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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Polar opposite for me, stock of 10, 5 gone and two more very likely to be gin this time next week. I know it will be my turn soon!
  2. EPV

    P!ss Take

    I’d ring him, remind him exactly of your previous conversation and also remind him that your warranty doesn’t cover items subject to fair wear and tear. Send him £90 and tell him that’s the end of it.
  3. The aim is to have a unit that can take 12 cars with parking for 3 outside and enough room by the roller shutter to do the dry valet tasks inside. I reckon it would be easier to find a needle in a haystack but we can dream
  4. Exactly what i’m going to do should I ever find a unit within my budget!
  5. Any particular reason you can’t answer my question?
  6. Kieran, Ok I’ll ask another way. Do you combine the following sites; Autotrader Motors Car Gurus
  7. Which sites do you harvest all that information from Kieran?
  8. Probably an “algorithm” which is marketing speak for “fucked if I know” I should add I love cazana, their free history check is excellent!
  9. Ok well it's just that under your profile it says that your company name is WF Recovery Group. The locking wheel nut removal firm are part of the WF Recovery Group. Probably just a coincidence then.
  10. “We” is actually “you” and “you” and “we” are in fact the locking wheel nut removal company yourselves. Why not just say that?
  11. EPV


    Judging by his other 3 posts he’s reading a script from AT’s vaults
  12. Would you mind expanding on this please mate? I’ve had a LTD Co when I was in construction and it made perfect sense to be LTD in that domain. Why is it better to be ST if you fly solo?
  13. Any idea where I can buy cheap trade cars guv?
  14. I assume it means it’s a load of old hot air personally. No way of proving or disproving either way. For me, AT’s prices are right more often than not. It’s the largest auto market place in the UK. Even if CAP did take eBay, Motors et all all of them together still don’t make up AT’s dominance.
  15. So where do cap get their retail prices from? CURRENT AUCTION PRICES RETAIL. Which is it? Retail or auction?
  16. Never understood where they get cap retail from either?
  17. Work retail back. Don’t bother with guides. Some cars go way over some way under. Find something that has a demand and price it accordingly.
  18. There’s nothing wrong with a trade sales invoice. There’s everything wrong with issuing a trade sales invoice to a member of the public but again, as long as you have the right paperwork in place how can you be liable for enforcing trade vehicles are trailered away?
  19. BHM recommended AnyVan last week and i’ve used them twice. Can’t be faulted.
  20. I’d say if you have an invoice stating that the car must be trailered away and they sign that you’re covered. Even if it WAS your responsibilty to force him to tow the car what if he sent the trailer away and climbed in it to drive it? Are you going to chase him down the road? As you say it’s completely unenforceable. Just cover your area with the right paperwork and get on with your life.
  21. A much as I like AT and they have helped me significantly and still do, this chap does read like an AT masterclass. Monitor the live market and price in line with competitors is a sure fire race to the bottom.
  22. How have you ended up with old scrap like that? I’d be offering £150 for each of those and cubing them.
  23. There’s no rhyme or reason to any of this I find. I’ve got people falling over a 320i tourer that i’ve got up for sale with the auction photograph on it. I reckon I could sell 4 of the buggers. I guarantee if I bought 3 more they’d sit around for weeks.
  24. What’s your postcode? Do you have any no claims? How old are you? Any penalty points? What sort of stock value? You could answer all these questions and I still couldn’t tell you and neither could anyone else. You need an insurance broker. Oh and the DVLA website will tell you the fees for trade plates.
  25. Looks like an independent dealers website and a pretty basic one at that. To be frank if you're thinking of "offering an alternative to AT" you're all deluded, it looks like it's been put together very cheaply. There's no way of filtering down to a derivative. You can find an Audi A4 for example but no way of filtering on S-Line etc. There's shit loads of "white space" to either flank of the pages which makes it look sparse. It all just looks amateur. I don't want to sound like a prick but even my website is better (Click Dealer site) and I had minimum input into that and that's just for a small independent like me, never mind a mob that wants to rival AT. Take it constructively, I'm not here to pick a fight but you asked.