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Everything posted by EPV

  1. There's some truth in what you say but if a car is getting 110 ad views per day vs one getting 15 ad views per day there's no denying which one is likely to get sold first. They don't mean everything but they don't mean f.a either.
  2. Looks good enough to me, anyone who doesn't want that doesn't want a Fiat 500 at all.
  3. BHM said something that’s stuck with me recently. There will be 3 reasons why your car isn’t selling. Desirability, price, presentation. That’s maybe simplifying things but it’s a good start. You say you are getting “loads of views” well, What would you say load of views are? How do they compare to the competition? If your adverts are getting lots of hits (relative to the competition) then they must be desirable cars. Are they well priced in the sense there’s only a few around and yours is the best priced or are there a dozen like yours but you’re looking at the AT price marker and thinking you must be well priced? You’re not well priced if there’s a dozen other cars like yours within £100 of each other. Are you sure you’ve done all you can with your adverts? Do you have dozens of good images, maybe a video, a good attention grabber, a good well written advert? These three things aren’t the end of the rainbow but they’re a great place to start looking.
  4. BHM, i accept them but someone who looks at a £10.5k manual twice, bringing a friend who once bought a used car in 1972 so they “know about cars” yet then chooses a £14k automatic is behaving oddly at best! I don’t expect people to buy when they turn up, they don’t like the car? That’s fine. But this particular example is frustrating. Or was, anyway. As you can imagine i’m long since over it! Also I agree that you can’t be everything to everyone.
  5. A woman who used to cut my barnet once told me she was paid to go on Trisha and make a load of old shit up. Imagine my shock...
  6. Yup, people go on a car buying "journey" and it seems I was just part of theirs. hey ho.
  7. Very true, I was quite frustrated yesterday evening but today is a different day and i’ve woken up to a new enquiry on the vehicle although this one is asking what MPG it’s doing. Well sir I reset the trip computer bang in the middle of me hooning around the lanes at 2am this morning and it said 8mpg. On the way home I reset the trip computer at 55mph on the motorway and one hour later it said 54mpg! Amazing! Who knew different types of driving could display such a difference! Not even just an Auto/Manual dilemma but to suddenly find another £3,500 to add to your budget is very odd too. I would have thought most people decide what they can afford as a max and look for the highest priced car first? Anyway, people are weird, this we know.
  8. It’s coming AD, a few decent months and some money behind me and i’ll be fully fledged mini me
  9. They came back for a second look, armed with someone “mechanically knowledgable” I left em to it and said expert couldn’t find a thing wrong. They said they had a couple of others to look at. In the end they’ve managed to find another £3,500 to add to their budget and have decided to go for an automatic instead, mine’s a manual. Maybe I should trust my instinct! They came back for a second look, armed with someone “mechanically knowledgable” I left em to it and said expert couldn’t find a thing wrong. They said they had a couple of others to look at. In the end they’ve managed to find another £3,500 to add to their budget and have decided to go for an automatic instead, mine’s a manual. Maybe I should trust my instinct!
  10. Spot on. If only I had another few of those knocking around.
  11. Make that 8 from 10. Sold a bit of stock I sold again earlier this year. First time thencar was sold in 4 days, this time was 3 days. I could do with 10 of them a month! Good ‘un as well, paid full money less a fair allowance for a tidy swapper.
  12. How to make a Hyundai desirable. That photo doesn’t get any better. Well done AD.
  13. Seven from a stock of ten and not a stretch of the imagination to think i’ll have three more sold by month end. Good average profit per unit, four figures.
  14. Met, I quite often use margin in the outgoing car to offer more on a PX. It doesn’t matter how it’s sliced and diced I suppose but people feel like they’re getting something if they get more for their PX. Besides I always pitch a PX priced a couple of hundred below. Nothing ground breaking here i’m sure everyone does the same.
  15. I think these are friends of the OP’s, not casual acquaintances
  16. I certainly don’t agree with everything you say BHM but you’re fucking entertainment.
  17. Personally it wouldn’t enter my head to walk into Curry’s and ask for a discount on a new custard. Or a hammer in b&q. I might do if the goods were damaged but then I probably wouldn’t buy a damaged brand new telly.
  18. EPV

    BMW idrive

    I sold a 545i Tourer on a 54 plate so I expect the set up is the same and the idrive was responsible for Nav, phone, Radio, trip computer. I suppose it really depends on how many buyers you want to attract, i’m assuming it’s something like a 540i or similar so won’t most buyers want all the toys working?
  19. I thought the OP said that the recorded loss was prior to the supplying dealer, in other words, they knew. They either knew or, they should have knew. Ignorance wouldn’t be an excuse. .
  20. The car is an insurance write off and that wasn’t stated on the advert, or the invoice. If that isn’t breaking consumer law god knows what is. It’s one thing to say the wing of a car was damaged and replaced. It’s another to omit the fact the car has been a total loss at some stage?
  21. Possibly or, they may just pony up, wipe their mouths and sell the car to someone else
  22. Agree with everyone else on here, politely threaten with TS if the Dealer doesn’t refund less 50p per mile and if he does the big bad lad act then get in touch with TS. They will love this.
  23. EPV

    BMW idrive

    I know a firm in Bradford called revtronics and what they don’t know about idrives ain’t worth knowing. The so remote/mail order fixes, send out usb sticks with updates on etc. Just ring them it will be solved. They do*
  24. What does that matter? We’re talking about a c4 here, you brought in the vw dsg box. I don’t know why you’ve got such a hard on, I have explained a couple of times I know fuck all about these transmissions, if they are a sealed box as such, then yes, you’re right, its not a wear and tear item. End of. Helpful for me thanks, not so much for the poor OP