Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Tony, any warranty given is in addition to your resonsibilities as a vehicle retailer. By saying, I give no warranty is misleading to a consumer. You simply cannot say no warranty offered as its very bad practice, to imply you are trying to disolve your responsibilities. You have fundamentally and bluntly screwed yourself.......................
  2. You are digging yourself a grave, did you advertsie it with a current MOT ? Or did you describe it as unroadworthy, sell it on an unroadworthy invoice and ensure the vehicle was trailored away ?? This is all very muddy......
  3. It all smells very rotten to me. He purchased the car knowing full well it required repair and was faulty.
  4. Unless it’s absolutely scrap I’ll sell it myself. Easy money in the bangers. Try a brutal eBay advert.
  5. You can't charge for mileage in the first 30 days. Failed repair = full refund by the method they paid. In future, always state the repair is kept open and may reappear due to further required diagnosis, it will then still constitute the first repair. An SRS is a safety issue, therefore you don't have a leg to stand on. But, you can fully argue the fault wasn't there at the point of sale, its just wear n tear. In my book, always repair inside 30 days. Outside, thats a different story.
  6. David, it would have fooled me aswell. I hope you get your money back mate, its made me realise that I am vulnerable, so thanks for posting...... S
  7. Yeah agreed...... anything S Line or black edition.....find me a cubicle types, come back all red faced wiping off the catalogue....
  8. You see I would normally agree, but haven't all the old school BMW buyers moved to Audi's and the old school Audi buyers moved to BMW ?
  9. Yeah posibly, I'm not that au fait on the finer details...... Could it be construde as manipulation ? I would pose the question to the council, they will have a definetive reply....
  10. Over the last few years I have been selling anything Audi, but having sold quite a few BMW's more recently my fondness for them and there buyers is returning, they seem to attract non messers with cracking PX's........ Am I just having a lucky spell, or am I deluded.... Oh, I know a lot of you don't touch German, but its my bread and butter.....
  12. Rent relief is only available on your first commercial property, its non negotiable.
  13. Yep, but its done 160k, so £990 happy days........ Love the bangers
  14. Sold !! £600 cash plus a 06 Xsara 1.6 HDI Exclusive which apparantly needs an alternator.........
  15. This ^^^^^ It can be a very insular job, I have many years of experience as a home trader and can help with my personal experiences. I’ve never been good at being told what to do so it’s a perfect job for me. There are some very successful self made veterans here with a huge wealth of knowledge which openly give it for free. We all help each other here in our different ways, with all our different experiences. It’s a great forum and I for one highly value it.
  16. You are all welcome.... following a nominal deposit to confirm your attendance
  17. when I look at the maths, I'll be 65 when they reach there twenty...... Will I see grand children......... ( not if they are like me they won't) better to have loved, than.....................
  18. I don't think it really matters, I went years wanting children, then resigned myself to thinking it wouldn't happen, horrible divorse, lost loads of £, started over again and met a younger bird, (16 years younger, shes lucky) we've been together 10 years now, banged out two boys (within 11 months, 5 years ago) when I was 45, got married last year, spent loads of money last year and this year, now I need to make a future for the boys...... Oh and spend quality time with them, which is now my target. Time with my family.