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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Madness when you consider they have more control, and without physical auctions to distract them they should be able to focus on their business even more? Looks like as has mentioned in other threads, where covid is an excuse for poor service and f+*# ups!
  2. Good luck with it! Sounds like it has potential!
  3. Funny you should say that! Friend of mine picked up a car from Scotland a week or so ago. Trained up and drove it back in a day. Apparently the car was cheap and so was the train ticket. I’m guessing driving those distances at 60mph will be a ball ache?
  4. Jeez, really? Just out of interest, how's Manheim doing, what's Colchester like or Northampton?
  5. So, is everybody collecting their own stuff?
  6. What's the latest with BCA arranging deliveries. Are there any restrictions on age etc these days? Who are you guys using at the moment? I'm might have to start having stuff delivered and not sure what's best? Thanks
  7. metcars


    +1 for warrantywise being pants!
  8. I noticed that Manheim are going to offer pre booked slots to inspect cars prior to purchase. They've nicked that idea from Copart. But I wonder how that's going to work, I wonder how many 'slots' they'll have available in a day?
  9. Not forgetting the auction houses are monitoring how they can run with much fewer staff? Even if it means poorer service. Any problems or interruptions are automatically blamed on the virus. But, obviously they are excuses not reasons. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for my card issue to be 'actioned'. I have made contact with a person but somehow, pushing the button has been affected by Covid! Never got a reply from the message i sent transport, that was nearly a week ago now. Shocking!
  10. It's the auction houses that use the guide prices more than the traders? For them, CAP clean is an aiming point for everything. It's funny because, as I remember, CAP clean is the price for a car requiring no extra costs or refurbishment, all done and ready to retail. That's not what it appears to mean now?
  11. The auction houses are onto a winner. Online only is better in every way. Auction sites just become glorified storage/prep facilities. They can claw back customer parking too. No need to have to provide facilities for customers. Everything online. Everyone has to register and provide ID. Private buyers can still join but only basic access and not only pay over but get stung for delivery! For auctions it’s a win win! They have got us more by the knackers than ever at the moment! The thing I find odd is listening to auctions where the auctioneers are actually sitting in the auction hall with no hall bidders! Way not just do it remotely in a nice A/C office with the vendors being entertained with lap dancers and all that! personally, I think online only was inevitable and covid has just given them the opportunity to bring it forward. I think the big auction houses are seeing the difference and the potential. I’ll miss my trips to the block. It’s the best bet of the job for me. It’s what makes it interesting.
  12. Sounds good, that’s going on my business cards!
  13. Just heard back from them about the account. Still nothing from transport?
  14. Sent another message this morning! Focusing on the card issue. Given up on the logistics guys ever replying. FFS
  15. Funnily enough, I have a card issue too. Sent them two emails. Effectively I can’t buy at the moment. But I think they know they can call the shots really? But I also sent an email about deliveries and that’s been ignored too. Interesting with all that ‘business partner’ nonsense! All I can say at the moment is good old manheim!
  16. So, I had reason to email BCA last week, Thursday in fact. And last Friday I sent another two emails to different departments of BCA. Neither have replied as of yet. I’m assuming that they’re ‘working from home’ so turn on the computer when you get back from school run about 10am and turn it off about 2:45pm before you pick up the kids again. Of course they’ll tell me it’s because of Covid?
  17. Very true. My days of eating greasy baps is over. I’m 58, I’m more likely to be found in a lay-by eating an undressed salad out of a plastic container than a sausage and egg sarnie!
  18. Thanks. Apparently I’m looking at a “home reversion plan” not equity release? Which answers all my questions.
  19. Not meaning to hijack Dave’s thread. But could somebody tell me, IF a homeowner needs an equity release perhaps for a sibling in need of a large cash advance, does the equity release company buy the property immediately before any cash is released, or do they just wait until the house sells?
  20. It’s weird. I was driving back from Colchester today and noticed the lay-by cafes have managed to comply with the strict government guidelines by using some plastic fencing?
  21. PM received thank you Nick
  22. I’ve been with DNA for a few years but I always shop around and it usually ends up as a last minute ‘negotiation’! Bollingtons were very competitive this year when previously they weren’t. I’ve also noticed how the insurance companies are bearing down a little. Searching your phone number on line to see what ads you’re running. As a home trader, asking for photographic evidence that you actually have the room to store the cars you say you can etc. When previously I’d not had to. Funny because back in the day trade insurance was very difficult to obtain and I wonder if that’s the direction things are heading back in?
  23. Hi Nick, you have a PM.