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Everything posted by EPV

  1. It’s smoke and mirrors. Naturally most people buying a £5k car want to know that if it blows up the day after purchase they have some recourse. 90% of them have no idea of their rights and think “sold as seen” is still a thing so a warranty gives them a warm fuzzy feeling. Smoke and mirrors.
  2. I’d actually enjoy defending myself. I represented myself in court when me and the ex couldn’t agree terms on access to my boy. All I want is a guardian angel on my shoulder, similar to what AD says.
  3. Lawgistics (other brands available) would answer any pre court correspondence, letters etc, advise you whether you have a case or whether you’re in the wrong etc. So i’d imagine they’d know from experience whether it’s even worth contesting, long before someone even issues the summons. If they did decide to advise you to let the billy do their worst, i’d expect them to deal with everything for me, brief me etc right up to the point where I had to go into the court. You are being reasonable mate yes, this is all hypothetical discussion.
  4. No. Unless you think defending yourself starts when you walk into said shitty court room. In my eyes, if someone wants to take me to court, I'd like someone who knows what they're doing to be helping me defend myself. That's all.
  5. Depends on why you want to offer warranties. To protect yourself against payouts? Then it's a third party warranty but don't expect a payout within the first 30 days. If it's to protect the customers, they're already protected. If it's to make the customers fell better about their purchases then run your own. Ultimately when push comes to shove, there are certain things you have to pay out for. A warranty either protects you against the payout or it doesn't. Beyond that it's smoke and mirrors and the best thing to do is keep as much money as you can in your own pocket. There will be plenty of other opportunities to lose it.
  6. So because you're the defendant you're defending yourself? Of course not. You could have (if you chose to) someone like Lawgistics defending you. Thats all I was saying.
  7. These are my thoughts. Anyway, the OP is a big boy as he's eluded to, so good luck to you mate. The answer to your question is that the car is presumably in the trade. It can change hands a thousands times, no need to do anything on line. Make sure it all stacks up, make sure you have enough information that the car is legit etc and give him money, take the car and the entire V5 and get it prep'd and sold.
  8. Then don’t deal with people like this.
  9. Up to you mate but I would be steering well clear. The thought of buying a car off a plastic trader horrifies me.
  10. +1 for tradewise the online portal is great, get a car on the MID in seconds.
  11. I’ve come across this a few times. You know what I do? I find another car to buy. If this chap can’t sell it to the great unwashed for cheap what chance have you got to sell it for strong money?
  12. If you are a member of Lawgistics why would you be in a small claims court defending yourself? That’s the point mate, they are there to help you.
  13. It’s his responsibility to cancel the direct debit. Tell him politely it’s his responsibility to manage his own banking affairs and ask how you are supposed to control direct debits that leave his personal bank account each month? Then state you will not be entering into any further discussions on this matter. Oh, and start transferring ownerships of cars online.
  14. Should have been done when you set up your calculator. Do you use Ivendi or Codeweavers? Just ring your account manager, tell them what you want. You’ll need to pick a lender, whoever you use the most, if you use multiple houses.
  15. I don’t understand. You set your apr on your calculator. You choose it?
  16. I joined Lawgistics yesterday Si, need their help dealing with a difficult garage rather than a difficult customer. Can feel the benefits already.
  17. Wrongly but I wouldn’t let it worry you. People on here have been doing that for years. The spring loaded clips work nicely and I have the suckers as a back up.
  18. I’d be surprised, zuto didn’t want to know me when I wasn’t Fca registered
  19. EPV


    Nisan cashcow
  20. EPV


    I don’t agree. The first impression lasts, as the saying goes and if the first thing the punter sees is a couple of old part ex shitters to clear their first impression won’t be a good one. It’s not even a conscious thought it’s all sub conscious. Not saying YOUR website is like that Mark of course, I like your website i’m just saying that in a digital market place (and it will only become more and more digital) then it’s important that the customer immediately sees reliable, trustworthy, professional. Take a look at Rory’s website. It’s absolutely perfect. First impression is a bloke who wins awards and the second impression is “look at my reviews they’re the bollocks” When someone has more or less decided they want the car, and most people will be coming to your site via a referral (I.e. AT or Car Gurus or eBay) then what they are looking for is information about you as a company, as a person etc. They want reviews they want trust they want to feel they are going to buy a car from a proper dealer. So imo, the first impression should be exactly that. Plenty will disagree with me here i’m sure, particularly the elder statesman as they think reviews and videos aren’t necessary and perhaps they aren’t for THEM but for someone starting out in this industry then digital marketing and reviews/brand trust is imperative. I may have gotten slightly off tangent here but i’m a firm believer in the notion that Car buying is becoming more and more digital by the month almost, so what people see online of you makes a significant impact on whether they will buy a car from you. As ever mate it’s the case of whatever works for you. No one can tell you that you need AT as you’re doing it without but no one can tell me that I can do without AT as i’ve tried it and I cannot do without AT. I like the fact that we can all show proof it can be done different ways.
  21. EPV


    It’s very easy to log where your enquiries come from, I don’t bother asking punters because as you say, they don’t know. Autotrader enquiries are very easy to log, either via phone, email or chat. I treat any other enquiry as non AT. 90% of my sales come through AT, that’s a fact for me. Logging and assessing where your enquiries and sales come from is crucial and you definitely don’t need to rely on the punter for that information.
  22. I don’t see how that helps, I thought a v62 was just a document to allow you to tax a vehicle in the absence of a v5. where does the private plate then go?
  23. I don’t know for sure but I can’t see how. The number plate has to belong to someone. Currently the car is in the trade so the plate can’t be retained to anyone. Cover the plate up with your own branding for the website photos and by the time someone turns up to see if they probably won’t even notice the plate.