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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    People who ask this are not buyers. They are people who have £5k to spend and are looking at £6k cars, hoping the dealer will come down £500 on the phone and they can get another £500 in person. There's a word for them, dreamers.
  2. 1 point
    Its easier for punters to ask for a deal these days because its behind a keyboard or a text message. It depends when they start asking though. I find if its the first thing they want to know then it very rarely results in a sale, If they ask questions about the car first and about us and then the price I usually find they are more serious about buying the car. Because I work hard to find my retail prices I dont do deals anymore though I just do gestures fo the right customers. The space cadets get thanked for their efforts.
  3. 1 point
    Industry standard shall we say, it meant I could give the billy a little back his way and make him feel he'd won.
  4. 1 point
    I've just had my first finance approval, handover this weekend. So from the 4th July, when I wasn't VAT registered, and bereft of an FCA license, to the 23rd August, when I've just sold a car on finance, is what, 6-7 weeks. 1) VAT registration. 2) FCA license applied and granted 3) Set up with Close 4) Car sold on finance This will be a great reference point for anyone wondering what can be done with this process given the right attitude and help from your rep.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I'm too lazy to check but wasn't Terry a sales exec? So, in 2018 he'd be a bitter burnt out alcoholic doing 30,000 miles a year and hardly at home, June would be shagging around, and socialising with 'ladies that lunch'? Also, do any of those cars still exist? A huge amount of TV show cars have been tracked down and restored You won't get this sort of entertainment in the 'secret room'
  7. 1 point
    I think it looks so much tidier with our company name on our number plates. Especially on the forecourt with all of our part ex's lined up.
  8. 1 point
    I’m not sure any incremental business will come as a result of a little name on a number plate. having said that, I normally put new plates on because they make the car look so much brighter. I have just sent DVLA app off for permission to supply plates. for £12 a set with my name on, it is a no brainier and adds that little bit of professionalism. Years down the line, it’s surprising how many you see about town.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    £2995...must have been 6 months old,we sold a lot of Wedges,crap car but the punters loved them.( Those who didn’t go anywhere ) Your punter must have wanted it for regular use !
  11. 1 point
    I know I sound like Mr. Paranoia but ‘the authorities’ want everyone to be totally cashless so that every transaction in our lives is recorded and can be scrutinised. Nowadays many people’s idea of a ‘cash deal’ involves cards or bank transfers. Brainwashed.
  12. 1 point
    There are plenty of lurkers watching this right now gleaming info, there are also those who fleet in and out requesting help. There’s nothing wrong with that imo. The Trade forum would be used more if admin sorted out their applications. I’m happy for the public to see what I post here. If someone doesn’t like what I say they can simply jog on.
  13. 1 point
    PMSL! Halfords do clear lacquer with UV protection I spray on headlights after sanding them down
  14. 1 point
    Like. Then abstain. Only use the trade only section.
  15. 1 point
    we only sell cars with 2 keys, full stop. If it comes with only 1, we get another cut straight away. However we have some decent suppliers out there and a new Mini key we can get for sub £130. We like to do the job properly, so for me its a standard thing we do.
  16. 1 point
    "As you know i have an unusual connection with HMRC (sure she will love being called that) but even with that huge advantage it is still going to be carnage." So if you get a letter saying you are about to get a thorough examination from a Vat inspector is that the equivalent of a "booty call"?