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Everything posted by EPV

  1. I don't think it should be public. I don't see the benefit to any trader.
  2. Turns out it came with a spare, a BCA f*ck up in my favour, for a change.
  3. It's free in the sense that you, Rory, Nick, TV, BHM et al, paid a lot of money to acquire your experience, you offer it up free. So it's free. Plastic traders, joe public, can come on here and siphon all that knowledge and wisdom for fuck all and not put anything back.
  4. Me too, that’s a very well worded subtle enquiry.
  5. Not moaning at all mate, just an opinion. It’s not so much learning from other traders although that’s a big plus for someone like me, it's more stopping plastics and billys from siphoning off free info when they give nowt back. Anyway, it was a draw
  6. Turn it in, I’m just expressing my opinion, not trying to lead a revolution or lead anyone anywhere.
  7. Cobblers. Fresh blood come in, ask questions, rarely post updates and replies and bugger off. From where i’m sat only myself and Mark101 are fresh blood that’s haven’t don’t that, and Mark has plenty of expertise so not sure you could count him as new blood to the industry. It’s not Masonic, it’s protecting our industry from free loaders and public eyes who will possibly use this forum to their advantage. Tradex has already encountered a scenario where a billy asked him if he was on this forum. If you’re a car dealer you’ll have trade insurance. If you do you shouldn’t mind offering that up as evidence, in return knowing that joe public won’t see the information offered here, for free. If you can tell me one advantage of this gold mine of info being made public, i’m all ears. I think i’ve made my point regarding the new blood argument. 90% of people who post regularly on here are established traders.
  8. Not really, it’s the mods job to keep the place clear of spam and make sure we aren’t all fighting etc. If you think educating punters about how you deal with your affairs is acceptable i’d be surprised but each to their own. Imo this forum should be restricted access anyway, to those that can provide a copy of trade insurance.
  9. Fine for you but I expect there are plenty that would rather not display their thoughts about their tendencies to discount on a public forum.
  10. Nick/JL if you email or PM Andy he will sort it, I once asked in a thread and got nowhere but a PM and it was sorted very quickly.
  11. But in short, my approach is that if the first thing that comes out of someone is regarding price, I shut down and go into non plussed dealer mode, you want it you pay for it. I had a woman ring about an XF, firstly she asked if I could deliver the car to west London for her to inspect (yes really) the second question was "is the price negotiable" which at that stage, it wasn't nor would it ever be. We spent a minute or two with this back and forth debate about how I could help her out and how she only has a budget of £8k, which I then told her to look at £8k cars. She said she would call back, I knew she wouldn't, she hasn't. Messer, timewaster, wanting to know that on the off chance she followed through with buying a car, she could have it cheaper. She was of Asian descent, fill in the blanks. Another chap, called at the weekend, "whats the story with that car mate?" which I replied "story?" to which he then asked what I would let it go for. Again, he got told it was priced to sell. Again he said he would call back, again, he hasn't and he won't. In my experience, albeit insignificant compared to most, if people are enquiring about the price on the phone they aren't buyers. They don't know at that stage if they really want the car and if they do, they don't actually give a shit about £100 off. But, if they are there, seeing the car, keen, more often than not they will feel obliged to negotiate and at that stage a judgement call can be made by yourself as to how likely these people are to walk. I always ask at that stage, may I ask WHY you feel a discount is applicable?" and if they can't find one they don't get one. By then they just want the car and can console themselves on the way home that they tried to chip but met fierce resistance but deep down they don't care because they got their car. Negotiation is a game imo and people who want to play games generally don't buy cars. Why? Because it's been made clear on another thread somewhere that joe public read this forum. It's hard enough without them knowing what a lot of you have had to pay a shit load of money and effort to find out?
  12. I think this is exactly the sort of thread that is best off in the secret room.
  13. Surely this depends on what the car is worth. You may have sold it cheaply or expensively at £7995. I had a similar set of circumstances, trade in was £7600 I gave £8k knowing all I had to do was valet it, put a new ticket on and it would sell double quick.
  14. I don’t think I can quite emphasise enough how much of an achievement this is, considering it’s just you doing the buying and selling. 31 from 45? And still 10 days to go. Unbelievable.
  15. Steady Eddie. 6 from 10 sold, 5 away with one handover at the end of the month. I'll be surprised if I can't squeeze one more away in the next 10 days. No tress pulled but equally no hair pulled either.
  16. Cheers chaps, and again as ever, to reiterate what I said 2 weeks ago, I listen to everything and will take every scrap of wisdom and knowledge I can get, gratefully.
  17. I think, assuming this car i’ve just bought doesn’t have that silly plastic emergency key that Audi provide, I will get a non fob key which will open the door made and that will be that.
  18. I had it up for £4250, he offered £4,000. I saw an opportunity to sell a car to a sensible sounding chap who was told he wasn’t getting a warranty etc and not to be ringing me if a bulb went tomorrow morning etc. So I sold it for £4,125. Good profit.
  19. It's not fair wear and tear. It's usage. If you booked a hire car and drove it for 2,000 miles and 2 months, it wouldn't be worth what the car was prior to that. Push back on the refund, you presumably don't actually want the car, or at least make him feel that way. Then, as you're trying to temper the situation, offer the refund but you really don't want to/have to and take 50p per mile for usage. As yet you don't seem to know what the full story is with this car, was there an oil leak which led to a loss of oil which he ignored which lead to low oil pressure etc? Don't be offering fuck all until you know exactly what happened, I thought you had already done this but it seems not. Get it back, get it independelty inspected, acertain the cause of the issue and ultimately if he's ignored warnings, driven the car like a c*nt then don't give him an easy way out. If, IF however it's not down to user error, he's not ignored warning signs, the inspection reveals something non user error related then start to offer him a repair and as a last resort, offer him the refund less usage. I repeat, I don't know the law in NI, whether it's the same so do your research and make sure you are covering yourself. Certainly ignore anyone who tells you this a simple case and you've done nothing wrong. You might have, you might not have but how they can tell that knowing fuck all would concern me. Communicate in writing, record events, do it properly.
  20. £140?! I wish. Even getting my car key chap to provide a non OEM one is £220 or even £250 depending on what type of key it is Good advice, thank you.
  21. How many of you bother getting a new one made up, if the car comes with only one? If not, how do you approach the disappointed look on the billys face when they discover only one key? I suppose the sensible thing is to discount there and then, write it up on the invoice as discounted (to cover any dodgy billy behaviour saying they never received 2 keys)
  22. Just sold, 14 days to turn. Quite surprised the number of hits it was getting I have to say and it's made me consider actually stocking them. I've always looked at them and shied away but perhaps I'll give another one a go.
  23. Buy a used headlight you cheap fucker.