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Everything posted by Mark101

  1. When I was about 18, I worked as a valeter for about 6-12 months at a main dealer and also an independent. Back then we used to completely steam clean (I do mean pressure wash, not a steam generator) everything - seats, door cards, dash the lot (avoiding, stereos and clocks obviously). Far fewer elcectricals back then I suppose.
  2. I have had the excat same thing on a Range Rover swapper. WFT - just send me the V5, don't tell me you will start it soon and send it soon after that - what a waste of time.
  3. Yes Benjiv - I have ordered 50 of their generic self administered books and I can't wait to use them. I do my own invoices and PDI in Excel though becuase I think it looks far more professional than a hand written NCR pad, just my opinion (+ I love Excel being able to copy and paste VIN numbers between documents instead of hand writing them each time). I sold a Clio last week and amoungst the paperwork was the previous dealers invoice and warranty - I shit you not, it was a rubber stamped A4 piece of paper with reg, model and price on - the warranty was the same format and said engine and gearbox only 3 months.
  4. Many people already know the CRA - from reading forums, often misguided by the way. Why would you advertise it? I think you're reading too much Benjiv - just buy a car, prep it well, make sure service history is in date (or do it), get it sold. Deal with claims morally - for example, wear and tear is largely excluded from warranties but (sometimes) things get missed and if after a few weeks a brake pad warning light comes on (presuming they haven't clocked up overmileage), then I would do that - morally, this is correct. If on the other hand, someone phones after 3 months, you need to be firm and say that the brake pads are obviously a service item and not a fault. It's just about being a decent human being, treat others as you would wish to be treated and all that.
  5. Then you should've hit delete instead of submit.
  6. As long as the margin from the Mini washes the PX's face - go for it - you've little ot nothing to lose. 1.6 is a big engine in a small car mind.
  7. Right, had WW on the line today after sending a stinking email, with some bullshit about they haven't actually rejected the claim, just that the lady hadn't followed the correct procedure and would I consider staying with them if they contributed to the cost - this is where I lost my shit.... I said that I couldn't give a shit about the £200 it cost to fix the car, I care that a nice straight forward young lady bought a car from me in good faith and it failed within 2 weeks - she called you for assistance and you said no, well you didn't say yes. Had she had called me, wear and tear or anything at all within a couple of weeks, I would have paid out and she would have been happy - can you promise you will do that? No, instead you insist on her following a set procedure when she is already probably upset about her new car failing and then reject it anyway. Long and short, pay me back for the last 7 warranties and cancel my account - job done!
  8. I use iZettle and payments take about a week in total (to clear your account, whatever they tell you) but there is no contract and they charge 1.75%. Fantastic little bit of kit to be fair and no monthly subs. I don't mind waiting for the money, providing I know it is coming.
  9. Should I do this on all policies under the 30 day threshold or just the one in question? Never using them again - never like Quentin Wilson anyway and at least I don’t have to see his smug mug on my desk anymore.
  10. Which bit, warranty, reviews or both? I think I know your answer. I was mortified that a recent customer (less than 2 weeks ago) was sold a car by me with a top warranty and she was let down - didn’t even ask me to help, just accepted that it wasn’t covered. That is not how I operate, I am a professional and will stand by my cars unless specifically agreed at POS that they want a deal to take as is etc. So I paid WW £100+ for their Platinum Warranty and just paid another £197 to have her car fixed (I knew nothing about it until I asked for a review - glad I did because this was 100% the right thing to do)
  11. Today, I have emailed a few of my customers over the last few months asking whether they would be prepared to leave feedback on my AT account, risky I know. One emailed back saying she had to have her car repaired due to a water leak and Warrantywise wouldn't cover it (Platinum Warranty) as was an existing fault - news to me. I have just paid her bill becuase I believe after 2 weeks that it should be covered. Another, Mini Cooper - wheel bearing - Warrantywise wouldn't pay - not covered only gearbox bearings covered? (only a bronze warranty due to age). Needless to say, just ordered 50 Lawgistics self administered booklets because I believe we should pay for genuine claims such as above after a very short period. I know, I was warned.....
  12. Thanks Chief I naively thought same drivers etc, what’s the issue. I suppose I was responsible before but now the company is - just one of those things.
  13. I know Simon, my fault for asking. My plan was to play dumb and just sort it at renewal - such is life and all that.
  14. Called Insurance broker yesterday to enquire about adding additional "casual" drivers to my policy - I had this option as well as lending out courtesy cars when I had the pitch but apparanetly it has changed - all drivers need to be on the payroll nowadays - fair enough, I accept that but..... In my infinite wisdom and as I had been on hold for so long, I asked Autonet to change my trading name on the policy. Started as a sole trader in February and paid insurance in full upfront; I have since incorporated the business and used something other than my own name - a brand if you like. There has been no changes to the premises, drivers, phone numbers, address, indemnity levels etc etc etc, just a name change. As I am now a Ltd company, that'll be +£508 for the remainder of the policy Sir. I said, cancel the policy then, refund me and I will shop around. She said, I can do that Sir but as a fully paid up Tradewise customer, they will charge you 75% of the annual premium. So I am bolloxed then? Can you do anything? She said, on this occassion we will not charge you our £37 admin fee (this is the only reason I hadn't said anything sooner because I didn't want to pay an admin fee), so that'll be £471 Sir to pay in full now (which I did of course). She went on to say that I have an all singing all dancing 4* policy which covers are far broader range of vehicles, which is why it is so expensive. Great I said, are motorcycles covered - no she said, that'll be extra.
  15. Called Insurance broker yesterday to enquire about adding additional "casual" drivers to my policy - I had this option as well as lending out courtesy cars when I had the pitch but apparanetly it has changed - all drivers need to be on the payroll nowadays - fair enough, I accept that but..... In my infinite wisdom and as I had been on hold for so long, I asked Autonet to change my trading name on the policy. Started as a sole trader in February and paid insurance in full upfront; I have since incorporated the business and used something other than my own name - a brand if you like. There has been no changes to the premises, drivers, phone numbers, address, indemnity levels etc etc etc, just a name change. As I am now a Ltd company, that'll be +£508 for the reaminder of the policy Sir. I said, cancel the policy then, refund me and I will shop around. She said, I can do that Sir but as fully paid up Tradewise customer, they will charge you 75% of the annual premium. So I am bolloxed then? Can you do anything. She said, on this occassion we will not charge you our £37 admin fee (this is the only reason I hadn't said anything sooner because I didn't want to pay an admin fee), so that'll be £471 Sir to pay in full now (which I did of course). She went on to say that I have an all singing all dancing 4* policy which covers are far broader range of vehicles, which is why it is so expensive. Great I said, are motorcycles covered - no she said, that'll be extra.
  16. You can do the retention online whilst he is with you - do it for him £80. Then hold back on £100 until you receive new logbook. Wanker who part ex the Range Rover with me, promised he would send the new log book and swears he did. Now I am £25 worse off and waiting weeks and weeks for a new one and I have added a keeper.
  17. Your first statement is correct, your second cannot happen until you have the "new" log book - a right PITA - going through it now on the Range Only option is to register the car to you or the buisness (+ 1 owner) and the retain the plate.
  18. Like any business - we occassionally spot a niche (like your Maestro story) - you have to fill your boots becuase any success gets replicated. Trick is to be Maverick and be the first to spot and do things (whilst keeping your mouth shut, however tempting it is to broadcast success) and get out as the bubble is about to pop - repeat.... I am not clever enough though.
  19. Tewkesbury was victim of the floods and never recovered but nice auction to travel to, all motorway, never any traffic and some really nice fellow traders, happens when you're a little more remote. I am wondering (never been) whether Bridgwater would be similar?
  20. Thank you Simon Not really PITA customers at all (sorry OP), in fact really really nice genuine people. They bought my Cooper S a couple of weeks back; got a phone call saying they couldn't open the passenger door and would it be alright to pop around for me to have a look. I was hoping it was a case of pressing the remote twice (like some cars allow you to set up) but no wasn't that. Better than that, much better than that - there was nothing wrong at all, they just didn't squeeze the handle hard enough. I explained that the passenger door gets far less use and as such will stiffen up slightly (it wasn't bad). I told them you don't need a mechanic, you need a physiotherapist to strengthen your grip. They both laughed, have just recommended me to their friend who has already called me and have earmarked a Smart Fortwo for father in law - that's the customers I like and will bend over backwards to help whenever theyt want.
  21. I find Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday slow, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are my selling days (so far) Saturday is the best though. Doesn't matter what day of the week, I cannot tolerate customers who arrive with a massive chip on their shoulder, start off on the attack becuase they have preconceptions of what dealers are like. Maybe its because I'm a larger guy (about 16-18 stone depending on my calorie intake), and they feel a need to prove something but personally, I am a calm, level, polite and laid back guy, so I can usually soon disarm the attitude but I really do hate it, especially when they start talking dealer language and if anyone else mentions a flipping timing belt to me, that calm attitude of mine may just flip. On the flip side (daughter calls me Liam Neeson), when I do go, I really can dance.
  22. Cafe was in a central glass room, just prior to auction lane (don't recall there being two but long time ago) overlooking the hall Isn't amazing - at the time you must have been totally devastated at the cost/loss, how to recover, stress, wishing you could undo the deal. Now just water under the bridge. had several nightmare buys but now I smile to myself about how it seemed to be the end of the world. Still have the odd one now but I don't sweat it, just hate the bastard car until the day it goes and they always do in the end.
  23. I used to like Castle Bromwich BCA and Tewkesbury - crap cafe mind.