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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I say, Mr Customer unless you are buying a new car with a manufacturer warranty then most warranties are worthless IMO. When buying a much older car the CRA2015 covers you against undisclosed faults which were apparent at purchase, however you need to take ownership and responsibility for the care, servicing and repairs of your car because faults / wear n tear which you would expect from a vehicle of its age and mileage are not covered. Something along those lines...
  2. 1 point
    +1 and probably the 4 pot petrol which are pretty horrid engines.
  3. 1 point
    We should probably make one of these threads a sticky. These questions constantly get asked by newbies and always attract the same answers.
  4. 1 point
    A third party warranty is an insurance policy. If the vehicle has a fault then under a certain set of circumstances (which have been discussed many times) as a trader you have to put it right. All the third party warranty is doing is insuring YOU against having to pay for the repairs. It should make no difference to the customer as they are entitled to said repairs whether you use a third party warranty or not. Whether the punter knows they have these entitlements is a different matter and if by offering a warranty you are reminding them they have these rights on a 10 year old banger then why would you?!
  5. 1 point
    Absolutely correct I say NO, if I said anything else I’d be misleading customers. Legally you should say “No, but your statutory rights are not affected”. As for your second question I’m not sure you understand the meaning of the word ‘No’. No means no, it’s as simple as that. By your questions I’ll hazard a guess & say you feel uncomfortable telling punters straight. Don’t be, it’s far better getting everything covered before you sell a car, rather than chewing on with a disgruntled customer afterwards. Very rarely do punters ask about warranties, and the few a year who do ask seem to only ask out of interest. It’s not stopped me selling cars.
  6. 1 point
    On a £3995 10 year old car? Why would you get a warranty? On a £9995 4 year old Focus, that’s a different story, people may expect it and you can use it as a selling point if you are competing with two other local cars that don’t offer one. But in that £3995 market, if everyone is offering the same car with a warranty and bells and whistles then what does it come down to? Price! People want a warranty but they don’t want to pay for it. They would rather have a £200 cheaper car with no warranty. The best thing you can do is prep a car to a very high standard, new mot and service, fix advisories, polish and hoover the nuts out of it, take plenty of good images, write a good description and price it correctly. Do that and things like warranties and card payments become a very very secondary issue that people will overlook because your car is a standout.
  7. 1 point
    Punters have never changed,they never annoyed me as much as smarmy main dealer sales managers and occasional auction managers (who were usually on the bung),bullshitting traders who let you down with bad descriptions or bouncing cheques.
  8. 1 point
    BEST; Deciding to give it a go in this industry. After 20+ years as a wage slave (albeit reasonably well paid in a different industry) I do not miss the rat race whatsoever. WORST; Deciding to give it a go in this industry. I had no idea just how stupid, deceitful, obnoxious, rude, greedy, arrogant, ignorant, ill-informed & self-important a fair percentage of the general public are.
  9. 1 point
    Funnily enough the main MOT garage I use has finally cottoned on to the fact they’ll be better off being selective about work rather than doing ‘everything’ and agreeing to all MOT repairs. They’ve had a string of bother with punters’ pieces of shit after repairing one thing & then something else going wrong. Punters start screaming & half of them haven’t a pot to piss in. That’s not to also mention those cars with a plethora of parts options so a £60 job ends up taking up a day’s worth of ramp space. Trade money won’t pay so well but it should be zero comeback, understanding of the potential problems working on older cars and often is in cash.
  10. 1 point
    Bought 3 x 2015 Rav 4 diesel between Dec and Feb for in or around £11750, now the same car 6 months later is making at least a £1000 more! Cant seem to source any anywhere now either privately or from the trade. (BTW if anyone has one in Blue or black with under 65k I'm interested) I sometimes find dropping a car 200 can get the phone ringing again but on a few occasions I have upped the price and got better results! In the odd case you have the same individual with cash in the bank to spend, watching you car over the space of a month or two, no major hurry on them for whatever reason. They see it's there a while and when you are routently dropping the price they know its not selling, and will wait to see how low you will go. When price starts going back up they get interested
  11. 1 point
    I think in this job we can make a lot of money by working smart and working to our strengths. Can make far more money in buying and selling than I can spending time fixing cars or cleaning them.
  12. 1 point
    ...don't forget used cars aren't always going down in value. OK, i'll admit that is mostly what happens but spring this year quite a lot of stuff went marginally up in value or at least wasn't dropping much. We put up prices on some five door hatches because there simply weren't any on the market locally, they sold. Petrol SUV's during the great VW diesel moan, they got price increases, they sold. Sometimes there are valid reasons for increasing prices on stuff.
  13. 1 point
    I had one in the past, can’t rememeber which car, couldn’t shift it so dropped the price. Still had no interest so gave up and put it on a bid on eBay. Ended up selling for more than the original asking price.
  14. 1 point
    Works for me and what I also do is reschuffle my pictures and it can appear as a new stock unit (we don't display number plates - this is a MUST!) I can't say if it works on a £2K car but it does on one that was £10500 and is now up at £11200. Also, when you have 3 similar vehicles and sell one you can comfortably increase the price of the two that are still in stock and put on AT's attention grabber on the sold car something like, "Thank you now sold" (this isn't a good idea every time though). You can always put a "Thank you now sold" on a car that you still have just in case it makes someone looking at your advert every day to finally pick up the phone and call you. No point trying that on a £1K car :-) Some of you WILL question the morality or the transparency in all of the above but this is a very dynamic marketplace with multiple factors at play and if your pricing is "non-dynamic" it will ultimately cost you. Bought any Ryanair tickets lately???
  15. 1 point
    I understand the ebay system is driven by algorithms; not my strongest forte.. it is ebay that use these to present buyers looking for items (any) with a best match.. as over 60% of ebay searches are on mobile devices, the options to select a decent search criteria are well hidden or removed.. if you are using ebay on a desktop as probably most traders are here; sat a desk etc in office, they you see all the options (search by closest/colour/miles).. however I believe this is reduced on phones/tablets therefore its down to ebay (the algorithm) if your auction gets viewed.. I have read elsewhere that ebay "drives" the cheapest gets priority across their site... Never for one moment think these muppets have it tuned separately for ebay motors; to them a commission is a commission, therefore it is all about what generates this fastest
  16. 1 point
    Do ebay encourage being the cheapest? No stupid price indicators on there that I'm aware of? Certainly do on AT but then they've lost the plot. Car Guru's do it too. Waste of time in my opinion. With regards to putting the prices up- we've done it in the past and has 'worked' but you wonder if the car was about to sell anyway. One tip Autotrader always used to recommend years ago when I was with the idiots, is to go for the rounded up hundreds. E.G. Like your BM Mark- put it up at exactly £7000 rather than £6995 as they said you'd catch lookers at the up to six grand ish budget and lookers at the 7k plus budget.
  17. 1 point
    never done sundays apart from appointments,i think you need to make a decision oneway or the other and stick to it or get someone trusted to run the place and not rob you and thats not easy either as the customer comes back a few weeks later with a small problem and asks you how you did with their p/x that you've never seen so 7 days in a week 52 weeks in a year long time dead for some crazy reason i didnt go away last year so thats a year out of my life times that by working till you drop no thanks
  18. 1 point
    Snap. Used to but we got so many dreamers and people killing time while the wife shopped it wasn't worth it. Do far more business on a weekday than we ever do on a Saturday or Sunday.