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Everything posted by EPV

  1. EPV


    I’d kill for your set up. Where are you based? I’ll sharpen my knives
  2. EPV


    There’s also ways of asking for help. Stating you know fuck all about the industry and then stating you wish to be enlightened with what is the collective minds of dozens of successful and seasoned dealers, all for free of course, isn’t the way. A simple, “hello i’m Bert, i’ve read the last 6 pages of this forums threads from cover to cover and i’ve learned a lot already, looking forward to learning more and helping where I can” would probably endear you a little bit more than “tell me everything you know” and then crying like a child when someone says hurty words to you, won’t endear you.
  3. EPV


    Yes he was. My thought process entirely. He was also a sensitive flower when the nasty Internet man gave him a dose of straight talking instead of a cuddle.
  4. As a BCA inspector i’d say you’ve learned to make things up as you go along, that’s all you need really
  5. To a very small select group of people i’d say. I can’t see how people are going to pay £7k and above for a 14 year old car, regardless of miles. I might be wrong on the colour combo but that’s just my disdain for silver cars but i’m pretty sure i’m right with the retail price. I mean a 14 year old car that is readily available of course, this is hardly a classic car or rare car we’re talking about.
  6. I've no idea mate I've never had one in but I'd say in that colour combo it's not going to be as desirable as a black/cream or white/black one. I think Silver is more saleable when it comes to MB but with the red seats? I dunno. Black/red I can see. I think he's stronging it wanting £5k for that, he could stick that up privately for that but he probably doesn't want to do that cos it's aggro. Why not get £5k out of you and not do any work for it. This fella has had his in since May and I think he's overpriced by £500. https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201710270696470 I think it's £6k in that silver/red combo and £4.5k to him. But there again I can't sell silver cars for toffee so maybe i'm biased.
  7. £6,000. I'd hate to sell it personally especially in silver with red leather but the right bum for that seat would pay £6k I think and maybe £6,500 if they have been looking for one for ages in that weird colour combo.
  8. How do these fucking nutters find their way on here?
  9. I have click Dealer mate and it does exactly that but i’d be surprised if CDM don’t have the same facility.
  10. I assume you have taken £250 off the price of their part ex so just get it fixed or, put a new radio in. It’s a 12 year old car so the multifunction steering wheel not working isn’t a problem imo but having no radio is a problem. £220 to fix a faulty head unit is cheaper than i’d expect, I paid a chap £280 to fix a head unit on a 2009 e320 a few months back.
  11. The amusing thing is I clipped the price again by £500 to £3995. Too cheap but there’s a lot more I can do with four grand than watch it slowly rot into the ground. The call came via AT (as usual) 2 hours later. I noted that my feed from my website wouldn’t have had time to update the AT site. So I bumped the price back up to £4490 on my website, they paid up, non the wiser. Small victories etc.
  12. People love an update, I finally sold the wretched Clio at the weekend. 145 days. Never again. It put my average days to turn up from 27 days to 30, the bastard. Glad to see the back of it.
  13. I’ll be in a similar spot soon, although its a recon job rather than a replacement so i’ll say nowt in the advert and tell the billy when they arrive. I think it would put most people off, like they car has been tainted somehow. Which is daft but there you go.
  14. They knew what they were doing, they have been caught red handed. They’re doing the right thing, which is what all of us on here do. They don’t deserve any extra credit for if. Glad it’s hopefully being sorted though.
  15. I know, it was just the way I wrote it looked German
  16. If ze seagulls follow ze trawler, it is because zey think there vill be fish sthrown into ze sea Slightly less German that that.
  17. That all seems fine for certain stock in certain pitches but I doubt anyone is paying £1000 for bolt ons to a £2995 Car!
  18. Succinct and to the point. As usual.
  19. On handover is one thing, the OP was talking about a promo, not a handover gift.
  20. Which to be fair, isn't altogether surprising. Some of the whining from a few on here, none on this thread incidentally, about how people expect new cars for used money and want discounts etc etc, is at times, cringe worthy. As if any of us never try to negotiate something that is already cheap, to be cheaper.It's just what we do. The solution to it is either accept it as part of the game or, fix the price, make it clear before people travel and terminate the conversation if anyone ignores what you've made plainly clear. I'll discount a car in the unlikely event that someone finds something I haven't seen, usually when someone is very keen to see a car and I've probably not been round it with a magnifying glass as usual because I don't want to stop a punter who must have the car ASAP. But 99% of the time the price is fixed, discussed on the phone and not revisited until it's time to write them up an invoice. Back to the point, I can't personally see how any promotion offers will really help. If I reduce the price of the car I'll make that clear, like "£500 off, Sale on!" etc but whatever you offer, people will think there's more to be had.