Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. The Merc was lovely. Wait for the next book project mondeo post and you’ll see TV. Book ?
  2. No, they are good as gold, and the nasty neighbour had no reason to to report me to the council. He just needed educating.
  3. That’s really spooky, my direct neighbours had no problem with me, both retired and wealthy but liked the fact I brought some life around the place...
  4. Like We are all softies and like to help, are you a Student Lucas ? Please introduce yourself properly and explain your background.
  5. Only once this year out of 147 sales, so far.... the guy called prior to collection and said Mrs says unsuitable, he'd made a mistake and I refunded. I have never had anyone actually come to me and disagree with the quality and accuracy of my appraisal....
  6. Absolutely, the OP has every right to do what he is doing, he has to be bigger and better than nosey neighbour. However, if he persists then it should be him making a complaint to the council quoting harrassment, bullying, antisocial neighbourly behaviour...... The last episode of neighbourly hassle I had to deal with I turned it round onto the council and said all of the above about the sad retired antisocial nosey neighbour and they agreed, they went round to him and explained I wasn't doing anything wrong and he needs to stop his victimisation.....
  7. I think it was bang on the money to be fair, the car was clean but wouldn't of commanded any more, I maxed it Well only the exterior photos, I hadn't even had time to have the interior hovered, the buyer always wanted a Merc (from a Mondeo) and that colour sold it to him...... Cheers, I'll start a new thread on the Mondeo when it comes in on Thursday. As I have said, I love the bangers...... But here's a preview, it's next to the Mercedes
  8. SOLD full price £1490 with a Mondeo taken in PX (£250) given. Project Mondeo will be next......
  9. If only I had a LIKE button I've said it before, I love my old PX bangers.... I've got 16 proper retail cars advertised with another 5 to go on, but all I'm excited about is this old C200....... Can't wait to big it up in the vid
  10. It is an auto, a few minor blemishes here and there, some very minor rust just starting, completely solid underneath.. Overall, its well above average condition. Drives beautifully
  11. Those foreign non-payer bidders are why I stopped ebay auctions, these complete and utter scumbags bidding in the last minute with absolutely no intent on buying. You could have a 10 day auction finishing 8pm on a Sunday and then "scoobynaznazhussein69" bids in the last second and fecks it all up. It still really makes me ANGRY...
  12. Deposit prior to appointment, simply confirm it’s fully refundable on collection if miss described. Listen to the excuses and learn.....
  13. Guys, To make it clear I don’t wear nor need a syrup and fig I’m fifty and my hair isn’t enhanced, coloured or even bothered with in any respect, it’s totally natural and the complete envy of the greater majority of my buds
  14. Its such a lovely car to drive, how mercs used to feel Big like painting my floor has been a shed load of work, and I mean a lot of work.. Next year I'll concentrate on my offices If you sell on honesty and accuracy and guarantee it the billy has no excuse but to agree or give you reasons as to why they don't want to buy, you are far better off finding this out prior to appointing and wasting your time when said billy isnt actually wanting to buy or looking for a friend or etc etc etc... Why should you make an appointment and give away your money / time to someone who just wants to just "av a look". Qualify every customer.
  15. Is that you, me or sarcasm, I'm not sure..... ?
  16. You are better off offering all your MOT, service and repair work to a local garage which will value your custom and ask them if in return you meet and great your billies there...... I did it for years.....................
  17. My deposit across the board is £100, it’s fully refundable if inaccurate, plus with the guarantee all travel costs will also be refunded, no quibble. No genuine buyer has an excuse not to buy, it calls their bluff.
  18. Planning doesn’t need to be applied for, the property is a family home, the government want to encourage small business.