception and hang up, over the next few hours they keep ringing and i just ignored them, they never did find the keys because they came home with me...not a nice thing to do but f**k them they deserved it.
  7. 1 point
    wow someone is doing well, i take it business has improved a lot then since you were having no inquiries on them few first purchased cars
  8. 1 point
    its like everything else if traders all stuck together and boycotted the show then the business model would have to change or fold unfortunately whilst your fellow traders are agreeing to boycott you will find them gleefully in the background bidding thinking ha one less bidder against me so the answer is as always plough your own field and feck the others because its the only way TV would agree but he threw in the towel in my opinion as theres only so much muck a back furrow can shift
  9. 1 point
    The general manager, Hodges if he’s still in heading up the show, has absolutely zero interest or intention of implementing this. Months ago he actually said to me something along the lines of if he wanted to instigate a professional appraisal then we (DA) would have to add £400 to cover the costs and then nobody would use us. I kid you not. Apparently getting an outside appraiser at £400 per car was his ridiculous response to my impertinent suggestion of simply enforcing vendors to abide by the DA rules they’d signed up for. This was just one of the many gems of wisdom I received. Look at anyone on here who’s had a complaint regarding vendor’s professionalism. Forget the mealy mouthed response, what has the final outcome actually been? Something between the lines of sweet f.a. to nothing whatsoever.
  10. 1 point
    Something to do with cost of keywords and they must have same budget but when others don't compete in that area they are more prominent. Witchcraft and voodoo
  11. 1 point
    Give it a smack with a plastic mallet. I use a heat gun to warm the area a little first.
  12. 1 point
    New mot would make new owner buy with confidence