have a word with the wife

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Everything posted by have a word with the wife

  1. mileage history Mileage82,275 miles Mileage109,425 miles Mileage136,398 miles Mileage555,864 miles Mileage574,111 miles Mileage596,324 miles Mileage143,280 miles its a van, fair enough, but, think i will let it go
  2. i cant see why most traders wouldnt have there own code reader, ok, so your not mechanics, i understand, but its got to be helpful surely? tradexs excellent suggestion re coolant temp, is easily checked with a code reader that does live data [ very cheap nowadays] essential as a jump pack in my thoughts ?
  3. no you cant money claim online is £410..... [far better spending £455 and do it by paper form]. if it goes to court as in the defendant submits a defence the hearing fee is £335. if you loose and want to appeal its £120 and if you win and they dont pay you issue a warrant of control at £77 total £942 or £987
  4. how did i stop getting a failure/advise tomorrow? on the one that's booked in at ten ? well the front subframe was a peeling sheet of rust, cost? half a tin of satin black and a few hairs out of the wirebrush, £3, the n/s pads were stuck in caliper slightly, remove, brake clean aerosol, sliver of coppaslip, cost ? £1? n/s sidelight bulb black, obviously going to pop any minute, probably at test, cost? a 501 ? £1. total cost £5 plus 1 hours labour --------------------------------- without pdi = mot result= front brakes fail n/s sidelight out advise= front subframe corroded ---------------------------------- with pdi = pass no advisories --------------------------------- moral = havent got to go back to test station, [and the hour i spent doing these little jobs would have easily been taken up by going back to test station] i havent got a worrying advise on the test paper. why be a busy fool? just my thought
  5. might be casing the joint, make sure your balloons are tied down
  6. run on cooking oil perhaps ? everyone i know who ran one of these could peel a orange in there pocket
  7. Took a m/cycle in p/ex, bloke just wanted to walk away from motorcycling altogether, so he threw the helmet in as well, i didnt show much interest in bike, maybe £300 allowed, cant remember, there was plenty profit in car, and sure bike was worth easy £350 in THE magazine of the time . bloke turns up, kicks tyres, we had a chat, me = i took it in swap, you know your way round bikes, have a look, there if you want it, do what you want, as i say, took in swap, bloke walked away from it, even left his skid lid. punter = i shall have it, heres your money, where do i sign, and where's helmet ? me = helmets not advertised mate, bike is, youve bought bike... punter = best give me money back then ! ive come here in a taxi, and i was going to ride it back home me = what if helmet doesnt fit though matey? and how did you intend to get it back when helmets only just been mentioned ? look, just take the bloody helmet, and stop interrupting me, now where was i ? oh yes, 20 40 60 80
  8. a old mot tester once told me some things he came across, a fairy liquid bottle pushed in to a chassis and blacked over, the finger and thumb test made it whistle and a hospital worker that used plaster of paris on a sill
  9. duckhams tin in the sill with plenty of black
  10. well that's a first i just let them get on with it, if they turn up with "mechanic" [joiner] i am on hand to answer questions and to stop them trying to achieve 50,000 rpm. if they ask if they can have it inspected, i remind them of the pdi, the full mot, and the test drive they've just been on [ if applicable]. i remind them the car is on sale to the first customer and a inspection could take several days to come to fruition, then they 99% of the time say yes your right, i will have it
  11. Sounds like that fat woman june last week that was looking at the clio, told her she wouldnt fit, we got her in, but had to cancel the accompanied test drive, no way am i going on a test drive in back seat, sale cancelled by her, nothing wrong with her, apparently the cars fault, not big enough ! Anyway keep that snow off the screens i want to see them prices from the road, jump pack fully charged and clean cups for the punters! june takes three sugars if you see her
  12. sounds like you taxed it on green slip, so any refund would have gone to previous owner, you applied [v62] for a logbook in oct despite selling the car in july, that would create big problems for the current keeper, who, now maybe hasnt got a taxed car, and yet simply didnt check your email for the transaction id number, sorry, but no sympathy, and its not 8 weeks .
  13. The reality is that ANPR cameras cannot detect a Trade Plate that is behind glass, i.e. on the dash-board or back parcel shelf of a car. Therefore the only reading the camera receives is that of the original registration plate of the vehicle, which most likely indicates the car is either SORN or ‘in trade’ in a dealer stock, thus the dealer receiving a fine for not having a licenced vehicle on the road. After further discussions the DVLA have said that as long as a Trade Plate is visible anywhere on the exterior of the front and rear of the vehicle they will accept that as legal. If the camera cannot see a Trade Plate on the exterior they will prosecute and we have already heard of cases of enforcement by the DVLA, and in one case the threat of withdrawing Trade Plates from a dealership for improper use/display. Difficult as it is to fit these plates to some models of cars, we would ask all dealer management to let their drivers, testers and salesmen know it is imperative to use Trade Plates on the exterior of the vehicle to avoid penalties or worse.
  14. why does the pump always flick over another penny its never £20, its always £20.01p my local garage ask me for just £20, sainsburys demand £20.01p or the lady gets very angry [bitch]
  15. Thats what i said ! but, as i said, it is up to the trader to prove the fault wasn't present at time of sale, not the consumer ! Think we are all getting a bit carried away thinking a pdi is a get out of jail card.....it isnt My pdi, is to be sure to myself the car is safe, will be reliable, and the majority of things work, if for example, the air con isnt very good, i note it, and tell them,i even check door locks now oh! and being meaning to bring this up for ages! if any of you do loose in court, dont forget to ask the judge [remind] for the vehicle back ! seen a couple of cases where a claimant has had money back, and in the heat of the moment the defendant has forgot to ask for car back, and its very difficult to get it [more court cases] back!
  16. unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described, 30 days . 6 month, you have one shot at repairing it RIGHT. fault is assumed to be present at time of sale unless you can prove otherwise. 6 month it is the seller who has to prove fault not present at time of sale, not the consumer, the work is put on our shoulders, thats why we have to, as, respected motor traders, know the cra . or 29 days free car hire
  17. i once had a bonnet fall off old fiesta, hinge snapped "we have a few more to look at but thanks anyway "
  18. fault not present at time of sale..............prooved damaged suspension herself...................prooved aa [ wtf they know i know ] but, suggested cat c damage, so theyve spotted something when changing wheel [ this where your new tyre comes into it ] she needs to phone her insurance, not you.................and i would be quite strict on this .
  19. i never knew the person who took me to court smoked, until, leaving the court doors, a car went past at break neck speed with the claimant driving and smoking worse than a old atkinson on a cold morning
  20. They came to fault the car, and could not, to reduce the price, that was the first thing they could think of Walk awayfrom customer , answer the phone that hasnt rung, talk bollocks with loads of thankyous within ear shot of messer, turn phone off, approach messer, ask whos got keys, if theyre in car, remove them with the for sale board, turn sale board to sold, put back in window, lock the car. "really really sorry, but, this cars now sold, see that car over there ? chap this morning couldnt decide between that one or this one, he left a £200 deposit with me this morning, he needed to check out insurance, well hes just phoned, hes having this one, really sorry about that" you might get =" how much did you sell it for?" the price in window sir ! i dont reduce prices ! walk away............