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Everything posted by EPV

  1. No. Third option. Fill out the doc ref number. Pay by card. Wallop.
  2. Just tax it. Take the doc ref nr from the green slip and do it online. Cancel the DD when you sell it.
  3. To me, as long as I am getting value, the price is what the price is. Of course i’d like it cheaper but as far as i’m concerned, I squeeze every drop of value out of them. If you are someone who puts 15 photos up instead of 70, or doesn’t do a video, or makes an ad sound like a spec list, or don’t use the tools to find out what sells well in your locale, then you are leaving a lot of value on the table. As I said mate, you are making it work outside of AT. Power to you, I just can’t ever see me not using them. I get just as much out of them as they get out of me.
  4. 2nd best post! I’ve seen plenty complain about AT’s prices, like they are some sort of public service. The same people who charge as much as they dare for their cars. Its a business they are a business, like all of us. They charge what they can. You pay it or you don’t and good luck to both sides of the fence.
  5. +1. Power to those that manage without Autotrader but you need to fish where the fish are. The majority of the fish are swimming around Autotrader. Fact.
  6. There’s one person that benefits from that mate. BCA.
  7. I know that Arfur Dealy does well out of high mileage cars but he does really great videos and shows the car's condition and history, he only seems to buy cars in really good nick that have been looked after. As ever, "it depends" springs to mind. People won't buy a 207 with 120,000 miles on with a patchy history (rightly so) but a 3 litre 4 x 4 with a long ticket and having been serviced on the button will be attractive to lots.
  8. Sorry about the formatting, no idea what happened
  9. There’s really no need to offer a 12 month warranty on a car like that. 3 months is sufficient enough to keep the punters happy in that respect, it also depends on whether you think someone will ask for one. Some people don’t stop talking about them as if they’re some sort of magical pixie dust that prevent cars breaking and others don’t even mention them. But you can def trim some costs back by offering a 3 month one. Re background, I agree it’s best to have uniform background but i’d find someone that has some sort of hardstanding and doesn’t have other cars in the background. Just my 2 cents.
  10. Sort of. He can ask for a refund straight away, up to 30 days. It would be down to the dealer to prove that the fault did not exist at the point of sale. If he can't, the customer is in a much stronger position. A properly worded PDI, with a proper worded receipt, makes it nigh on impossible for the customer to prove the fault was there at the point of sale and thus, has to give you a chance to repair it.
  11. If I may; You've parked your car in a puddle. It doesn't take a minute to find a better spot that isn't showing a car in a muddy puddle. Also, try and find a spot where cars aren't visible in the background. The first thing I saw when I clicked one of those photos was a red car in the background. Not what you want, obviously. In terms of pricing, I think you're about £500 heavy. At the end of the day, it's your car, you price it up how you want. But if you're approx £500 over market value, you'd better have a good reason why and with all due respect, a car parked in a puddle in what is obviously some sort of nature trail/parkland car park isn't a good reason .I think the AT valuations are pretty much spot on, the majority of the time. Without getting into an AT debate, they are by far the biggest automotive platform online. They get more views than all of the other platforms combined. So with that in mind, it's reasonable to conclude their price indicators are accurate. They range from Good Price, Great Price and Priced Low. Whether we like it or not, buyers are influenced by these indicators, I've seen plenty of people bemoan the Car Guru's indicators because unfortunately in this internet age, buyers are price savvy. So they WILL look at the price indicators.
  12. Motors has been poor for me as well, their website is fkin awful, just clangs around the place and makes you want to click off it straight away. Anyway, interesting challenge and look forward to the results!
  13. Just don’t discount your cars. Problem solved.
  14. I've got a privately made one but I'm giving some serious thought to defecting to CD5, their back end stuff is excellent.
  15. Fair enough, I must say I had in my mind you was a bit of a worrier, clearly i’m thinking of someone else. I wonder what is going through their head. Are they looking for more than a refund? Who died and made them god of data protection?!
  16. The previous owners details are all on the V5 aren’t they, for the world and it’s wife to see. Tell them to bring the car back, you’ll give them a refund and anything above and beyond that ignore them and/or tell them to fuck off. You didn’t put the previous owners details on the bills/invoices, any reasonable person would welcome as much paperwork back up to a car as possible. No doubt if you tippexed out the previous customers details the screamer would be calling you out for foul play. Give them their money back and don’t enter into any further discussions on anything else. Send them the offer of a full refund by recorded delivery and email.
  17. Makes a mockery of the whole thing. A 3 year old car with slightly worn brake discs gets an minor fault but a 40 year old car that could have Fred Flinstone as brakes gets waved through no test. Load of old cobblers.
  18. Entirely my sentiments. The waters have been muddied by allowing him to record the fault prior to him dicking around with the car. There’s no provision for that under the cra. It’s either a fault, which means a refund or repair (dependent on whether the fault was present at the point of sale or not, which in itself is reliant on a properly worded PDI) or its not a fault, in which case he’s messing around changing bits of a car he might not need to. The situation is unclear so the best thing to do is to refund the bloke, fix the issue (if there even is an issue) and sell the car to someone else.
  19. Did you carry out a full properly worded PDI and did he sign it. If not, you’re exposed. If you did, he has to prove the fault was there at the point of sale. It’s not as simple as “is he entitled to a refund” without us knowing the exact circumstances.
  20. I can’t seem to buy anything at bca. Despite having a gold card I can’t get near the sale prices on the good stuff. Plenty goes through under cap avg but it’s largely crap spec, weird colours etc. Basically stuff that will sit around for yonks. Imo, auctions are for selling, not buying. To answer the question though, low mileage stuff with a bca assured report with a relatively new ticket and decent service history, bought online would be my preferred choice. Everyone else’s too it seems judging by the prices.
  21. Just an extended test drive isn’t it, mr officer?
  22. Me too. Done properly I think it’s about as comprehensive as it can be.
  23. Lawgistics. You won’t need anything else.
  24. I’m yet to experience that joy as I insist all my potential customers watch the videos I make. I did have a cracker yesterday though. I’ve got a shed up for sale, a part ex. I’ve advertised it brutally honestly, photos, videos, description of fault etc. It’s £700. I had a bloke ring yesterday, asking if there was anything wrong with the car. I asked if he had read the advert in full. His reply? “No I haven’t, it’s too long” I told him politely to sling his hook and go and bother someone else. Well, not politely. It boggles the mind how some people get through the day.
  25. What you should have done, easy to say with hindsight, is tell him to bring the car to you for diagnosing and repair. Allowing him to play parts darts with it muddies the water. There is no premise to “register an issue” before exercising his right to repair under the CRA. If there’s an issue, that isn’t wear and tear and was present at the point of sale, he has a right to repair. He doesn’t have the right to fuck around trying all sorts and when that fails chuck it back at you. I’d say as it stands, you’re best off fixing the issue and putting it down to experience. He sounds like a pain in arse elect to be honest.