Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. Bloody Rude in my book. No introduction, no hi guys I would be really grateful if you could help... Boils my piss when newbies expect us to give up our time to help them when there’s not even a please or thank you.
  2. Both of my AT negatives are from people I have never met or sold a car to. Written by absolute pond life both of them. Any potential customer who hasn’t been lobotomised will appreciate your positives and ignor the bottom feeders.
  3. Me too. And the notes in my wallet have to start with £5’s, then £10’s, then £20’s at the back..... And.... I can’t have £50’s in my wallet but they protrude out the top......
  4. It was the battery guys.... doh The following codes B1003 voltage supply control unit voltage too low B1005 unknown code B1001 electric ignition control unit.
  5. If you search for lawgistics you’ll find lots of posts
  6. All fixed and done, customer happy again
  7. When they pull out a Jiffy bag full of notes divided into hundreds with (one note folded over every fifth note gippo style)..... Why oh why do they do that.
  8. I do educate my customers at the point of sale explaining the CRA excludes “wear n tear” is not my responsibility, my responsibility is to ensure the car is described correctly, is safe and fit for purpose at the point of sale. You, Mr Customer have to understand WnT is your responsibility to fix along with service and maintenance. Depending on the car, I tend to go along the lines that within 30 days I repair regardless as a gesture of goodwill. This is why I’m debating whether to use a LG warranty booklet and advertise I offer my own 1 month warranty. I simply can’t make up my mind.... A new a new approach maybe..... Edit A new year with a new approach maybe....
  9. That’s exactly why it’s fundamentally flawed and wrong. Ok, it’s great they are good at re-targeting, but it’s their job to advertise not to pass judgement.
  10. We should all know our responsibilities as retailers under the CRA. As you know wear n tear is excluded, but how do you define it ?
  11. I wouldn’t advertise with carguru in principal. How dare they be so negative about the retailers, stating how long they have had stock and thats it’s overpriced. It’s fecking outrageous and I would gladly slap the face of anyone with a wet fish “monty python” style who thinks I’m wrong. So there
  12. No chance, hell would freeze over before I would be someone else's bitch....
  13. The front wheels and steering wheel are straight. Apparently it’s a common fault, the EIS fail, however they can be refurbed £200/250.. I will get it properly diagnosed. Thinking..... the key won’t turn in the ignition, how will they plug it in???
  14. Does it need to go to a Mercedes specialist. I need it working, it’s the family bus. Going to get aa
  15. Dave not cold at all... 9 degrees..
  16. Ok guys, but do you think its a good idea on my type of stock, older leggy etc ? or, am I asking for trouble.......
  17. Cheers Nick, do you use them ?
  18. Resolved, thanks guys. Here’s the link
  19. Re Viano, a new airbag cured the problem:) Now I have another... just tried to start and the key won’t turn in the ignition, tried the spare absolutely the same. The car locks and unlocks by the remote and all of the dash lights come on as normal, the key simply won’t turn....