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Everything posted by EPV

  1. You’re not the first to try and dodge their responsibities under the CRA, I doubt you’ll be the last but you’re asking for trouble in my opinion!
  2. A grand behind retail but your market is traders and it needs a bit of prep to command full retail money? Cant see it myself mate, I think if you advertise it to traders only it’s trade money, if you want private money then you have to accept the consequences (potential costs and headaches) that comes with retailing it. Unless of course you’re planning to sell it to joe public under a trade sale in which case you’re playing with fire in my humble opinion but it’s your neck!
  3. You will struggle to get £3295 for that i’d say, trade money is around £2,300 so I cant see you getting a grand above that selling it as a trade sale.
  4. I didn’t mean to worry you, it’s just the type of car that appeals to one subset of buyers, old men. That said if you have the only one in your local area, in the right colour with the right spec and it’s priced right....
  5. How have you ended up with a car like that? That could stick around for months until the right buyer comes along!
  6. Sold the first one for the month today, although I know better than to count the chickens without readies in the bank. 99% sure they will cough up though. Can sense I'm a few days away from a purple patch though...
  7. EPV


    gumtree part two imo. It bills itself as a online car boot sale really, like gumtree. Will work for some stuff but like gumtree, will attract a certain type, along with plastic traders et al. Can't see it being any different from gumtree personally.
  8. Sorry i’ve just realised I put warranty wise when I meant warranty assist. Warranty assist have a portal that allow you to get quotes. It asks you when the car was last serviced and MOT’d, before it spits out a quote. I cant speak for warranty wise. Sorry for the confusion.
  9. For warranties? Warranty wise work well for startups imo.
  10. Warranty Assist are good but i’ve just switched to running my own via Lawgistics. On 99% of the cars I sell I get a PDI done, new MOT and small service. That doesn’t stop the gearbox going or the Sat Nav blowing up but i’ve found i’m not getting any comebacks and I don’t expect loads either so Lawgistics will save me money over the year. But if you do want an insurance policy then warranty assist have a good setup and cover.
  11. Well fair enough, luckily the internet can bridge that confidence gap
  12. Something I have had plenty of is “watchers” on eBay. Not a single call though. What are they watching for? I don’t understand that.
  13. I’m a homer too. I deliberately want to set the tone of professionalism and grandeur before someone arrives to see the car. The first thing I do is explain that I do not have a forecourt via choice, as car sales is an internet business and also they are expensive! But that doesn’t make me any less of a dealer, I still offer part ex, warranties, finance etc and I carry all the correct insurances. But, you didn’t come here to talk about me, you came here to see this xyz.... No one cares about you being a home dealer. They care about the car.
  14. Same. A few looking, one got cold feet at the last minute and one failed a finance application
  15. That will have to be my last resort, asking MD's for anything when there's nothing in it for them is like getting blood from a stone
  16. Sounds like the tree the rubber came from is still growing, from 2mm to 5/6mm depth overnight. I've got to get me some of those tyres! The only other thing that is growing is his fucking nose, the lying c**t.
  17. Any make, I meant generally.
  18. Does anyone know of a way to get the original specification and factory list of ops for a car? Obvious things like Nav and leather are what they are but some cars have packs which aren't as obvious?
  19. That would be more than I would do. I'd inform him about the 14 days relating to the finance not the rejection of the car for spurious reasons and advise him he signed a PDI confirming the tread level of the tyres are acceptable. He could easily swap the tyres over for ones as bald as a coot and drive the car back saying they are below 3mm if you entertain him.
  20. This. The car hasn't developed a fault, he has no right to return it, end of story. If he wants to cancel his finance that's up to him but he'll be paying the finance off himself. I assume you have a PDI stating the tyre tread is acceptable (read legal) and beyond that, you don't owe him a bean.
  21. Yes, it will only work with flash player plugin enabled mate
  22. You need to download flash plug in mate.
  23. When I was looking at space I calculated 200ft2 per car. You’ve got to leave space to get the buggers in and out as well.
  24. I had that same thing a couple of weeks ago. Bloke arrives with his daughter who’s yet to pass her test so he takes the demo drive. They arrived in a late cayenne S. During the test drive he makes some comment about a lack of torque in the engine, what were they interested in? A limited edition 1.6 petrol Mini. Lack of torque! We then happen to drive past a 458 Speciale just up the road from me which he leaps upon the opportunity to tell me he has one as well So his daily drive is a v8 jeep and his weekend toy is a v12 supercar. No wonder the Mini seems underpowered sir. He did at least buy the Mini.