Arfur Dealy

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Everything posted by Arfur Dealy

  1. He could of hired a transit LWB for the bi-annual fags and booze run.
  2. Sounds like good advice, especially if done over the bonnet of the said car...
  3. I’m flying back as we speak (chartered my own Concord) and am designing a strongly worded banner with colourful crayons....
  4. Olives are devils eyes..... Tescos stopped selling Twinnings afternoon tea (yellow packe) and now I have to make a special trip to Waitrose to buy tea. What about middle lane hoggers..... and those countries which don’t eat pork...
  5. Better the devil you know. Finding a reliable paint shop which is reasonably priced isn’t easy, hang on to him. Your prices seem reasonable to me, my guy is £100 a panel but he feathers it in properly and £150 a bumper (off body). The price reduces as more work is required. He’s always really busy... if I was going to expand I would move into paint.
  6. I think you are being wise by not jumping too big, too soon. A nice fresh office in a professional environment (I can already picture the video) intro to your business. A unique professional set up for unique professional buyers, now there’s a slogan.... Best of luck SteveG
  7. LIKE. There’s a subculture of morons cretins and imbeciles. One of the first things you learn as a child is to listen and always read the question (at least twice). These subhuman types never even got to that stage... absolute pond-life and they are getting worse.
  8. Don't bother. FB is full of pond life. Stick to AT.
  9. The whole country is on pause. “No decimal points were excessively used in the post”
  10. I seem to have missed this post, probably because it’s a Vauxhall... BTW, lmfao !! I love Cars that fix themselves.
  11. You’ve done a great job, your business is you... I’d buy from you
  12. It's like that for me, I do nothing for a week.. then 3.. then 2... then 3.. waves of buyers.... then nothing....historically I average 12 a month... I'm taking time off now whilst the boys are off school, I'm back after Easter. Hoping to sell a couple via email on the beach whilst I'm away (phone on Airplane mode), we will see..... I expect I'll be prolific on here whilst away, so apologies upfront to anyone I might piss off...... BTW, I have been wanting to say, I like your new website and especially the way you've written it up, very genuine, very honest, not too complicated and pushy.. You come across really well Mark, trustworthy and reliable.. People buy from people...
  13. Well, I'm dead quiet at the mo, not sold a car for 7 days....
  14. LIKE I have a bad habit of leaving lots of full stops at the end of a sentence, no idea why.........