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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/19 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Seriously had about 20 of these this week. Is it the national best price last price week? I reply with the actual price. One bugger offered me £700 for a £2000 car. Seriously where do the F do these fools come out of? I think the recent rise of certain political figures has encouraged more and more of these chancers to emerge and have "their say/view"... 2 or 3 years it wasn't this bad !
  2. 1 point
    You are very fortunate that you can still buy direct from franchise dealers,that fizzled out many years ago for most of us.I much prefer ex fleet stuff although I rarely buy it these days as we only have a small pitch and I am very part time.We now just buy from the local BCA and at the door,I don’t even buy online anymore.If I was starting out again it would definately not be in this business.
  3. 1 point
    depends as ever on spec mileage and pedigree, granted the job is slower at the moment, but folk have forgotten how to or have given up on how to profile /obtain the right stock, selling basic spec cheap cars with over average miles isn't and never has been the answer, the good stuff will always be the last type of stock too slow up when its quiet.
  4. 1 point
    I must have spoken to about 10 traders this week. Every single one has said it’s desperate. Just ignore the arsehole offers, they never come to anything & just suck the life out of you if you let them. It’s so dead the auction halls are all half-empty of bidders - I’ve been to five different sites in the last fortnight & they were all the same. After wading through the battered shite there are a few nice cheapish cars if you’ve got money to spend. Retailing is currently knackered just about everywhere. I see yet another major high street operator (Arcadia Group) are closing more stores than anticipated. It’s the start of the slippery slope - I assume they’ll be history in another couple of years. I struggle to believe anything above 5K is an automatic seller and also that anyone’s ‘having it off’ at the moment.
  5. 1 point
    These wasters never seem to appear when things are moving quickly. It's as if they know things are slow and they come out of the woodwork. Had a chap and his wife come view a 64 plate Avensis a couple of weeks back, black, 42k FTSH. After loading up all the kids for a test drive and dirtying my mats with grass and grime they had the cheek to offer me 500 less than the asking. When I pointed to another 64 reg I had in grey with 50 k they said no they wanted a black one. When I pretended to have another 2013 due in in black they said the wanted a 2014 one! When I said I may have another black 2014 due in in a couple of weeks they said no we need to buy something today. I thanked them for coming to view it and returned to the office. They stayed in their car for a further 10 minutes arguing amongst themselves then drove off. People nowadays!
  6. 1 point
    But the sites give you a final price. So if it was £500 cheaper then you pay that you dont ask them to knock off another £300. Yet the same people go into a shop and pay £1000 for an iphone x or £2000 for a 65" tv (yet most dont know if you ask the currys manager he may knock off something or Chuck in a longer warranty) I do believe in political classes in line with buying patterns... Dont think Tory supporters will send daft offers or ask for last price without viewing. If so it will be a very small number On the other hand you got the fascists with no teeth in a rough estate whos 02 reg Clio died and now he's looking at a £1800 motor and says "I'll gis yous £700quid for it m8?" Then he'll come over with another 10 chavs expecting a brand new car Seriously thinking of folding if this continues. I much rather get into property. Do an empty house up and sell it. Less people to deal with = less hassle
  7. 1 point
    Just Give it back. And if your boss is the decision maker, its down to him to deal in person with it. Not You. Time wasted over a deposit when you should be selling the car to someone else. Me? I NEVER take a deposit before someone has seen the car. Its amazing how quickly they can get to see it when they realise someone could buy it before them. But then its just me here so I'm not competing with other salesman(and women). And Id rather not let a billy put a car on hold till they can get their finger out and come to look at it.
  8. 1 point
    #METOO Im sick of making money form reliable Korean Cars. On a sensible note.... Dont think for one minute that replacing your car with a German one will make your problems disappear.
  9. 1 point
    £15000 seems to be about right for one of these it would be cheaper to buy some narrow guage rail and a small steam train and drive round the car taking pictures dont forget the whistle though ,customers love whistles