Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. I have one of the very last CAP black book issued on my desk, I couldn't bare to throw it away... I still use it continually. Mark if you can get hold of a CAP book its also a wealth of knowledge.
  2. Nik, I don't see there being any problem with banging up a few plagiarised pictures prior to prep, done it many times. The only problem is when you get a billy which wants it straight away and pesters you.... The quicker you can advertise it, the quicker you can sell it. But not if its a shit pit car like "project Bravo"
  3. Frustratingly slow month for me, but managed to finish strong with 5 over the last 4 days..... Funny old game this...
  4. Correct not a dicky bird.... But, if he does come back its sold and gone.
  5. EPV, I find to be really useful, there's a wealth of knowledge there including Model history, specs, faults & recalls, also real-time MPG.... use it all the time
  6. I this helps... I use it all the time.
  7. Tell him in no uncertain terms his expectations are unrealistic and you’ve been more that patient. Give an inch and the Billy’s will take the piss....stop giving him the the inch....
  8. I was thinking the bags would be for the wife..... hehe Just turn the light off and imagine that sky weather girl Naz......
  9. Hi Dean, all V70s either manual or Auto are very good sellers. They are not undesirable like a Mercedes manual.
  10. How long is a piece of string....
  11. The lawgistics receipt states clearly that he understands that it is his responsibility to return it for a statutory claim. Offer him a full refund on receipt of the car.
  12. I wouldn’t say what I show is extreme, it’s simply what most buyers with half a brain would look for. Tyre depth, brake disc wear, showing the amount of genuine stone chipping to the front. Confirming original paintwork etc. These are all great selling points and shouldn’t be looked at as being excessive, it’s simply be transparent and giving the billy even more reason to buy.
  13. To be fair Nik, he picked fault with the faults I had already pointed out, not faults I had missed. He acknowledged my description was accurate, but had clearly decided prior to arrival that he was only going to me £500 less than agreed. However, I refused and kept his substantial deposit. Exactly.
  14. I disagree completely. I get nothing but praise from my customers, videos absolutely sell cars and they are far better than pictures and a long winded description. Video gives you the opportunity to sell yourself and the car to the customer, people buy from people (maybe that's why you don't do it... haha ). Seriously BHM, if you had told me 5 years ago I would be selling all my cars by video I would have spat my tea out and laughed in your face. I myself specialise in 8-12 year old cars, the more open and transparent you can be about the car the better. You do not need to pick out every blemish, that is simply daft..... You just need to say, "this is a 10 year old car and you should expect wear n tear commensurate with its age and mileage, it isn't new"...... You then walk round it praising it and pointing out how clean it and how well it has clearly been cherished by it previous owner, along with pointing out the few minor "bits of character" it has acquired over its years". The video clarifies the customers expectations of the car and stops them from feeling the need to pick fault, criticise and chip you down. They know exactly what they are getting prior to travel and I can honestly say, I have not had one customer try to chip me on price. It makes selling the car a much easier, simpler and friendlier process.
  15. I don't do any mechanical work myself, its all farmed out. If a belt is due or if there is no history I simply leave it to the buyer...
  16. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.
  17. I agree with Mark the passenger door needs to be fixed, it’s unsafe. BTW, no need to change the lock, it’ll be the actuator which is a really common fault, I’ve done loads of them. I don’t think you are over prepping, however I’ve never paid out for a belt n pump on a sales car. Also, never paid for wheel refurbishment either, but then I am tight. I also agree you’ve done a great job setting yourself up, you will find your own level of prep given time and experience. We all do things differently. BTW. Never compromise on safety.
  18. Andy, low mileage SL's are a very investable cars... prices are rocketing as we speak.