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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    People are just becoming more and more stupid.Every day you seem to hear and see things which are just stupid.Is it technology that is causing this,they appear to run their life based on social media influencers.We had someone last week requesting a PCP deal because their friend had one.They could not grasp the difference between renting and owning a car.
  2. 2 points
    The thing people think our business is easy. Buy a cheap car at auction, wash it and then make thousands.... Cloud fecking cuckoo land. We are professionals.
  3. 1 point
    Oh My God they are all out today Your so greedy wanting to earn a living and not taking the nice mans offer , He wanted you to take the risk , warrant the car , clean and inspect it , MOT it Service it , and present it for sale for £50 profit , wasn't he generous , and you would have had a quick 50 quid too ,
  4. 1 point
    ive had a week of nutters im just glad im home couldn't take much more
  5. 1 point
    That is unbeliveable but very funny
  6. 1 point
    I rue the day I sold my ZX12R , bought it new in 2002, flogged it just before we moved to NW, mods included de- restricted, really decent Exhaust, Can, Airbox, Power Commander and mapped at Ashford Powerhouse, 202 BHP, really torquey bastard, out run any 'Busa and it would wheelie off the throttle in 3rd gear I did a few Track Days at Brands with it, never dropped it, gorgeous metallic Blue colour Mel and I would be 2 up and piss all over the 1000 Gixer boys riding solo Goddam I miss that rush, saw 185 mph on it once, never did have it flat out, Bike Mag reckoned they were good for 215 mph average two ways down a runway !! If I'd kept it I'd probably be in jail or dead by now, it was one of those bikes that just wanted to do 160 everywhere lololol The Black Firebird in the background was mine, 800 BHP Small Block all alloy LT1 motor, 1996 model T Top, sold that up as well when we moved, was really almost undriveable in the wet lol
  7. 1 point
    Answer is easy really, plug it in or play parts darts and waste money
  8. 1 point
    Sometimes you have to take a punt on the less desirables at auction. Ones which the regulars who don't want to put too much effort in will steer clear of. For example i just bought a 2009 VW Fox. Needs some work, all of the exhaust looks like it could be off the titanic and it was blowing as it went into the hall. windscreen wipers and screws in engine bay are rusty (scottish car) , the passenger wing needs replacing and a repair carrying out to the bumper near it. And new wheel trims ,MOT and service. But it cost me £570 with fees. All in it will owe me about £1100 and at £2000 it should go out quickly as its done just 56k miles. It does help if you can do a bit of spannering as that keeps the costs down. Sometimes you just have to put your neck out with certain cars as the unloved ones dont get fought over like the grade 1s and 2s and even 3s.
  9. 1 point
    Typical, no sooner had I posted this - the phone rings appointment 10am Monday, Kia Soul Ok, the power of Sod’s law, I also have the following ornaments...........
  10. 1 point
    A phone call is more personal. Dont get me wrong but written text is written in one manner and read another. (Think of some instructions in a flat pack that make no sense) @trade vet just asked me something and after a long day I nearly read it wrong and thought he was having a dig with sarcasm. Whereas a phone call... You hear a persons voice... Always say "cheers" than "thank you very much". The latter is dull, its robotic like the virgin media call centres based abroad. I didnt elaborate. I know the fellas over time and at work... Life and death situations let's say. Over the years we progressed and in the force as you progress you learn more about management and running of a team or department rather than front line policing. So since we all were fairly up in the ranks we had a lot of experience and knew what each of our strongest points are. For example those that were good with communications prefer the sales side of things. I know what you mean about cock ups. But the key is communication. Be clear, be specific, if in doubt leave it out.
  11. 1 point
    She has a horse so cant say a darn thing. I have a tweaked 1199s, do the odd Euro trackday. Got three days at Aragon in about 6 weeks.
  12. 1 point
    thinners on a lint free flannelette cloth im not buying bulked up stuff to do the same job bit like using t/cut donkey years ago i remember buying mk4 cortinas that had been undrsealed 6 inches up from the sills and taking it all off with copious amounts of thinners/petrol and finding mint paintwork underneath and adding loadsa value
  13. 1 point
    My personal bus is a bonkers crazy 200bhp Red Italian with two wheels
  14. 1 point
    Akhtar, you need to look at your whole business idea. To me, you sound like what most on here will term a 'plastic trader'. you are chasing easy money, but need to add value. pitches are full of astras, golfs, focuses etc. Mine is. But ive got a great local reputation, put a warranty on it, Fully Valeted it, offer finance and ive fixed it before its even marketed. And its on AT. So I can ask (and get) more than you. what do you offer? Facebook? £5 hand car wash and vac? you have to be (a lot) cheaper than me. So if you chase the same car as me you will be outbid or work for very little. Thats the hard facts of life. So buy something different if you want to Swim. Or do more of the same and sink. Silver card, gold card, doesnt matter. Dealer Auction is real. you are looking for problems which dont exist. the problem is how YOU are trying to do business. And Rory, I agree, he has pissed me off a bit too. 'please tell me everything I need to know to make millions' is how this sounds. I just hope this sorry story of akhtar the plastic trader acts as a warning to a series of amateurs who will look at this forum thinking its easy.
  15. 1 point
    First rule of business Akhtar is this . If its not working for you ITS YOUR FAULT , Got it, ITS YOUR FAULT . You are doing the job WRONG , Its no one else to blame . I would outbid you at every turn , I will make you Puff & blow and call me a pillock at the block , , But its because I know my mkt and KNOW I'm going to make a handsome profit . Years of self critique have learned me lessons I don't forget . I also do NOT work for peanuts either . I also sell 20/30 units a month , Money in the metal and bolt ons too Aurfur Daly has said we are pro's at what we do and he's right , You have to learn the trade and an auction catalogue is NOT where its at either , I don't need a catalogue . You have to ;learn how to bid , when to bid , when to stop , when to go higher , what sells , what doesnt , how quick they turn and how slow , Know the stocks faults and how to fix it , How to sell , how to present yourself , What to say to a customer , Know EVERY THING about the car your selling , How to prep it , where to sell from and were not to sell from. Some people are born sellers , other are not .and this makes a huge difference , Come here and you would leave with the car ,that i would promise you . Some cant sell , some cave into letting the customer control , Some cant prep , others its natural , Lots to learn in this job Akhtar , its not BCA Gold card + Catalogue + Wave arm in air + get car and sell it . YOU Have to work at EVERY part of this job and it has to run in your blood veins . Good luck by the way , All the very best .
  16. 1 point
    And to be honest there are loads of little tips similar to what XFS kindly offered that wont be shared on a public forum, cost me a lot of money time and effort to learn what i know. Its a tough old world sometimes.
  17. 1 point
    This was taken from pistonheads and was something I saved a while back after starting out trading. I think this chap covers most things. An understanding girlfriendRent of a yardAutotrader bill Ebay motors billHPI Account - You can offer driveaway insurance through this aswell as value any PX's with cap or glasses - This is an essentialTrade insurancetrade platesBuisness insurancestaff - You will need people to help move cars about for you2 x mot stations to use2 x paint shops to use2 x auto electricians to use2x repair garages to useA diesel specialista good scrap yard your friendly withMerchant services Your own transporter CCTV EquipmentOverflow space - Cars take up a lot of space FCA license trade acounts with bca, manheim, sma, aston barclay Its easier to sell well prices cars just now than it is to buy them.A good accountant.a good selection of toolsA snap on booster pack, nothing else cuts it for me.Your own diagnostic and battery recharging equipementA complaints procedurea warranty company who will actually pay out.Friends to help youA decent internet provider as autotrader dealer edit needs it.A firm but fair attitude, the public with try take the piss out of you at any opportunity