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Everything posted by EPV

  1. But this isn’t a dsg golf or an s tronic audi. I’m asking the question mate, I don’t know. That’s why i’m asking. If these are as you say, sealed units as such and don’t have any recommendations for replacement then sure, you’d be in for a repair.
  2. How many miles since you sold it? i still haven’t been informed by those that know more than me about these transmissions whether their frequency of clutch changes are in line with expectations of bog standard manuals. If they ARE then for my money, this is wear and tear and not a fault, clearly this couldn’t have been present at the point of sale either, it would have been very obvious.
  3. OP said a few months. That’s 3 or more in my book. The car has driven fine for a few months now it needs a new clutch, if that’s what it is? I don’t understand these particular transmissions myself, are they not in need of clutch replacements as frequently as a standard manual car?
  4. Are clutches not wear and tear items then? Even mr clutch only give a 12,000 mile warranty on clutches, if the punter has done 10,000 miles in a few months, why would you replace one under CRA?
  5. Clutch? Wear and tear surely, move along mr punter, nothing to see here....
  6. I am yet to break into full Eric Cantona seagull analogy (google it) so consider yourself lucky. I could replace “fish” and “shoals” with “flies” and “shit” I suppose...
  7. Look at it like this. Punters are like fish, they shoal. There are big wide open gaps between shoals. Sometimes the shoals aren’t even looking for your type of bait. But all you can do is make sure your bait is seen, before anyone else’s. It looks better than anyone else’s and the angler offering the bait looks like he is trustworthy and he wouldn’t present good looking bait that is actually shit and when the right shoal comes along they’ll have no reason to feed anywhere else.
  8. Weeks? Jesus mate a few weeks is nothing, I wouldn’t even worry about a car that is less than 30 days old
  9. It’s weird at times mate, i’ve sold SE’s quicker than S-Lines and had people crawling all over a Sport and taken 45 days to sell an MSport. Not always easy!
  10. He didn’t even lift the lid after all that! They’re definitely punters (well done TV) but they’re going to see an XC60 tomorrow which I don’t think can measure up against a petrol Q5 but who knows. I’ll find out tomorrow either way. Three viewings today, no sales but i’ll Be amazed if I draw a blank or, sell all three.
  11. You’re doing it all right, from the beginning so that’s a good start. Definitely look to get yourself a couple of straight cars at a premium to work on your presentation, sales skills, people skills and so on, take a small margin out of each and gain some confidence. Then, look for a niche you like and buy in a few bits to add value to, stuff people overlook cos they can’t be bothered to take the grief or time and nick a few and start making proper money.
  12. Or partnering up formally with someone. All works goes through them for x amount an hour or set rates for everyday items.
  13. Indeed, could make buying a car with no service history a bit more rewarding..
  14. Yup, my kind of thing. Knowledge is power! Although would be ideal if you could somehow know all this before you buy it...
  15. Yeah worked for me too. I can’t see an advantage to this other than perhaps tracking down missing service info, possibly? Then again, I am a noob.
  16. I like reading it, always good to learn from other people’s experience
  17. I know exactly what you two are talking about, I can’t help feel slightly inferior for not having premises.
  18. LIKE Said punter is booked in for tomorrow, apparently they are choosing between an older prestige car or a newer, well, non prestige. Q5 vs Qashqai basically. Anyway, I will definitely adopt the arm round the shoulder with him and tell him he should buy a car based on his own merit and not on what he’s read or heard.
  19. There was a thread on here the other day about this. A chap who has absolutely nothing to do with a firm who offers this service was saying how great the firm was. He has nothing to do with the firm of course.
  20. I’d rather leave the engine exactly as it came to me, i’m really not concerned it’s off putting to people. You’re right but I think it’s also best to treat everyone an idiot until proven otherwise!
  21. How much have the warranties cost you? How much have you paid out in warranty claims? Should be pretty easy to work out whether running your own would be financially beneficial to you.
  22. Indeed, exactly what has happened, thanks everyone for their opinions.
  23. Perhaps. I mean, he won’t be getting a discount for “white stuff” on the outside of a coolant expansion tank but I suppose people will try.