Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Don't be a doomers, this has been a genuine project "wheeler dealer" stylie...I've brought it back to life for a few hundred quid..
  2. Welcome Frazbomb, its sounds like a collectors dream.....
  3. Agreed, I went to Bristol yesterday with my list of 30 which was wittled down to 12 after inspection, I actally bought 4 with only 1 being on the initial list which was a 2011 530d SE Touring 160k for £5900 with the tip and delivery, I thought that was cheap..... Also bought a T5 T30 122k in white for £4500 inc VAT Delivery and tip... I thought I'd smoke the 530 for a while...
  4. I agree, you are right Paddy and I apologise to you and all I have ofended, my comment was too general. I should of had a caveat "Not all" Brexiteers are racist and ignorant.
  5. Another hand clapping all round I feel...............................
  6. Spot on Tradex. Hand clapping all round I feel
  7. Yes, I lose some. But, I gain the confidence of people who wouldn't normally travel so far to purchase, being, open and transparent right from the start gives them the confidence to buy. Since operating this way I have cut out tyre kickers, time wasters, dreamers and the low ballers. Everything I hated about the job I have stopped. I simply don't allow people to waste my time and if people don't like it they can simply jog on. I woke up the this AT review this morning. Great Car Buying Experience By Eddie M 1 Day ago This is a different way to buy a car but it works. Simon's honest video appraisal convinced me to pay my deposit and fly 400 miles to Exeter. The car needed a change of licence plate and Simon's communication was exemplary throughout the process. He then met me at the airport with the car which it must be said easily exceeded his description. The price was very competitive, no haggling required and he helped talk me through the online taxation procedure. All in all it's been a great experience. I'm delighted with the vehicle and price paid and would definitely do it all again the next time we need a new car. Embrace the process and deal with confidence - you may never buy another car the old fashioned way again!
  8. I would take it direct to a BMW specialist. It needs proper diagnosis.
  9. Really. So you think all online retailers and their buyers are vulgar..... I think Argos, eBay, Amazon, Thomson’s, etc etc would very much disagree... If you think online business’s are vulgar you are dafter than you portray yourself. Join the 21st century.
  10. Agreed. Bollox to Brexit and politics. Let’s all agree to move on.
  11. Ok, so you are saying “out is out” no trad with Europe ? Agreed
  12. Out means out, or at least I thought it did! We have a trade deficit (i.e. we consume more in goods than we sell their way) so we should have the whip hand against the E.U. but these pillocks couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. Mainly Germany but also France SHOULD be quaking in their boots about our tariffs on their goods but they must be laughing at us and we’ll no doubt be paying a divorce bill as well as honouring our financial commitments to E.U. projects - it’s a disgrace. The rot set in early in negotiations when we made the first move, confirmed there would be no forced repatriation & that people weren’t up for negotiation - a sop to soft lefties & liberals. Sorry but EVERYTHING should of been up for negotiation. Out of what BHM ??? Your out is different to the next person who voted out... Who knows !! Thats why chiefs reply is so stupidly ignorant, nobody knows. There should be another referendum agreeing...Simple.
  13. Don’t patronise me: I voted no to brexit I dont want brexit I thought you had more intelligence than a stupid answer likem that.
  14. Brexit has been voted in by the most ignorant racist people of the land, the ignorant benefit culture.
  15. I smoked a E430 for about 7 months, lovely car....
  16. Trade-Plates do not qualify you to drive an unroadworthy vehicle. MOT repairers are aloud to test the vehicle on the road for the purpose of checking the repair.
  17. The only time you can drive a car on the road without an MOT is to a pre-booked MOT appoinment. Otherwise on a trailor.
  18. Its an absolute rollercoaster at the moment, no consistency. Only sold 2 so far this month, but bought 5 today and a three last week in prep.
  19. Cars are machines.... they break and need repair. When you sell a vehicle and agree to do specific work as part of the deal, that becomes part of the contract. The fact that whilst completing this work another problem occurs or prevails itself is typical of working with machines. At the end of the day, advice your customer and get it fixed...End of story.... I don't think anything else needs to be read into this......