It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. are you checking basics like air leak injector off etc it certainly sounds like an engine problem than a gearbox /mounting problem
  2. dyslexia is a terrible thing but unless you had your spell check on and know how to use it how would you no your spulling was correct just sayin.................... im on the fence..
  3. yep and basically all characters you wouldnt leave in the pub alone with your new girlfriend
  4. in the 80.s hated white on fords because you got them painted but the crystals of death crept out in the winter ask trade vet green never a good seller
  5. friends and business never go together 30 years ago a good friend/customer came into my tyre bay needing a tyre but having no cash he got the tyre ,promised to pay saturday he never turned up i lost a tyre £22 a friend a customer i never forget this
  6. sound mate no worries you will fit in nicely
  7. im sorry but if that is your business plan im out
  8. the product you sell is an end to the means unless you take trade vets advise very seriously then someone or many will clean you out and leave you in debt /prison holding the baby £200,000 isnt really that much once a partner keeps sticking his hand up for you being the big i am i suggest you get some ground experience first and bank the money for at least 6 months
  9. hi mate we all start somewhere on here but post 3( this one) screams to me like a tripadvisor post by the owner just sayin....................
  10. im disgustedc his contract has been extended meanwhile in his home country they are trying to defy trump and yet they need trump more than trump needs them i wished he had gone home yes i voted brexit because i see the damage daily that the eu is causing to my lifestyle
  11. You must go to the auctions even if its only once a month,its much easier to assess cars online once you understand what makes cars tick of course you need to be in the right frame of mind too clear head, not hungry, comfortable shoes,(no pointees) nice warm coat possibly hat and be willing to stand around for hours only ever sit down if you have to its surprising what you will buy as others have said, that you would never consider from your keyboard main thing is dont get into a club of other traders that stand round taliking,its the easiest way to miss your car or a bargain
  12. its thursday again so i will start £4 tip get yourself a pint a fiat radio late model the customer has had a parrot fitted so thought i could make better use of the original ice,i personally would rather listen to a radio than a parrot squeaking but hey ho i looked in the bin at the dairy lee cheesy chocolates and it said dairy box
  13. seeing as you are selling tyres how about this is a patch up give us all your money remember you dont need a sense of humour to sell tyres but it helps when you get your customers finger stuck in the bead as the tyre pops on
  14. i would rather get my man to get a s/h one and fit it for me so the insurers dont have reason to load me at renewal
  15. Hi I have no idea where how or what you trade in I was giving General advise to your post because I was warned of warranties with weedy words taking away consumer rights when the xr3i came out Just saying.........
  16. just buy something branded like gates most factors usually have basic standard and premier parts ranges just dont buy basic unless its a shitter
  17. hi its a bad idea giving a basic worded warranty that covers engine , gear box and axle diff eg "drive train " because unless you stipulate in detail what is and isnt covered then you are leaving yourself open to problems from either trading standards the customer or a small claims court either give a warranty or dont,trying to upsell from your kitchen to me sounds frankly absurd take their money and cover what the cra says you should,remember you are working from home thus obviously saving on lots of potential bills so you will be undercutting the pitch man anyway
  18. well check,the good thing is they auto update via my broker at renewal,otherwise your £165 would be better saving the children
  19. you need the trade plates on the mid now,your insurer should advise this
  20. to fill in a few more details you put car on mid on motortrade policy you sell it and dont take off the mid customer doesnt insure for many reasons and they have an accident i know a trader this happened to ive just been on a drive and been road raged by a young woman with a young kid on the front seat jumping up and down,ive just done a dvla check and the car doesnt exist another 66 plate second in 2 months i know about now
  21. now go get your shinebox i love fusion but for some reason the price has gone meg lately i use a 2 inch paint brush and pour what i think i need into a paint cap then pour the rest back into the container,this way you can do hundreds of tyres with 5 litres
  22. some dealers keep you waiting forever for instance lada havent rung back yet