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Everything posted by EPV

  1. As I said, the word Quattro seems to get people wet, as if the word makes the car a magical carpet ride or something.
  2. I had a car collected from a private, they picked it up late evening and dropped it to me first thing. I personally didn't have an issue.
  3. I'm not a million miles away but my stock is £5-11k so unlikely to get a £750 trade in and if someone did offer one up I'd bid them £200 so they'd sell it somewhere else!
  4. I have one of those currently, a 2014 C250 CDI Touch wood there's nowt wrong with it!
  5. You have to ask yourself how many people out there will have £3-5k cash sitting around who will be happy to buy a car with a 1.2 engine and 100k on. Sounds like a pretty rare customer to me.
  6. In my experience people prefer it when you’re a trader as they think you’re more serious and competent in dealing with it all. Just tell them, you might lose the odd one but so what.
  7. To be fair mate I haven't had the chance to get those readings, if the battery doesn't sort it then I think I'll delve into getting those readings
  8. I had a quick look on eBay for e60 alternator regulator and they are available for engines up to 3.0. Not sure if the v8 has a different regulator and possibly a different problem? This electrical gremlin problem I have seems to only occur under motorway or heavy load conditions. If it was the alterator regulator would it not occur under all conditions? Ha ha! Sold plenty of em mate without issues. All marques have their detractors.
  9. Really? Fair enough. I would have thought it was significant enough to potentially cause it. But I know fuck all about cars.
  10. Update; no fault codes present but it transpires that the battery fitted is 90ah and the system is set up for a 110ah battery. It’s probable the alternator is effectively overcharging the incorrect battery and causing the electrical gremlins. Hopefully the correct battery will resolve this.
  11. Just completed mine, with the assistance of a Close representative
  12. It's a numbers game at the end of the day isn't it. You nick some, you miss out narrowly on others etc etc
  13. Thanks very much all for the replies, greatly appreciated. The car is back in my possession and I'll update when I've got it sorted.
  14. If it was just the transmission warning light i’d be concerned but the fact it seems to be everything in the car including air con and cruise issues I’m not panicking yet. Gearbox was serviced a year or so ago at 85k, not saying that makes it bombproof obviously...
  15. There’s an ex bmw technician at my regular garage
  16. 2004 BMW 545i tourer, 94,000 Miles. Car was driven down from Yorkshire a month ago with no issues, and has been fine until..... On a test drive the tyre pressure warning light went on. Checked all tyres which were fine, reset the system, all was well. Customer bought car. 6 hours after he bought it, he rang to say that he had a warning light go on regarding the transmission. Now this fella is a trainee mechanic so I said I was happy for him to check the status of the battery and to do nothing else and this is what he texted me; “Hi mate, it's Jay. So basically the issue is when the car is driven for a while or hard, some sort electrical gremlin pops up. So far, air con, radio/idrive has froze, cruise control doesnt work, fan kicks up high. Couple that with the transmission error and tyre pressure error from before. So I won't change anything including the battery and let your garage check it. As i said, only happens when the car is up to temp and driven for a while.” Fortunately he’s not a screamer and is realistic about cars and how they can go wrong. He’s bringing it back today to me and I’m going to get it into my regular garage and see what they can find out. I know nowt about cars, anyone got any ideas what it could be?
  17. Politics shouldn’t be discussed here imo! back on topic, I can’t move for enquiries and test drives and i’ve sold 4 from 10 already this month.
  18. Well I haven’t been going that long so my experience isn’t exactly extensive but i sold a 2007 A6 avant a week or two ago. The chap rang in the morning, was there in the afternoon, paid in full in readies and gave me a £20 drink on top.
  19. Call a stock funder and find out their costs. You shouldn’t give away anymore than what you would give to a stock funder or else you may as well use them.
  20. Use your imagination, it’s quality!
  21. I don’t think you’d have a leg to stand on in trying to reject it personally.
  22. What are people’s thoughts about this? What I mean is, who looks out for nigh retail ready pieces and goes after them for strong money and looks to turn them quick and who buys stuff that will sell well but only when fixed (getting it cheap as few want the aggro of fixing it)
  23. You’re right, i’m flying a kite with the extr monkey but that will be the only one in a 50 mile radius on AT so i’m being greedy for the first week or so. Thanks for taking the time to look and offer advice TV.