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Everything posted by justina3

  1. have you got a link to the report please and if you happen to come across a claim group dealing with the specifics i would be over the moon if you could give me the nod years these gits made my life hell. thanks
  2. do you think in light of the report there will be claims against rbs for there actions ?
  3. I also smell carnage in the air, its an odd one for sure clearly the car has had a clout to which you will be getting bills for tyres forever.
  4. do you think so i think people will just roll over like they have for years.
  5. Theres also a ply option out there think ply lining services used to do one, for a few pence more if the wood is tatty you could change the lot it will fresh and funky then.
  6. its kinda spooky how often that happens, thankfully i tend to stock a lot of the same stuff so i use this to ok well i have got another one i can do a similar deal on blah
  7. I think if your on line only you either have to cut your margins to almost zero or have something that no one else has, having stock that just has FSH and in excellent condition isnt enough just because someone has a retail premises doesnt mean they dont have the same level of product.
  8. I had a lady buy a 107 once she done all the dealings as her boyfriend was away in the army, anyway usual questions she had a list written down, has the car ever been written off mot svs history ect and the one from last as she was in full flow, have you ever had a criminal conviction for fraud ? i just sat back and said excuse she went bright red and said aw sorry thats her boyfriends sense of humor. Anyway she bought the car collected it and i had to mention it did her boyfriend have a good laugh that you asked the question she mumbles went red again and said yes, i will never know if it was a serious question odd for sure.
  9. I think we need a pint to sit down and bash this out, still cant see that working it doesnt matter if you have a bill to go into expenditure the fact is you had funds sitting in an account which came from sales that didnt attract any levy of tax
  10. I am confused (and not trying to be funny please dont think that) you agree once any balance is removed from an suspense account be it accrual or similar it will attract tax, then you comment you can use it for an unexpected big bill ! so how do you move the money to pay a bill without it forming part of your balance sheet, only time i could see that working if you had it form part of a work in balance but unless your fixing up antique cars cant see how that would work either. Maybe i just need more coffee
  11. That’s an interesting thought however using the balance kept as an accumulation against future liabilities on your balance sheet would keep the funds out of the p & l balance sheet, at some point when it is moved over it would attract tax at that point, wouldn’t it be almost like storing it as a dividend at some point it has to come out and there are HMRC with there hands wide open. (I am not saying it wouldn’t work more thinking out loud to the idea)
  12. totally agree there quite hard to understand but very fair people to deal with, do you think its because they have a totally different life ethic there so easy to deal with.
  13. Hold on tiger you asked for advise and i was pointing out a potential problem, and yes thanks i know the answer.
  14. on your one series bmw it states vat included as i am vat registered if i purchase this car can i claim 20% back ??
  15. I used to like non runners also, but these days every one i have tried is terminal due to costs or just crazy electronic faults even main dealers wash there hands with.
  16. totally agree msp, they do lost the plot over sometimes / most of the time i mean, this chain of thought the customers have really does steer what i buy these days
  17. Do you have a case in mind Jimbo or just gathering info, a lot of what your asking should be covered in your t&c's
  18. crunch the numbers you could spend ages stressing about this and that sometimes you have to take a hit, take the hit and move in, if its once in a bluemoon then i would just take the easy option and move on, if it is happening often then i would look at the whole business model. For example i know someone who has a chain of small corner shops he knows stealing is part of the daily culture so he does what he can to stop it but then has a 5% allowance for theft if one store moves above 5% it gets looked at, his point is he could spend 20% of the shops profit stopping 5% theft it doesnt add up
  19. cant help there sorry, one of the main advantages of selling Fiestas and Clios no one wants to travel hundreds of miles to buy them,sure someone more up to date will comment soon
  20. What do you guys do with complaints? (treat this as an opportunity to show them why they bought from you in the first place and not from the guy out the back of the petrol station at 9pm step up and sort the fault promptly a simple fix coil pack sump gasket what ever it is will be the cheapest form of advertising you will ever have) if the car is within the first 30 days and you get moans about any kind of issues - oil leaks, drop links, misfires, coolant leaks, etc etc (take your faults as you listed them, oil leaks well these happen from time to time on older stuff even more so but part of your pdi you should have been under the car checking for obvious signs of things starting to go wrong, drop links again don’t just fail unless you live on a mountain with pot holes the size of craters should have been noticed early, misfires well coil packs plugs and leads have a mind of there own not a lot you can do there, coolant leaks yikes ! do you usually pass over to the warranty company and ask them to step in or try and sort repairs yourself? (for me dealing with stuff sub 5k I do all my own repairs in house never needed a company) Looking at last years come backs the biggest was the c1 /107 with clutch faults, so do we stop selling me hell no, it’s the kind of car that attracts first time drivers who are going to be hard on the clutch, the peddles are stupidly close so even I sometime ride the clutch with my big hoofs, but we spin it around change the clutch same day if its done a lot of miles and been driven hard we ask for a contribution, I have a massive percentage of those people coming back next year to upgrade to something bigger once there insurance comes down, if I told them to take a running jump with there clutch faults I very much doubt I would have hardly anyone back. Now what you have to remember is everyone runs there business different the above is how we operate doesn’t make it right doesn’t make it wrong but works for us.
  21. if you go onto HMRC website they have a live chat option which you can get an answer very quickly and then print it off save it if a vat officer ever says different.
  22. What a difference a week or two makes, seeing some nice stuff appear at normal prices, i do feel for the guys and dolls who just shelled out a stupid amount of money on stock.
  23. got to love the use of Arthur Daley pics all over there page.
  24. they used to have all the gravels part ex's which where very clean to be fair not sure whats going on with them these days it was a 3 hour drive shame they didnt get with the times and offer bidding on line
  25. I wouldnt say rough but i used to travel to Leominster car auctions they where a friendly bunch in between the chickens running everywhere, the scariest part was travelling back across the brecon beacons where the sas train seen a few military types the local pubs one place not to start a fight for sure.