Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. David Wow there, your website is false, no history, no personal detail, no company info, it’s YOU who should’ve justifying who YOU are.....
  2. Oh..... never heard of one..... clearly a really desirable motor B David, is Motornet actually a business or are you simply introducing yourself as a twat ???? Please don't dance around the question.....
  3. Welcome DBCARS and thank you for the polite introduction which makes all the difference to the community here AD
  4. The first site genuine buyers look at is Autotrader, its the market leader by a huge margin. IMO, no point in duplication.
  5. Why are you purchasing trouble ? Shite market for scummy buyers. Horrible game in my book.
  6. Don't you just love cars....... At least its happened to you and not a customer....
  7. I like a bit of gammon with hirsuit honey..... enough
  8. Unroadworthy is the crux. Brutal advert, brutal video, brutal invoice. Don’t hint on anything it isn’t
  9. No. Stand your ground, he's already had one case dismissed, he hasn't got the bottle, he's all bottle. Just stay proffessional and call his bluff, let him know you aren't a walkover. You need to learn from this. He's fecking you around, not you messin with him. I'd like to see some blunt BHM opinon on this. Call his bluff, youv'e done your best and he's unreasonable. Now, as we have previously said, cut all correspeonded apart from RD. Tell him to return it or do his worst see you in court ! EDIT BUTTON !!
  10. Agreed. I took a C5 in PX this year which I sold to a Judge as a dog car, I ended up paying just under 3k for a fault (two seperate repairs) which were both ehum....(present at the point of sale)........ Well and truely bent over was I....... but he left a glowing review..... Pick your battles
  11. Whenever I hear “Black bush” it makes me giggle .......
  12. FYI.
  13. What a cretin..... these billies need qualifying, otherwise you are just opening your arms to the pond life....
  14. That’s irrelevant, because if you went to court you would lose on the way you sold the car, an unchecked unroadworthy vehicle sold potentially denying the consumers right. The fact his case was struck out helps you, but the foundation to this is HOW you sold the car, everything else is irrelevant. There’s not a chance he will take you back to court. Write to him by RD stating the car must be returned by blah with keys and documents for a full inspection.
  15. I’m helping you. I’m telling you the truth. Get your paperwork right, sell your cars right and cover your ass. Youve attractred a twat because you’ve left yourself vulnerable. You should know your responsibilities and liabilities. You say you’ve been in the trade for 10 years.........
  16. You let an uninspected car on the road as a Retailer? What checks did you do to ensure the car was safe and roadworthy? Too add, as soon as you say no warranty you lose. Unless the car is sold as unroadworthy and trailored away.
  17. I’ve read the full thread, you shock me. Did you ensure your unroadworthy vehicle was sold as unroadworthy and trailored away ? No..... did you fully inspect the car to ensure it was safe to be on the road.... no You are implying It’s sold “as is” you simply cannot do that to the consumer. Your actions reflect badly on all of us who understand our responsibilities. To sell unroadworthy you need to cover yourself. There’s no excuses.