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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Carzo zam inch or whatever they call them selves thought they had cornered the mkt with online delivery . THEN the virus changed the world , BCA even went online , We as independent traders went online too and there's 1,000's of car sellers delivering cars now which has probably diluted the theory somewhat . Now the next change in my head , people will get permission to leave their house to be in a freaky position of actually seeing what buy , Bugger getting it delivered I'm off for a ride & have a look at my next car , buy a burger and a coffee on the way , see it coming cant you . Had two customers yesterday wanting to see the car they want to buy , talk of how does it work is fading fast as of course they want to see a 5 yr old car , feel it touch it sit in it before buying . We and the rest of us independents are set up to go back to showing customers cars of course , see online car buying fading away personally . People are ready to get out . lets see how the next few months go , all the very best to all traders , hope its heading for a good year .
  2. 1 point
    Anyone using a portable tracker? Like hide it in the boot of whatever car someone’s come to look at. I’ve been looking but can’t find much. Maybe it could just be a phone that gets really good signal Hopefully I’ll never need it.
  3. 1 point
    I use a Vodafone curve tracker. Worldwide tracking. £2 a month subscription. View from an app. Just hide in boot or elsewhere. ( the tracker not you). Can be used on dog collars etc too.
  4. 1 point
    The well-established model for a lot of online retailers is, you go and look at the thing in a normal shop, but stop short of buying it there. Instead, you come home, browse the internet and choose on price. Great for guitars, laptops, tellys etc and most things new, helped by DSR meaning you can send it back within 14 days. Unless the cars they source are absolutely fault-free and they somehow build a reputation for great cars, I can't see it ever working for an online secondhand car proposition. My experience is the best cars go new>used but stay within a dealer group eg Inchcape, Arnold Clark etc but even then, their processes aren't robust enough to filter out bad cars or afford to go the extra mile to resolve an issue, they dig their heels in and treat a car just like any other dealer treats a car comeback. The reviews read generally good but there are always some horror stories. So, they need to "break the ceiling" for customer care; but do it at the cheapest price, cheaper than everyone else. From a starting point of nothing. Can this be done simply by relying on economy of scale? With someone else's money? Hmmmmmm I'm oot!
  5. 1 point
    Well, it is spelled differently from the others. Didn't Cinch raise 300 long only last year, where's that gone? Can't all of been spent on teeth whitening?
  6. 1 point
    Hi David listened to the latest one this week the bloke talks sense and only 40 ish its nice to hear the younguns have it Forgot to say thanks,,so thanks
  7. 1 point