trade vet

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Everything posted by trade vet

  1. Ha Ha ...Really.....I think Andy and James should request to view the evidence and look at the invoices for these transactions to help prove the applicants credibility.I would certainly like to hear the story,it sounds like something from the 70’s.
  2. If you wouldn’t mind introducing yourself to the guys on here first,I am sure they will be of help.That is generally how it works on here.
  3. Just to clarify,I am not saying WEBAC cars are being doctored ..... !
  4. If you are interested in a UKCGR entry and you are not sure,this is what you need to do.If the bidding opens up quickly then the chances are it is a good one.The reason for this is that the likelihood is that the WEBAC guys who buy them will probably have guys that they will tip off which ones to buy.Years ago I used to buy non runners using this method from BCA Edinburgh and you would find there was nothing wrong with them,they had just been doctored prior to entry not to start........I hope that makes sense.
  5. Tango Victor could probably explain about criminal mentality.A few years back a dealer I know had a Astra Diesel estate stolen when being valeted.It went from there to Halfords where they bought black aerosol for the windows.It was then used in a robbery on a mini supermarket or similar as a getaway car.They got caught and from stealing it to committing the robbery was all on CCTV and I think they had previous for the same offence.
  6. We have done this topic fairly recently.The bottom line is that there is cracking stuff to be bought in all sections of UKCG if you know what you are doing.Lets face it,BCA are selling 300,000 of these per year.To think of 3 that I have bought in the last year out of quite a lot,61 Jag not warranted mileage 9k ( it looked right to me and was ) ,a late ish ad blue Merc diesel needing a bit of paint at over 2 grand below Cap and a 15k 08 Ka for £700.
  7. Used car market in the £50 billion and 7.5m sales.Whatever Brexit does it will not effect the market in the same way as past events like 3 day weeks,quadrupling of the oil price,petrol rationing,miners strikes,15% bank base rates and others.We still did business and just adjusted to the market.So don’t worry about a recession because if you are any good at the job ,you will be OK.
  8. HMRC often dont make any sense.We used to to pay our PAYE to Cumbernauld office Glasgow,.I think to do that we had to send our remittance to Bradford.Also,If you want to see them that is not easy.I was querying a VAT assessment,so I phoned the inspector who worked in an office 2 miles away from us in Newcastle.( The 2nd largest government building in the world after The Pentagon ).I was told the office was not open to the public and I should contact Southampton office.You cannot make it up !
  9. I agree with that but the main point is that there are so many dealers about who appear to do well having been around awhile but in reality their business is worth zilch while their stocking loans appear to get bigger. I don’t think large stock loans help you get ahead.
  10. ......Not a good idea as I only get pocket money from my wife.( my CEO )It goes back to when I had my first pitch and always having a grand readies in your back pocket. I was always missing cash.I now run around in a 06 Rav while my wife’s handbag collection is probably worth more than the stock on a small pitch !
  11. Don’t worry about me.My concern is how some of you guys can carry on.It was dead easy when we started.When you were early 20’s it was normal to have 30 car pitches,own freehold property and be debt free.You would not believe what it was like.
  12. OK Nick as I have zero experience.The way we se it is that it may be called unit stocking by the lenders but on your balance sheet it is down as a current liability or debt.So because of these you see a lot of car dealers whose bottom line net worth is negative which can probably make them technically insolvent.Money may be cheap at present but what happens when rates rise,we old guys recall base interest rates at 15% in 91/92.The thought of looking out the window at your stock which is on the drip when the job is quiet still frightens me.
  13. Jerry,Larry,Kramer and all the others...brilliant.We are big Seinfeld and Curb fans
  14. I will try that. Didn’t think you would like ‘ Shot in the Dark ‘ ,it is probably boring for you Police Officers.
  15. Well it’s vehicle related but makes your job look easy. ( if that makes sense ) If you search ,you should find the trailer....
  16. For those who have Netflix and are finding this job hard at the moment.Take a look at these guys,it’s called Shot in the Dark.Its about self employed cameramen ( known as stringers)speeding around Greater LA ( 88 cities) through the night and competing with rivals to get there first to film RTA’s,freeway pursuits,buildings on fire and various crime.They then package and edit their footage and try and sell it to the TV networks for the morning news....Only In America !
  17. It always happens on the ones you need to get away like those you have smoked trouble free for months or previously refunded twice over....Why ?
  18. AD is back,it must be down to Tango Victor.I am pleased because he is a good player at this job and he helps people.You just have to get used to getting a bollicking every now and then.Even I have had one or two.
  19. Carefull what you write guys.This is not the private lounge.I may be wrong but if AD has not been banned or suspended,he might now be in for a ‘ few quid ‘ from you guys if he decides to respond to some of these comments. What do they say, say it forget it,write it regret it.
  20. Out of interest,my daughter follows all things American and she says that Reviews are now ‘old hat’.She says that the way forward is to have your own regular Twitter/Podcast thing where you don’t just bullshit about your business,YOU ARE SEEN talking about anything.You could be saying how some old lady came in with her Fiesta for p/x which she wanted £1000 for and it was so good you gave her £1500 etc.You might also have opinions on things like Come Dancing and Bake Off or how some kids today with 3 A levels cannot tell the time.Apparently ( in the US) for those video stars who have the ability,the viewings which start with your punters then multiply very quickly elsewhere and it is good for business.For example,.O J Simpson now does this for a living since he came out of jail and often gets 1m views per time.I don’t understand this stuff of course but thought I would mention it.
  21. Blowing 5 grand....Something different.(sorry a bit long winded )Long ago when everyone paid by cheque.The bank calls and says we are way overdrawn.I reply that it was not possible as we had paid in X number of cheques in the last few days.The guy says you need to pay in £x in the next 24 hours or we will return ( bounce ) your cheques as unpaid.So to remedy the problem I reluctantly agreed to trade a Merc if they paid pronto by bank draft.This meant blowing £5k which was big money back then.So I present the draft and the cashier says ‘ you should have just transferred money over from your personal account ‘ ( which usually only had £700 in it ) so that made no sense.It turned out that we had been mistakingly using a new style personal account paying in book for company bankings which the bank did not notice either.As the company name and our name is totally different ,I complained for compensation.The bank complaints procedure took a couple of months and the result was that we would not get any compensation because we were ‘ contributory negligent ‘ by using the wrong paying in book........You had to sell a lot to net £5k back then,so it was a big blow and I could not buy the Merc back as it had been quickly traded on.
  22. It will be interesting to see the response on this one.Motor dealers nature in general is not to own up to their cock ups and losses.I would not no where to start.