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Everything posted by metcars

  1. Back in the day, i was at Leyton car auctions when they were filming the episode of eastenders withfrank and Ricky? If that counts?
  2. Does anyone know, at what year and at what trim level did the 208 get the touchscreen tablet thing? cheers
  3. They make these offers because they can, it’s easy now? Before the internet they’d have to call or actually turn up and risk abuse. But it costs them nothing to send an unrealistic low-ball offer and don’t even really expect you to answer. The internet gives and the internet takes away!
  4. There’s an auctioneer at Colchester that runs at 100mph! He must have previously worked at a Texas cattle auction!
  5. So having spent a few months with online auctions who do you guys find the most entertaining? Without a doubt the guys at manheim Northampton really lift my tuesdays/Thursdays? I actually laughed out loud with the wrestling comments last week.
  6. A very astute observation. Of course companies paying £50k will have invested in their employees so perhaps not easy to find cheaper employees. But your point is well made, especially if this situation continues. large city companies are traditionally not known for their benificence? So I’m with you!
  7. I noticed in the news an article about a guy using software to screen shot staff working from home. Also he monitors key strokes? That’s the future for all those people thinking working from home is like early retirement? It’s the ‘COVID tax’. Meaning, An extra cost of money and/or time usually invented, that’s levied on any purchase or activity due to the virus. It’ll be in the dictionary next year!
  8. Regardless of your political persuasion, at times like these a nation needs a great statesman, instead we have boris? I’m sure a lot of people voted him in for a laugh, but the jokes on us!
  9. This virus situation has brought out the worst in the worst people. Too many idiots see these restrictions or small inconveniences like for example wearing a mask as a huge attack on their personal liberties and freedoms? I saw that video of those people in the town centre after 10pm pub closure continuing to party en masse! F****** gimps!
  10. I smell a rat, move on. Personally, and with a supposedly private seller, if the v5 isn’t kosher it’s a deal breaker.
  11. There’s a lot of this “all for yourself” attitude at the moment. Everyone knows that when brits are on holiday the rules don’t apply!
  12. But why would they ‘not’ want to wear a mask? Don’t they watch the news? That’s the reason we’re back in this mess again!
  13. It bites both ways I guess? And watch out coz HMRC are coming to getcha!
  14. ...... and the most benificent boss of the year award goes to.......
  15. Yes, it’s not too difficult. It’s not a huge inconvenience when considering the potential alternative that we all know is coming over the hills towards us. Poor boris has spelt it out, like headmaster to the naughty kids! Here’s hoping!
  16. Just to be clear Mr pendragon, promoting a scrappage scheme for the car industry only supports new car business, not us used car traders?
  17. As pleased as I am to hear your good luck David, if anyone else says: “get in!”, “go on my son!”, “back of the net!” Or “winner winner chicken dinner!” I will vomit! lol
  18. Manheim in the US are running physical auctions
  19. Madness when you consider they have more control, and without physical auctions to distract them they should be able to focus on their business even more? Looks like as has mentioned in other threads, where covid is an excuse for poor service and f+*# ups!
  20. Good luck with it! Sounds like it has potential!
  21. Funny you should say that! Friend of mine picked up a car from Scotland a week or so ago. Trained up and drove it back in a day. Apparently the car was cheap and so was the train ticket. I’m guessing driving those distances at 60mph will be a ball ache?
  22. Jeez, really? Just out of interest, how's Manheim doing, what's Colchester like or Northampton?
  23. So, is everybody collecting their own stuff?