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Everything posted by EPV

  1. Yeah this is self funded warranty or what is actually the truth, my responsibility under the cra. As i’ve said before warranties are just smoke and mirrors. I think although I get the billy to sign up saying they must return the vehicle to me in the event of a statutory repair. I think from now on I will refer to this a few times during the handover and just flat out refuse to deal with anything remotely. It’s not a great situation but a rare one at least. That’s not right. You’ve got confused. If the dealer cannot repair the fault first time THEN the billy can reject for a refund. If a different fault appears then you have one shot at that too. One way around it is as Noacross suggests, another is to get in writing the billy accepting that the repair is a contractual repair under warranty, not a statutory repair, a contractual repair of which you can have as many as you like.
  2. Ok so if the OB see it with the anpr cameras but also see it with a trade plate on i assume they drive on buy?
  3. This is a current subject for me. What to do in the event of a punter some distance from you (75 miles say) who has had the car a week and it’s sprung an oil leak? I feel bad asking for them to return it back to base when they’ve only had it a week? What about if the eml came on and the car wasn’t in limp mode? just hypothetical examples of situations to deal with if I began to self warrant (which I do) and self admin (which I don’t)
  4. I’ve had an issue with Lawgistics self funded warranty. Their claims hotline in their brochures is shit. A punter rang 5 times on Friday and couldn’t get through. I rang yesterday and left a message. No reply. I’ve got an email out to the lady who set my self funded warranties up and it’s a pissed off email so let’s see what she’s got to say. It’s not much help when you pay for them to run the admin and no one can actually get an answer. Will update tomorrow.
  5. You can tax uninsured cars I believe. So yes.
  6. XC90? I don’t think you will need anyone to tell you this but for every model you see on AT with 200,000 miles on there are five that stopped working at 90,000 miles. Buy on condition and buy what you love. Don’t look at a car you’ve always wanted and then get something else. You’ll always regret that. Be patient and find the right example of the car you want.
  7. Ok. What about when the law pull you over cos your plate is coming up as not insured?
  8. I think you’ve not found a good one yet mate!
  9. If I can prove by a timed ownership transfer done online that I wasn’t the registered keeper, i’d suggest i’d be covered surely?
  10. How’s the new premises looking?
  11. Same as really. Let them do it for £13 and I go over what they have missed.
  12. Someone gave me a £20 drink once. Which was nice. Frankly i’d rather they bought a car from me and I never saw them again
  13. So the reason is that if you don’t take the car off the MID (I always do) and the punter doesn’t insure their car (they always do, I make sure they are 100% road legal at handover) and they have an accident (seems plausible but quite low risk) i can see why that’s an issue if that all happened. But the reality is, I like being on the MID to save any plod entanglement and I take all my vehicles off the MID as part of my handover process. I have to say I prefer my way in this instance so I appreciate the advice as ever but will stick to my way in this case, thanks Nick. “You sell it and dont take off the mid” As above mate, that doesn’t happen as I have a checklist and removing the vehicle from my policy is on that checklist. Again, I do appreciate the point you’re making.
  14. Whatever you like. Take a look at what warranty wise want and knock £50 off it.
  15. Standard stuff in my limited experience. Feast or famine. Hope you get a few away over the next few days.
  16. I don’t, no, because I don’t advertise in those places however i’m a big boy and can handle being sworn at.
  17. Absolutely. But you need to buy from privates. Not people who have bought a car from an auction, marked it up by £300 and struggled to sell it. Now we can see why he has struggled to sell it but for me the alarm bells were ringing on that one a long way from home. I like buying off privates as you can get good stock as you say. But one of my preliminary questions when I ring the seller is “is the v5 in your name?” and if the answer isn’t yes then it’s always “nah I bought the car a few months back and just didn’t transfer the name over to mine” or “nah it’s my aunties car innit” then the conversation is terminated. It doesn’t matter how cheap the car is, there will be something wrong with the car, the seller, or both. Plenty of cars out there to buy.
  18. Ring a main Dealer, give them a registration number and they will give you the paint code
  19. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Meguiars-X3090-Tyre-Dressing-Applicator/dp/B0006KZ6LW
  20. Buy a proper foam applicator.