It's me

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Everything posted by It's me

  1. sounds good does he need to put his left leg in our out as he shakes it all about
  2. next year im gona do a bernard manning on them you can have have it when i got it signed bollox probably get more respect too boyo
  3. would a basic battery disconnect do this? dont know,why would you have a 98,000 nightmare on stock get rid
  4. there is no law.......yet.....that says you have to take customers car at x value coz book says so why not offer to take it off his hands at a bag of sand and block the thing
  5. come on be fair ones is supposed to take them back to the dealer and not let the great unwashed repair them
  6. is it anthony or anfonni ? sorry i watch the sopranos too much
  7. unfortunately they have lost all records of trade plate holders they are therefore waiting for all the cheques to come in to see if they can afford a new windows xp computer by tiny to record all current plate holders thought this was common knowledge? did you all not get a letter from the trade plates dept nigh 2 years ago with all your details wrong
  8. with a lucky unlikely poor copy jubilee clip on the end,the ones that tighten up then go slack,
  9. is it on a combine arvester then>??????????????????
  10. im a little confused with your wording are you agreeing use lawgistics the reason i ask is having in the past used common solicitors it would appear that when it comes to motor vehicles they lack the necessary skills in your favour lawgistics specialise to put it into otherwords i am currently dealing with an ex fully ticked up member of this profession and i wouldn't let therm make me a cup of tea never mind write meaningful wordy bits
  11. i cant give an answer to this i think it is indeed a lawgistics one
  12. hi why arent you using capitols if you come from northern ireland seems weird you coming over here for cars when 30 years ago we all went over there (5 years before first mot,everything was rotten)
  13. ive always found this is when the rot starts they get jealous that you are turning motors over having it large time to move on ive always found they know what you do they know advisories are picked over by most customers these days so they are messing you why dont they just do the job you pay them for
  14. im not sure about reviews but someone put some totally irrelevant photos up on my google and i got them off within 24 hours they send me lots of updates so i would certainly try the get it removed ,try citing this is the uk and under eu law you kindly ask that this derogatory remark is removed,it worked for me with some other 3rd party pooping review site if all else fails just write someting that you were sorry that the scrap car you advertised as suitable for spares only really wouldnt have got him to spain no matter how much he begged you to sell it to him
  15. i delivered a car to a customers house a week or so back and he had piles of 20's all neatly lined up in hundreds on his table it was full of money fuck me i said it looks like were doing a drugs deal now i dont swear,or try not to wish id taken a photo now
  16. but you have anyway to be categorically clear i voted to leave the eu and im not happy with my government at the moment hows that
  17. the clue is in the chassis number by the way
  18. what are you exporting in the hidden corners of the car then? krugerands????????????
  19. put your shoes on as if you were the customer define your line if you came to yourself and either reject repair make offer under betterment to fix keep to those parameters or you will end up being bent over
  20. be careful and wear thick underpants as someone i know who wanted to learn the trade had to bend over for the teacher every monday morning and most weekends,funny thing is the teacher ended up being part of the family due to a short lived wedding,i could never talk to him in case he made a grab for me jewels
  21. customers oh ive said that one already why would they phone up with a problem, you book them in first job ,then they neither turn up or ring in to cancel so you give them half an hour with your life on hold and then have to ring them to be told.oh it doesnt matter now what other business puts up with crap like that
  22. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr car sales how can i help????????????????? hello i bought a fiesta off you about 6 months ago and have a problem,do you remember me????????????????
  23. a mate used to do autocross 850 mini stuff where you couldnt modify the engine,anyway i was in a scrapyard and spied a high lift special rocker shaft in some car probably a metro? so i stripped it off paid the mangy geezer in the office and took it home,stripped it cleaned it put it all back together and when mate came round sat night before we all went to the local pubs i showed him it and told him probably £20,he was delighted and paid me 6 months later he slags me off tells me it was just a rocker shaft off a later A+ metro engine oh how we larfed