Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Wow.... thank you.... "cinematic flare"... I'm just want an easy straightforward deal, that's the ethos behind what I do....No timewasters
  2. James, I love you floor.... In fact your photos, presentation abosolutely everthing about your website is superb. Where did you get that floor from and how doi you keep it clean.... If its not a secret
  3. Thanks, very kind words. Prople buy from people who they can trust, what you see it what you get, no bullshit, I tell it as it is. I’m brutally honest and I guarantee accuracy.
  4. lol, my current stock is slow at the mo, so I'm just appreciating the PX bangers, especially when they owe me nothing, I enjoy MAXING out the profit with a brutally honest video appraisal / presentation. Very, very Easy money.... Lets see if I can get another PX on it........
  5. I wouldn't buy one to retail, however I would take one as a PX as long as its a banger with a few years of recorded MOT's since the damage. I don't like the type of billy they attract.
  6. Recently had a Allroad BiTDi wich I had a Quantum remap put on, absolutely awesome car, trouble was I ended up selling it straight away..... Looking forward to the Modeo coming in tomorrow......
  7. He’s just had a very generous 10k ? offer
  8. TG put up one of his item numbers..... let the fun begin
  9. Like No chance, it’s a manual. Like
  10. lol, we are talking 40 years ago before we started to pay for these parasites
  11. We were too poor to have one....
  12. Agreed, the public and business users haven't embraced electric....... Too ugly, too dear, too unknown....... Leaf = Betamax.
  13. I still made profiting it, it had a new interior and full respray. It was stunning when finished. That evil little car laughed at me for nearly a year, horrible thing...
  14. Well over 20 years ago I took in a white R07 SL450 with a short MOT, it was cheap. Went to put the wipers on and they were waving around like they were having a fit...... The bulkhead was rotten, had to put a new bulkhead in it..... Huge job
  15. Bulls are colour blind, a china shop would have been better
  16. Definitely worth paying for the Stealers stamp. But, can you imagine the type of buyer who would want a used Leaf....
  17. Nik, clearly you don't like the way I do business, thats no problem What I don't dont quite understand is why you are trying to belittle and patronise me. I have an opinion which is balanced and fair, please explain the 16 approx "keyboard wars" I have been in the last 4 months..... I know you are an immigrant from Bularia which is a communist state, and I can understand why you want to be here. But I'm born and bread from a country where people are allowed to have an opinon.
  18. Its a Ghia, look at the NSR door badge, approx 180k+6 Months MOT. GTB £690 me thinks.
  19. The deposit is totally mutual, it’s an agreement between both sides. It confirms intent. Nik, didnt you have 4 wasted appointments last weekend or the weekend before ? It made me think... why are you wasting your life, why are you devaluing yourself and your time. That’s time you could spend with your family and children. You’ll never get back. I simply don’t allow time wasters into my life. Been there, done it, had enough of it. Thats why I operate my way, my process it’s fair and ensures nobody’s time is wasted. As soon as you ask for commitment and they make excuses.... decline.
  20. I'll start it early, the car owes me nothing. Drives as new, done 180k something.... What's it worth ?
  21. Nik, I don't think it would of been a good business decision or ethically right thing to do to battle over £100 on a remote sale, the guy was totally genuine polite and remorseful.