Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Exactly the same as me, keeping myself self motivated I do struggle with sometimes especially when it’s quiet.
  2. No offence James but self nomination imo is like sending yourself a Christmas card. Not my cup of tea. But... I would self nominate myself for the most selfish with my time, it’s my way or highway.
  3. You'd be crazy to sell the scrap as a retail car...........
  4. You must sell them as scrap / unroadworthy which must be trailored away. They complete a Lawgistics Unroadworthy Invoce confirming all of the above. I have never had a comeback.
  5. Hi Tony, why don’t you start your own post introducing yourself to the forum.
  6. Wow, that’s outrageous daylight robbery. I’ve never paid for spare key to be made up, mr billy you only need one key, two is a bonus.....
  7. Do you make use of this offer ? I always try too because it makes sense. My package with AT is 11+2, but I currently have 17 on AT with another 6 to go on. The additional cars will be free from Dec 1st. The more cars you have the more cars you sell....
  8. You'll never walk the same again..............
  9. Can anyone recommend a good value tool for checking the above? Cheers
  10. Guys, it was Nik who said his PL was included in his trade insurance. I actually have a separate policy.
  11. I’m with you there..... I wouldn’t even last a day i always cancel my AT package when I’m on holiday because I want a complete break, no business at all...... apart from this bloody forum of course.
  12. The point I am making is clear, we all have costs to outlay prior to buying or selling and making a bean. You have to know your running fixed / variable annual costs to appreciate your break even point, whether it’s 2k 5k or 23k like James. All of the above costs are prior to paying out for prep.
  13. If you wear work clothes they are a work wear,, they are a fixed cost, if you run a vehicle for work that is a fixed cost, boots gloves, jackets, hats, socks, gimp masks, tea coffee sugar sweetener, these are all fixed costs. If you buy a car for 5k without any prep and sell it for 7k you don’t make 2k minus VAT & tax, you have to know your actual running average fixed costs. You don’t have public liability? You don’t have an office at home, you don’t travel to auction you don’t have a computer, you don’t have a printer, you don’t have ink, you don’t have pens, you don’t service your allocated car, you don’t have break down cover.....
  14. Do you not have insurance, trade plates, public liability, professional imdenity, electricity, water, office, stationary, travel, petrol, car tax, lunch, clothing, breakfast..... plus loads more. You might be a doorstepper but these are your fixed costs, plus loads more.
  15. Ok Nik, you win you don’t have annual fixed costs...
  16. So those aren't annual fixed costs ?
  17. Really, are you sure........ Erm exactly.
  18. You have to know what your business costs you annually prior to making a sale and div it by 365, or 12, or 52, or 10 if you want 9 weeks off so you know exactly what you need to do to cover your lifestyle...
  19. Efficiency and effectiveness directly effects conversions, this can be statisized. A good seller will for exampley convert 3 sales in 10 enquiries, a poor seller will only convert 1 in 20, its all down to knowing exactly what your staff are doing and how you can improve there sales........ I've perfected it to the point where the billy has to convince me they are going to buy my motor.......... Therefore no time wasted...
  20. I used to manage a telesales team where targets were was broken down into hours.........