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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Best of luck with this mate and I admire your ambition. Asking people to pony up £100 a month based on ambitions and desires is optimistic. As said, it ought to be a free trial at first to build up confidence. Plenty of sites out there offer some sort of free package be it one car free or whatever.
  2. Granted people have travelled for them, mainly from the Home Counties
  3. I’ve had no issue selling diesels lately. Sold 4 this month.
  4. Yes they do, it's just when people call the number on my website, that isn't tracked.
  5. Does anyone have any suggestions, App or Software? Incoming calls mainly?
  6. This. Two good pieces of advice here. Make sure that it genuinely is a good car and not badly advertised and if it is, trade it out, carve the legs off it, get it gone and move on.
  7. EPV

    BMW E90

    Some of those specialist type forums are full of doom mongers, it’s like reading a piston heads forum sometimes. People laying awake at night worrying because their cam belt interval has gone past due by 3 days Anyway, I just want to thank everyone for their input, especially Nick who took the trouble to actually call me! It reinforces what I’ve always said about this forum. If you ask simple questions like “what should I buy” and “where can I buy trade priced cars” you’re rightly going to get ignored. But if you contribute and ask sensible questions you WILL get helped. It’s a brilliant forum. I’ll update this in a couple of days when it’s been diagnosed and hopefully fixed!
  8. Having spoken with Simon a few times I believe the reason he doesn’t accept finance is he doesn’t like the idea of finance companies becoming involved in post sales affairs, I.e. rejecting the car/fighting on behalf of the billy.
  9. I asked similar a few weeks back and the consensus was exactly that, the big boys pay nothing.
  10. You won’t get an answer you didn’t say the magic word naughty boy
  11. Gee thanks Dad. How was I being impolite? I wasn’t swearing at you was I? How do you normally react when people conversing with you swear, not at YOU but generally? Do you tell them off too? I’m a grown man. I’ll swear whenever the fuck I like.
  12. Oh turn it in. I’m really not that bothered mate, if a bit of swearing offends you we wouldn’t even get on. Enjoy your weekend.
  13. Seriously though where do you advertise?
  14. Fuck me where do you advertise the newsagents?
  15. How much is your advertisement per unit though?
  16. EPV

    BMW E90

    Nice one. I’m sure the garage will do all of that. Horses for courses mate, sold a few without any issues. I’ll just be relieved it’s not anything catastrophic. I’ve a good few quid in it but not engine rebuild money!
  17. EPV

    BMW E90

    It seems to happen after a spell of 70mph coming down to sub 40mph. In fact that’s exactly what happened twice. I started the car this morning to check the oil level again and the light isn’t on. Not wanting to tempt fate but if there was genuinely low pressure the light would be on permanently?
  18. EPV

    BMW E90

    Oil pressure switch was changed 500 miles ago. The chap I spoke to at the Indy said there could be an issue with the pick up. Cheers for the replies mate
  19. Probably shouldn’t be in the trade then?
  20. EPV

    BMW E90

    Sorry; 2010 BMW 320i Tourer, 51k, 7 services including an oil change 500 miles ago.